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LabelOperators API in JavaScript Pivot Table API control

Defines the conditional operators for string type fields. They are

  • Equals - Display the pivot table that matches with the given text.
  • DoesNotEquals - Display the pivot table that does not match with the given text.
  • BeginWith - Display the pivot table that begins with text.
  • DoesNotBeginWith - Display the pivot table that does not begins with text.
  • EndsWith - Display the pivot table that ends with text.
  • DoesNotEndsWith - Display the pivot table that does not ends with text.
  • Contains - Display the pivot table that contains text.
  • DoesNotContains - Display the pivot table that does not contain text.
  • GreaterThan - Display the pivot table when the text is greater.
  • GreaterThanOrEqualTo - Display the pivot table when the text is greater than or equal.
  • LessThan - Display the pivot table when the text is lesser.
  • LessThanOrEqualTo - Display the pivot table when the text is lesser than or equal.
  • Between - Display the pivot table that records between the start and end text.
  • NotBetween - Display the pivot table that does not record between the start and end text.