/ Diagram / SnapConstraints
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SnapConstraints API in JavaScript Diagram API control

Defines the constraints to Enables / Disables some features of Snapping. None - Snapping does not happen ShowHorizontalLines - Displays only the horizontal gridlines in diagram. ShowVerticalLines - Displays only the Vertical gridlines in diagram. ShowLines - Display both Horizontal and Vertical gridlines. SnapToHorizontalLines - Enables the object to snap only with horizontal gridlines. SnapToVerticalLines - Enables the object to snap only with horizontal gridlines. SnapToLines - Enables the object to snap with both horizontal and Vertical gridlines. snapToObject - Enables the object to snap with the other objects in the diagram.

  • All - Shows gridlines and enables snapping
  • None - None - Snapping does not happen
  • ShowHorizontalLines - ShowHorizontalLines - Displays only the horizontal gridlines in diagram.
  • ShowLines - ShowLines - Display both Horizontal and Vertical gridlines
  • ShowVerticalLines - ShowVerticalLines - Displays only the Vertical gridlines in diagram
  • SnapToHorizontalLines - SnapToHorizontalLines - Enables the object to snap only with horizontal gridlines
  • SnapToLines - SnapToLines - Enables the object to snap with both horizontal and Vertical gridlines
  • SnapToObject - SnapToObject - Enables the object to snap with the other objects in the diagram.
  • SnapToVerticalLines - SnapToVerticalLines - Enables the object to snap only with horizontal gridlines