The FileManager component allows users to access and manage the file system through the web browser. It can performs the functionalities like add, rename, search, sort, upload and delete files or folders. And also it provides an easy way of dynamic injectable modules like toolbar, navigationpane, detailsview, largeiconsview.
<div id="file"></div>
let feObj: FileManager = new FileManager();
Specifies the AJAX settings of the file manager.
Defaults to { getImageUrl: null; url: null; uploadUrl: null; downloadUrl: null;}
Enables or disables drag-and-drop of files.
Defaults to false
Enables or disables the multiple files selection of the file manager.
Defaults to true
Specifies the context menu settings of the file manager.
Defaults to { file: [‘Open’,’|’, ‘Cut’, ‘Copy’, ’|’, ‘Delete’, ‘Rename’, ’|’, ‘Details’], folder: [‘Open’,’|’, ‘Cut’, ‘Copy’, ‘Paste’, ’|’, ‘Delete’, ‘Rename’, ’|’, ‘Details’], layout: [‘SortBy’, ‘View’, ‘Refresh’, ’|’, ‘Paste’, ’|’, ‘NewFolder’, ‘Upload’, ’|’, ‘Details’, ’|’, ‘SelectAll’], visible: true,}
Specifies the root CSS class of the file manager that allows you to customize the appearance by overriding the styles.
Defaults to ”
Specifies the details view settings of the file manager.
Defaults to {columns: [{field: ‘name’, headerText: ‘Name’, minWidth: 120, template: ’${name}‘,customAttributes: { class: ‘e-fe-grid-name’}}, { field: ’fmmodified’, headerText: ‘DateModified’, type: ‘dateTime’,format: ‘MMMM dd, yyyy HH:mm’, minWidth: 120, width: ‘190’ }, { field: ‘size’, headerText: ‘Size’, minWidth: 90, width: ‘110’,template: ’${size}’ }]}
Defines whether to allow the cross-scripting site or not.
Defaults to true
Enables or disables persisting component’s state between page reloads. If enabled, the following APIs will persist:
: Represents the previous view of the file manager.path
: Represents the previous path of the file manager.selectedItems
: Represents the previous selected items in the file manager.Defaults to false
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the File Manager allows multiple items selection with mouse dragging. Set this property to true to allow users to select multiple items with mouse drag as like file explorer. Hover over the files or folders and drag the mouse to select the required items.
Defaults to false
Enable or disable rendering component in right to left direction.
Defaults to false
Gets or sets a value that enables/disables the virtualization feature of the File Manager. When enabled, the File Manager will only load a subset of files and folders based on the size of the view port, with the rest being loaded dynamically as the user scrolls vertically through the list. This can improve performance when dealing with a large number of files and folders, as it reduces the initial load time and memory usage.
Defaults to false
{ : }
Specifies the array of data to populate folders/files in the File Manager. The mandatory fields to be included in the JSON data are defined in fileData interface. This interface can be extended to add additional fields as required.
Defaults to []
| number
Specifies the height of the file manager.
Defaults to ‘400px’
Overrides the global culture and localization value for this component. Default global culture is ‘en-US’.
Defaults to ”
Specifies the navigationpane settings of the file manager.
Defaults to { maxWidth: ‘650px’, minWidth: ‘240px’, visible: true, sortOrder: ‘None’}
Specifies the current path of the file manager.
Defaults to ’/’
| string
Specifies the target element in which the File Manager’s dialog will be displayed. The default value is null, which refers to the File Manager element.
Defaults to null
Specifies the root folder alias name in file manager
Defaults to null
Specifies the search settings of the file manager.
Defaults to { allowSearchOnTyping: true, filterType: ‘contains’, ignoreCase: true}
Specifies the selected folders and files name of the file manager.
Defaults to []
Shows or hides the file extension in file manager.
Defaults to true
Determines whether to show or hide hidden files and folders. This is applicable only for storage systems that support attributes for controlling the visibility of data, including physical file directories and custom flat data handlers.
