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Overview API in JavaScript ListView API control

Name Description
FieldSettings Represents the field settings of the ListView.
ListView Represents the EJ2 ListView control.
AnimationSettings An interface that holds animation settings.
DataAndParent An interface that holds details of data and parent.
Fields An interface that holds options of fields.
ListSelectedItem An interface that holds list selected item.
NestedListData An interface that holds nested list data.
ScrolledEventArgs An interface that holds scrolled event arguments
SelectEventArgs An interface that holds selected event arguments
SelectedCollection An interface that holds selected collection.
SelectedItem An interface that holds selected item.
UISelectedItem An interface that holds UI selected item.
ElementContext ElementContext
ListViewEffect An enum type that denotes the effects of the ListView. Available options are as follows None, SlideLeft, SlideDown, Zoom, Fade;
checkBoxPosition An enum type that denotes the position of checkbox of the ListView. Available options are as follows Left and Right;
direction An enum type that denotes the ListView scroll direction when it reaches the end.