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RibbonDropDown API in JavaScript Ribbon API control

Defines the items of Ribbon.



Adds a new item to the menu. By default, new item appends to the list as the last item, but you can insert based on the text parameter.

Parameter Type Description
controlId string Gets the control ID.
Items ItemModel[] Gets the DropDown items.
text (optional) string Gets the text of the dropdown item where the new item needs to be inserted.

Returns void


Removes the items from the menu.

Parameter Type Description
controlId string Gets the control ID.
Items string[] -
isUniqueId (optional) boolean -

Returns void


To open/close DropDownButton popup based on current state of the DropDownButton.

Parameter Type Description
controlId string Gets the control ID.

Returns void


Updates the dropdown.

Parameter Type Description
prop RibbonDropDownSettingsModel Gets the dropdown property.
id string Gets the ID of dropdown.

Returns void