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Overview API in JavaScript Diagram API control

Name Description
DiagramGradient Paints the node with linear color transitions
DiagramShapeStyle Defines the style of shape/path
Gradient Paints the node with a smooth transition from one color to another color
LinearGradient Paints the node with linear color transitions
Margin Defines the space to be left between an object and its immediate parent
RadialGradient A focal point defines the beginning of the gradient, and a circle defines the end point of the gradient
Shadow Defines the Shadow appearance of the objects
ShapeStyle Defines the style of shape/path
Stop Defines the different colors and the region of color transitions
StrokeStyle Defines the stroke style of a path
TextStyle Defines the appearance of text
Thickness Layout Model module defines the styles and types to arrange objects in containers
Canvas Canvas module is used to define a plane(canvas) and to arrange the children based on margin
Container Container module is used to group related objects
ColumnDefinition Defines the behavior of the ColumnDefinition of node
GridPanel Grid panel is used to arrange the children in a table like structure
RowDefinition Defines the behavior of the RowDefinition of node
StackPanel StackPanel module is used to arrange its children in a line
DiagramElement DiagramElement module defines the basic unit of diagram
DiagramHtmlElement HTMLElement defines the basic html elements
ImageElement ImageElement defines a basic image elements
DiagramNativeElement NativeElement defines the basic native elements
PathElement PathElement takes care of how to align the path based on offsetX and offsetY
TextElement TextElement is used to display text/annotations
Diagram Represents the Diagram control
DiagramSettings Represents the diagram settings
CustomCursorAction A collection of JSON objects where each object represents a layer.
Layer is a named category of diagram shapes.
DataMappingItems A collection of JSON objects where each object represents a layer.
Layer is a named category of diagram shapes.
CrudAction Configures the data source that is to be bound with diagram
Gridlines Provides a visual guidance while dragging or arranging the objects on the Diagram surface
SnapSettings Defines the gridlines and defines how and when the objects have to be snapped
Command Defines a command and a key gesture to define when the command should be executed
CommandManager Defines the collection of commands and the corresponding key gestures
ContextMenuSettings Defines the behavior of the context menu items
KeyGesture Defines the combination of keys and modifier keys
Layer A collection of JSON objects where each object represents a layer.
Layer is a named category of diagram shapes.
LayoutInfo A collection of JSON objects where each object represents a layer.
Layer is a named category of diagram shapes.
Background Defines the size and appearance of the diagram page
PageSettings Defines the size and appearance of diagram page
ScrollSettings Diagram ScrollSettings module handles the scroller properties of the diagram
DiagramRuler Defines the properties of both horizontal and vertical guides/rulers to measure the diagram area.
RulerSettings Defines the ruler settings of diagram
SerializationSettings Defines the serialization settings of diagram
CommandHandler Defines the behavior of commands
ConnectorEditing Multiple segments editing for Connector
LineRouting Line Routing
UserHandle A collection of frequently used commands that will be added around the selector
ConnectTool Helps to edit the selected connectors
ConnectorDrawingTool Draws a connector that is defined by the user
ExpandTool Animate the layout during expand and collapse
FreeHandTool EJ2-33302 - Freehand drawing support in diagram control.
LabelTool Opens the annotation hypeLink at mouse up
MoveTool Drags the selected objects
NodeDrawingTool Draws a node that is defined by the user
PolyLineDrawingTool Draws a PolyLine Connector dynamically using PolyLine Drawing Tool
PolygonDrawingTool Draws a Polygon shape node dynamically using polygon Tool
ResizeTool Scales the selected objects
RotateTool Rotates the selected objects
SelectTool Helps to select the objects
ToolBase Defines the interactive tools
ZoomPanTool Pans the diagram control on drag
FlowchartLayout Defines the Flowchart Layout
HierarchicalTree Hierarchical Tree and Organizational Chart
FlowchartLayoutSettings Defines the configuration settings for flowchart automatic layout
Layout Defines the behavior of the automatic layouts
MindMap Layout for mind-map tree
SymmetricLayout SymmetricalLayout
Annotation Defines the textual description of nodes/connectors
Hyperlink Defines the hyperlink for the annotations in the nodes/connectors
PathAnnotation Defines the connector annotation
ShapeAnnotation Defines the textual description of nodes/connectors with respect to bounds
BpmnDiagrams BPMN Diagrams contains the BPMN functionalities
ActivityFlow Sets the type of the flow in a BPMN Process
BezierSegment Defines the behavior of bezier segments
BezierSettings Describes the length and angle between the control point and the start point of bezier segment
