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Overview API in JavaScript Progressbar API control

Name Description
AnnotationBase Base file for annotation
ProgressAnnotation Class for progress annotation
Animation Animation
Border Configures the borders .
Font Configures the fonts in progressbar
Margin progress bar complex interface
ProgressAnnotationSettings Annotation
RangeColor RangeColor
TooltipSettings Options to customize the tooltip for the progress bar.
ProgressTooltip class for tooltip.
ProgressBar progress bar control
Circular Progressbar of type circular
Linear Progress Bar of type Linear
Segment Progressbar Segment
ProgressAnimation Animation for progress bar
ILoadedEventArgs loadedEvent for progress bar
IProgressResizeEventArgs Resize
ITextRenderEventArgs loadedEvent for progress bar
LinearGradient Interface for LinearGradient attributes
Static Functions Root static functions of Progressbar Component
CornerType Corner type
ModeType Linear modes
ProgressTheme theme
ProgressType progress bar type
TextAlignmentType Text alignment