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TaskProcessor API in JavaScript Gantt API control

To calculate and update task related values



To calculate duration of Gantt record with auto scheduled start date and auto scheduled end date

Parameter Type Description
ganttProperties ITaskData Defines the gantt data.

Returns number


To calculate duration from start date and end date

Parameter Type Description
ganttData IGanttData Defines the gantt data.

Returns void


Method to update duration with work value.

Parameter Type Description
ganttData IGanttData .

Returns void


Update all gantt data collection width, progress width and left value

Parameter Type Description
data IGanttData .
parentRecords Map .

Returns void


Update units of resources with respect to duration and work of a task.

Parameter Type Description
ganttData IGanttData .

Returns void


Method to calculate work based on resource unit and duration.

Parameter Type Description
ganttData IGanttData .

Returns void