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Overview API in JavaScript Dialog API control

Name Description
AnimationSettings Configures the animation properties for both open and close the dialog.
Dialog Represents the dialog component that displays the information and get input from the user.
Two types of dialog components are Modal and Modeless (non-modal) depending on its interaction with parent application.
BeforeCloseEventArgs Provides information about a BeforeClose event.
BeforeOpenEventArgs Provides information about a BeforeOpen event.
BeforeSanitizeHtmlArgs Provides information about a BeforeSanitizeHtml event.
CloseEventArgs Provides information about a Close event.
DragEventArgs Provides information about a Drag event.
DragStartEventArgs Provides information about a DragStart event.
DragStopEventArgs Provides information about a DragStop event.
OpenEventArgs Provides information about a DialogOpen event.
SanitizeRemoveAttrs Provides information about a SanitizeRemoveAttributes.
SanitizeSelectors Provides information about a SanitizeSelectors.
ButtonType Defines the types of a button in the dialog.
DialogEffect Specifies the Dialog animation effects.
ResizeDirections Specifies the Resize Handles.