Defaults to false
Gets or sets a boolean value that determines whether to display checkboxes in the file manager. If enabled, checkboxes are shown for files or folders on hover.
Defaults to true
Shows or hides the thumbnail images in largeicons view.
Defaults to true
Specifies the field name being used as the sorting criteria to sort the files of the file manager component.
Defaults to ‘name’
| string
Defines the custom sorting function.
The sort comparer function has the same functionality like
sort comparer.
This can be used to customize the default sorting functionalities with required comparison values.
Defaults to null
Specifies a value that indicates whether the folders and files are sorted in the ascending or descending order,
or they are not sorted at all. The available types of sort orders are,
- Indicates that the folders and files are not sorted.
- Indicates that the folders and files are sorted in the ascending order.
- Indicates that the folders and files are sorted in the descending order.
Defaults to ‘Ascending’
An array of items that are used to configure File Manager toolbar items.
Defaults to []
Specifies the group of items aligned horizontally in the toolbar.
Defaults to { items: [‘NewFolder’, ‘Upload’, ‘Cut’, ‘Copy’, ‘Paste’, ‘Delete’, ‘Download’, ‘Rename’, ‘SortBy’, ‘Refresh’, ‘Selection’, ‘View’, ‘Details’], visible: true}
Specifies the upload settings for the file manager.
Defaults to { autoUpload: true, minFileSize: 0, maxFileSize: 30000000, allowedExtensions: ”, autoClose: false, directoryUpload: false}
Specifies the initial view of the file manager. With the help of this property, initial view can be changed to details or largeicons view. The available views are:
Defaults to ‘LargeIcons’
| number
Specifies the width of the file manager.
Defaults to ‘100%’
Adds the handler to the given event listener.
Parameter | Type | Description |
eventName | string |
A String that specifies the name of the event |
handler | Function |
Specifies the call to run when the event occurs. |
Returns void
Appends the control within the given HTML element
Parameter | Type | Description |
selector (optional) | string | HTMLElement |
Target element where control needs to be appended |
Returns void
Adding unload event to persist data when enable persistence true
Returns void
Deselects the currently selected folders and files in current path.
Returns void
Specifies the method which must be invoked to programmatically close the dialog popup in the file manager.
Returns void
Creates a new folder in file manager.
Parameter | Type | Description |
name (optional) | string |
– Specifies the name of new folder in current path. If it is not specified, then the default new folder dialog will be opened. |
Returns void
When invoked, applies the pending property changes immediately to the component.
Returns void
Deletes the folders or files from the given unique identifiers.
Parameter | Type | Description |
ids (optional) | string[] |
Specifies the name of folders or files in current path. If you want to delete the nested level folders or files, then specify the filter path along with name of the folders or files when performing the search or custom filtering. For ID based file provider, specify the unique identifier of folders or files. If it is not specified, then delete confirmation dialog will be opened for selected item. |
Returns void
Triggers when the component is destroyed.
Returns void
Removing unload event to persist data when enable persistence true
Returns void
Disables the specified context menu items in file manager. This method is used only in the menuOpen event.
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | string[] |
Specifies an array of items to be disabled. |
Returns void
Disables the specified toolbar items of the file manager.
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | string[] |
Specifies an array of items to be disabled. |
Returns void
Downloads the folders or files from the given unique identifiers.
Parameter | Type | Description |
ids (optional) | string[] |
Specifies the name of folders or files in current path. If you want to download the nested level folders or files, then specify the filter path along with name of the folders or files when performing search or custom filtering. For ID based file provider, specify the unique identifier of folders or files. If it is not specified, then the selected items will be downloaded. |
Returns void
Enables the specified menu items of the file manager.
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | string[] |
Specifies an array of items to be enabled. |
Returns void
Enables the specified toolbar items of the file manager.
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | string[] |
Specifies an array of items to be enabled. |
Returns void
Display the custom filtering files in file manager.
