/ Gantt / GanttAction
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GanttAction API in JavaScript Gantt API control

Defines the Undo Redo actions. They are

  • Sorting - Define the sorting action in undo/redo.
  • ColumnReorder - Define the columnReorder action in undo/redo.
  • ColumnResize - Define the columnResize action in undo/redo.
  • Delete - Define the Delete action in undo/redo.
  • Edit - Define the Edit action in undo/redo.
  • Add - Define the Add action in undo/redo.
  • Search - Define the search action in undo/redo.
  • Filtering - Define the Filtering action in undo/redo.
  • ZoomIn - Define the ZoomIn action in undo/redo.
  • ZoomOut - Define the ZoomOut action in undo/redo.
  • ZoomToFit - Define the ZoomToFit action in undo/redo.
  • ColumnState - Define the ColumnState action in undo/redo.
  • PreviousTimeSpan - Define the PreviousTimeSpan action in undo/redo.
  • NextTimeSpan - Define the NextTimeSpan action in undo/redo.
  • Indent - Define the Indent action in undo/redo.
  • Outdent - Define the Outdent action in undo/redo.
  • RowDragAndDrop - Define the RowDragAndDrop action in undo/redo.
  • TaskbarDragAndDrop - Define the TaskbarDragAndDrop action in undo/redo.