BpmnFlow Sets the type of the flow in a BPMN Process
ClassifierMultiplicity Defines the behavior of the UMLActivity Classifier multiplicity connection defaults
Connector Connectors are used to create links between nodes
ConnectorSegment Defines the behavior of connector segments
ConnectorShape Sets the type of the connector
Decorator Decorators are used to decorate the end points of the connector with some predefined path geometry
DiagramConnectorSegment Defines the behavior of orthogonal segments
DiagramConnectorShape Connector shape for blazor
MultiplicityLabel Defines the behavior of the UMLActivity Classifier multiplicity connection defaults
OrthogonalSegment Defines the behavior of orthogonal segments
RelationShip Defines the behavior of the UMLActivity shape
StraightSegment Defines the behavior of straight segments
Vector Describes the length and angle between the control point and the start point of bezier segment
ConnectorFixedUserHandle Defines the connector Fixed User Handle
NodeFixedUserHandle Defines the node Fixed User Handle
IconShape Defines the behavior of default IconShapes
LayoutAnimation Layout Animation function to enable or disable layout animation
BasicShape Defines the behavior of the basic shape
BpmnActivity Defines the behavior of the bpmn activity shape
BpmnAnnotation Defines the behavior of the bpmn annotation
BpmnDataObject Defines the behavior of the bpmn data object
BpmnEvent Defines the behavior of the bpmn Event shape
BpmnGateway Defines the behavior of the bpmn gateway shape
BpmnShape Defines the behavior of the bpmn shape
BpmnSubEvent Defines the behavior of the bpmn sub event
BpmnSubProcess Defines the behavior of the BPMNSubProcess
BpmnTask Defines the behavior of the bpmn task shape
BpmnTransactionSubProcess Defines the behavior of the BpmnTransactionSubProcess
ChildContainer Defines the behavior of container
DiagramShape Defines the behavior of the UMLActivity shape
FlowShape Defines the behavior of the flow shape
Header Defines the behavior of header in swimLane
Html Defines the behavior of html shape
Image Defines the behavior of image shape
Lane Defines the behavior of lane in swimLane
MethodArguments Defines the behavior of the uml class method
Native Defines the behavior of Native shape
Node Defines the behavior of nodes
Path Defines the behavior of path shape
Phase Defines the behavior of phase in swimLane
Selector Defines the size and position of selected items and defines the appearance of selector
Shape Defines the behavior of default shape
SwimLane Defines the behavior of swimLane shape
Text Defines the behavior of the text shape
UmlActivityShape Defines the behavior of the UMLActivity shape
UmlClass Defines the behavior of the uml class shapes
UmlClassAttribute Defines the behavior of the uml class attributes
UmlClassMethod Defines the behavior of the uml class method
UmlClassifierShape Defines the behavior of the UMLActivity shape
UmlEnumeration Defines the behavior of the uml interface shapes
UmlEnumerationMember Defines the behavior of the uml interface shapes
UmlInterface Defines the behavior of the uml interface shapes
NodeBase Defines the common behavior of nodes, connectors and groups
PathPort Defines the behavior of a port, that sticks to a point
PointPort Defines the behavior of a port, that sticks to a point
Port Defines the behavior of connection ports
SymbolPaletteInfo Defines the size and description of a symbol
SymbolSize customize the size of the individual palette items.
Snapping Snapping
DiagramTooltip Defines the tooltip that should be shown when the mouse hovers over node.
An object that defines the description, appearance and alignments of tooltip
Point Defines and processes coordinates
Rect Rect defines and processes rectangular regions
Size Size defines and processes the size(width/height) of the objects
PrintAndExport Print and Export Settings
AnnotationConstraints Enables/Disables the annotation constraints
ReadOnly - Enables/Disables the ReadOnly Constraints
InheritReadOnly - Enables/Disables the InheritReadOnly Constraints
Select -Enables/Disable select support for the annotation
Drag - Enables/Disable drag support for the annotation
Resize - Enables/Disable resize support for the annotation
Rotate - Enables/Disable rotate support for the annotation
Interaction - Enables annotation to inherit the interaction option
None - Disable all annotation constraints
ChildArrangement Defines the child nodes need to arranged in linear manner in layout
Linear - Child nodes will be arranged in linear manner
Nonlinear - Child nodes will be arranged in not linear manner
ConnectionPointOrigin Defines the connection point of the connectors in the layout
SamePoint - Connectors will connect with same point in the layout
DifferentPoint - Connectors will connect with different points in the layout
ConnectorConstraints Defines the constraints to enable/disable certain features of connector.
* None - Interaction of the connectors cannot be done.
* Select - Selects the connector.
* Delete - Delete the connector.
* Drag - Drag the connector.
* DragSourceEnd - Drag the source end of the connector.