Parameter | Type | Description |
filterData (optional) | Object |
Specifies the custom filter details along with custom file action name, which needs to be sent to the server side. If you do not specify the details, then default action name will be filter . |
Returns void
Returns the persistence data for component
Returns any
Returns the index position of given current context menu item in file manager.
Parameter | Type | Description |
item | string |
Specifies an item to get the index position. |
Returns number
Returns the route element of the component
Returns HTMLElement
Gets the details of the selected files in the file manager.
Returns Object[]
Returns the index position of given toolbar item in file manager.
Parameter | Type | Description |
item | string |
Specifies an item to get the index position. |
Returns number
Handling unload event to persist data when enable persistence true
Returns void
Opens the corresponding file or folder from the given unique identifier.
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | string |
Specifies the name of folder or file in current path. If you want to open the nested level folder or file, then specify the filter path along with name of the folder or file when performing search or custom filtering. For ID based file provider, specify the unique identifier of folder or file. |
Returns void
Applies all the pending property changes and render the component again.
Returns void
Refreshes the folder files of the file manager.
Returns void
Refreshes the layout of the file manager.
Returns void
Removes the handler from the given event listener.
Parameter | Type | Description |
eventName | string |
A String that specifies the name of the event to remove |
handler | Function |
Specifies the function to remove |
Returns void
Renames the file or folder with given new name in file manager.
Parameter | Type | Description |
id (optional) | string |
Specifies the name of folder or file in current path. If you want to rename the nested level folder or file, then specify the filter path along with name of the folder or file when performing search or custom filtering. For ID based file provider, specify the unique identifier of folder or file. If it is not specified, then rename dialog will be opened for selected item. |
name (optional) | string |
– Specifies the new name of the file or folder in current path. If it is not specified, then rename dialog will be opened for given identifier. |
Returns void
Selects the entire folders and files in current path.
Returns void
Specifies the method that must be invoked to traverse the path backwards in the file manager.
Returns void
Opens the upload dialog in file manager.
Returns void
Dynamically injects the required modules to the component.
Parameter | Type | Description |
moduleList | Function[] |
? |
Returns void
This event is triggered before the deletion of a file or folder occurs. It can be utilized to prevent the deletion of specific files or folders. Any actions, such as displaying a spinner for deletion, can be implemented here.
Triggers before sending the download request to the server.
This event is triggered before a folder is created. It allows for the restriction of folder creation based on the application’s use case.
Triggers before sending the getImage request to the server.
This event is triggered when a file or folder begins to move from its current path through a copy/cut and paste action.
Triggers before the dialog is closed.
Triggers before the dialog is opened.
This event is triggered when a file or folder is about to be renamed. It allows for the restriction of the rename action for specific folders or files by utilizing the cancel option.
Triggers before sending the AJAX request to the server.
Triggers when the file manager component is created.
This event is triggered after the file or folder is deleted successfully. The deleted file or folder details can be retrieved here. Additionally, custom elements’ visibility can be managed here based on the application’s use case.
Triggers when the file manager component is destroyed.
Triggers when the AJAX request is failed.
Triggers when the file/folder dragging is started.
Triggers when the file/folder is about to be dropped at the target.
Triggers while dragging the file/folder.
Triggers when the file/folder is dropped.
Triggers before the file/folder is rendered.
Triggers before the file/folder is opened.
Triggers when the file/folder is selected/unselected.
Triggers before the file/folder is selected.
This event is triggered when a folder is successfully created. It provides an opportunity to retrieve details about the newly created folder.
Triggers when the context menu item is clicked.
Triggers before the context menu is closed.
Triggers before the context menu is opened.
This event is triggered when a file or folder is pasted into the destination path.
Triggers when the dialog is closed.
Triggers when the dialog is opened.
This event is triggered when a file or folder is successfully renamed. It provides an opportunity to fetch details about the renamed file.
This event is triggered when a search action occurs in the search bar of the File Manager component. It triggers each character entered in the input during the search process.
Triggers when the AJAX request is success.
Triggers when the toolbar item is clicked.
Triggers before creating the toolbar.
Triggers before rendering each file item in upload dialog box.