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XmlWriter API in JavaScript File Utils API control

XmlWriter class provide method to create XML data


buffer Blob

Gets the content written to the {XmlWriter} as Blob.



Releases the resources used by XmlWriter.

Returns void


Saves the file with specified name and sends the file to client browser

Parameter Type Description
fileName string file name

Returns void


Writes out the attribute with the specified prefix, local name, namespace URI, and value

Parameter Type Description
prefix string namespace prefix of element
localName string localName of element
namespace string namespace URI associate with element
value string value of element

Returns void


Writes an element with the specified prefix, local name, namespace URI, and value.

Parameter Type Description
prefix string namespace prefix of element
localName string localName of element
namespace string namespace URI associate with element
value string value of element

Returns void


Closes any open tag or attribute and write the state back to start

Returns void


Closes one element and pop corresponding namespace scope

Returns void


Writes processing instruction with a space between the name and text

Parameter Type Description
name string name of the processing instruction
text string text to write in the processing instruction

Returns void


Write given text as raw data

Parameter Type Description
text string text to write

Returns void


Writes Xml declaration with version and standalone attribute

Parameter Type Description
standalone (optional) boolean if true it write standalone=yes else standalone=no

Returns void


Writes the specified start tag and associates it with the given namespace and prefix.

Parameter Type Description
prefix string namespace prefix of element
localName string -localName of element
namespace string namespace URI associate with element

Returns void


Writes the given text content

Parameter Type Description
text string text to write

Returns void