* DragTargetEnd - Drag the target end of the connector.
* DragSegmentThump - Drag the segment thumb of the connector.
* AllowDrop - Allow to drop a node.
* Bridging - Creates bridge on intersection of two connectors.
* BridgeObstacle -
* InheritBridging - Creates bridge on intersection of two connectors.
* PointerEvents - Sets the pointer events.
* Tooltip - Displays a tooltip for the connectors.
* InheritToolTip - Displays a tooltip for the connectors.
* Interaction - Features of the connector used for interaction.
* ReadOnly - Enables ReadOnly
* InheritSegmentThumbShape - Enables or disables to inherit the value of segmentThumbShape
* InheritSegmentThumbSize - Enables or disables to inherit the value of segmentThumbSize
* Default - Default features of the connector.
ControlPointsVisibility Defines the visibility of the control points in the Bezier connector
DiagramAction Enables/Disables certain actions of diagram
* Render - Indicates the diagram is in render state.
* PublicMethod - Indicates the diagram public method is in action.
* ToolAction - Indicates the diagram Tool is in action.
* UndoRedo - Indicates the diagram undo/redo is in action.
* TextEdit - Indicates the text editing is in progress.
* Group - Indicates the group is in progress.
* Clear - Indicates diagram have clear all.
* PreventClearSelection - prevents diagram from clear selection
DiagramConstraints Enables/Disables certain features of diagram
None - Disable DiagramConstraints constraints
Bridging - Enables/Disable Bridging support for connector
UndoRedo - Enables/Disable the Undo/Redo support
Tooltip - Enables/Disable Tooltip support
UserInteraction - Enables/Disable UserInteraction support for the diagram
ApiUpdate - Enables/Disable ApiUpdate support for the diagram
PageEditable - Enables/Disable PageEditable support for the diagram
Zoom - Enables/Disable Zoom support for the diagram
PanX - Enables/Disable PanX support for the diagram
PanY - Enables/Disable PanY support for the diagram
Pan - Enables/Disable Pan support the diagram
ZoomTextEdit - Enables/Disables zooming the text box while editing the text
Virtualization - Enables/Disable Virtualization support the diagram
Default - Enables/Disable all constraints
DiagramTools Activates the diagram tools
None - Enables/Disable single select support for the diagram
SingleSelect - Enables/Disable single select support for the diagram
MultipleSelect - Enables/Disable MultipleSelect select support for the diagram
ZoomPan - Enables/Disable ZoomPan support for the diagram
DrawOnce - Enables/Disable continuousDraw support for the diagram
ContinuousDraw - Enables/Disable continuousDraw support for the diagram
Default - Enables/Disable all constraints
FlipDirection Defines how the diagram elements have to be flipped with respect to its immediate parent
* FlipHorizontal - Translate the diagram element throughout its immediate parent
* FlipVertical - Rotate the diagram element throughout its immediate parent
* Both - Rotate and Translate the diagram element throughout its immediate parent
* None - Set the flip Direction as None
KeyModifiers Sets a combination of key modifiers, on recognition of which the command will be executed.They are
* None - no modifiers are pressed
* Control - ctrl key
* Meta - meta key im mac
* Alt - alt key
* Shift - shift key
Keys Sets the key value, on recognition of which the command will be executed. They are
* none - no key
* Number0 = The 0 key
* Number1 = The 1 key
* Number2 = The 2 key
* Number3 = The 3 key
* Number4 = The 4 key
* Number5 = The 5 key
* Number6 = The 6 key
* Number7 = The 7 key
* Number8 = The 8 key
* Number9 = The 9 key
* Number0 = The 0 key
* BackSpace = The BackSpace key
* F1 = The f1 key
* F2 = The f2 key
* F3 = The f3 key
* F4 = The f4 key
* F5 = The f5 key
* F6 = The f6 key
* F7 = The f7 key
* F8 = The f8 key
* F9 = The f9 key
* F10 = The f10 key
* F11 = The f11 key
* F12 = The f12 key
* A = The a key
* B = The b key
* C = The c key
* D = The d key
* E = The e key
* F = The f key
* G = The g key
* H = The h key
* I = The i key
* J = The j key
* K = The k key
* L = The l key
* M = The m key
* N = The n key
* O = The o key
* P = The p key
* Q = The q key
* R = The r key
* S = The s key
* T = The t key
* U = The u key
* V = The v key
* W = The w key
* X = The x key
* Y = The y key
* Z = The z key
* Left = The left key
* Right = The right key
* Top = The top key
* Bottom = The bottom key
* Escape = The Escape key
* Tab = The tab key
* Delete = The delete key
* Enter = The enter key
* The Space key
* The page up key
* The page down key
* The end key
* The home key
* The Minus
* The Plus
* The Star
* The Open Square Bracket
* The close Square Bracket
NodeConstraints Enables/Disables certain features of node
