ContextMenu |
The ContextMenu module is used to handle the context menu items & sub-menu items. |
DayMarkers |
DayMarkers module is used to render event markers, holidays and to highlight the weekend days. |
Edit |
The Edit Module is used to handle editing actions. |
Filter |
The Filter module is used to handle filter action. |
RowDD |
Gantt Excel Export module |
Selection |
The Selection module is used to handle cell and row selection. |
Sort |
The Sort module is used to handle sorting action. |
TaskbarEdit |
File for handling taskbar editing operation in Gantt. |
DateProcessor |
Date processor is used to handle date of task data. |
Gantt |
Represents the Gantt chart component. |
GanttChart |
module to render gantt chart - project view |
TaskProcessor |
To calculate and update task related values |
AddDialogFieldSettings |
Defines dialog fields of add dialog. |
Column |
Configures column collection in Gantt. |
DayWorkingTime |
Defines the working time of the day in the project. |
EditDialogFieldSettings |
Defines dialog fields of edit dialog. |
EditSettings |
Configures edit settings of Gantt. |
EventMarker |
Defines event marker collection in Gantt. |
FilterSettings |
Configures the filtering behavior of the Gantt. |
Holiday |
Defines holidays of project. |
LabelSettings |
Defines labels for task, this will be placed right, left and inner side of taskbar. |
LoadingIndicator |
Configures the Loading Indicator of the Gantt. |
ResourceFields |
Defines the mapping properties to extract resource details from the resource collection. |
SearchSettings |
Configures the searching behavior of the Gantt. |
SelectionSettings |
Configures the selection behavior of the Gantt. |
SortDescriptor |
Represents the field name and direction of sort column. |
SortSettings |
Configures the sorting behavior of Gantt. |
SplitterSettings |
Configures splitter position and splitter bar. |
TaskFields |
Defines mapping property to get task details from data source. |
TimelineSettings |
Configures the timeline settings property in the Gantt. |
TimelineTierSettings |
Configures timeline settings of Gantt. |
TooltipSettings |
Configures tooltip settings for Gantt. |
WeekWorkingTime |
Defines the working time of the day in the project. |
ChartRows |
To render the chart rows in Gantt |
BeforeTooltipRenderEventArgsData |
Extending IGanttData and PredecessorTooltip interfaces for data used in BeforeTooltipRenderEventArgs interface. |
IGanttData |
Specifies Gantt-chart interfaces |
ColumnMenuItem |
Defines the default items of Column menu |
ContentType |
Defines PDF ContentType. |
DayOfWeek |
To define the day of a week |
DialogFieldType |
Defines tab container type in add or edit dialog |
DurationUnit |
To define duration unit for whole project |
EditMode |
Defines modes of editing. |
ExportType |
Defines Export Type. |
FilterHierarchyMode |
To define hierarchy mode on filter action |
FilterType |
Defines filter type of Gantt |
GanttAction |
Defines the Undo Redo actions. They are |
GridLine |
To define grid lines in Gantt |
PageOrientation |
Defines PDF page orientation. |
PdfDashStyle |
Defines the PDF dash style. |
PdfHAlign |
Defines PDF horizontal alignment. |
PdfPageNumberType |
Defines PDF PageNumber Type. |
PdfPageSize |
Defines PDF page Size. |
PdfTheme |
Defines the exporting theme |
PdfVAlign |
Defines PDF vertical alignment. |
RowPosition |
To define new position for add action |
ScheduleMode |
To define schedule mode of Gantt |
SearchHierarchyMode |
To define hierarchy mode on search action |
SortDirection |
Defines directions of Sorting. They are |
SplitterView |
To define initial view of Gantt |
TaskType |
To define task type for task |
TimelineViewMode |
Defines the schedule header mode. They are |
ToolbarItem |
To define toolbar items in Gantt |
WorkUnit |
To define work unit for whole project |