None - Disable all node Constraints
Select - Enables node to be selected
Drag - Enables node to be Dragged
Rotate - Enables node to be Rotate
Shadow - Enables node to display shadow
PointerEvents - Enables node to provide pointer option
Delete - Enables node to delete
InConnect - Enables node to provide in connect option
OutConnect - Enables node to provide out connect option
Individual - Enables node to provide individual resize option
Expandable - Enables node to provide Expandable option
AllowDrop - Enables node to provide allow to drop option
Inherit - Enables node to inherit the interaction option
ResizeNorthEast - Enable ResizeNorthEast of the node
ResizeEast - Enable ResizeEast of the node
ResizeSouthEast - Enable ResizeSouthEast of the node
ResizeSouth - Enable ResizeSouthWest of the node
ResizeSouthWest - Enable ResizeSouthWest of the node
ResizeSouth - Enable ResizeSouth of the node
ResizeSouthWest - Enable ResizeSouthWest of the node
ResizeWest - Enable ResizeWest of the node
ResizeNorth - Enable ResizeNorth of the node
Resize - Enables the Aspect ratio fo the node
AspectRatio - Enables the Aspect ratio fo the node
Tooltip - Enables or disables tool tip for the Nodes
InheritTooltip - Enables or disables tool tip for the Nodes
ReadOnly - Enables the ReadOnly support for Annotation
Default - Enables all constraints
PortConstraints Enables/Disables certain features of port connection
PortVisibility Constraints to define when a port has to be visible
Visible - Always shows the port
Hidden - Always hides the port
Hover - Shows the port when the mouse hovers over a node
Connect - Shows the port when a connection end point is dragged over a node
Default - By default the ports will be visible when a node is hovered and being tried to connect
RenderMode Defines the rendering mode for diagram
Canvas - Sets the rendering mode type as Canvas
Svg - Sets the rendering mode type as Svg
RendererAction Defines the Selector type to be drawn
None - Draws Normal selector with resize handles
Symbol - Draws only the rectangle for the selector
SelectorConstraints Defines the visibility of the selector handles
None - Hides all the selector elements
ConnectorSourceThumb - Shows/hides the source thumb of the connector
ConnectorTargetThumb - Shows/hides the target thumb of the connector
ResizeSouthEast - Shows/hides the bottom right resize handle of the selector
ResizeSouthWest - Shows/hides the bottom left resize handle of the selector
ResizeNorthEast - Shows/hides the top right resize handle of the selector
ResizeNorthWest - Shows/hides the top left resize handle of the selector
ResizeEast - Shows/hides the middle right resize handle of the selector
ResizeWest - Shows/hides the middle left resize handle of the selector
ResizeSouth - Shows/hides the bottom center resize handle of the selector
ResizeNorth - Shows/hides the top center resize handle of the selector
Rotate - Shows/hides the rotate handle of the selector
UserHandles - Shows/hides the user handles of the selector
Resize - Shows/hides all resize handles of the selector
SnapConstraints Defines the constraints to Enables / Disables some features of Snapping.
None - Snapping does not happen
ShowHorizontalLines - Displays only the horizontal gridlines in diagram.
ShowVerticalLines - Displays only the Vertical gridlines in diagram.
ShowLines - Display both Horizontal and Vertical gridlines.
SnapToHorizontalLines - Enables the object to snap only with horizontal gridlines.
SnapToVerticalLines - Enables the object to snap only with horizontal gridlines.
SnapToLines - Enables the object to snap with both horizontal and Vertical gridlines.
snapToObject - Enables the object to snap with the other objects in the diagram.
Transform Defines the container/canvas transform
Self - Sets the transform type as Self
Parent - Sets the transform type as Parent
Corners Interface for a class corners
HistoryEntry Interface for a class HistoryEntry
AssistantsDetails Defines the assistant details for the layout
Bounds Defines the properties of the layout bounds
ILayout Contains the properties of the diagram layout
INode Interface for the class node
Animation Animation - Animation notifies when the animation is taken place.
BlazorConnectionObject BlazorConnectionObject interface for the connector object
ChangedObject IBlazorChangeArgs
DiagramClickEventObject ClickedObject notifies whether it is node or connector
DiagramEventAnnotation DiagramObject is the interface for the diagram object
DiagramEventDropObject DiagramDropObject notifies when the element is dropped in the diagram in blazor
DiagramEventObject DiagramObject is the interface for the diagram object
DiagramEventObjectCollection DiagramCollectionObject is the interface for the diagram objects
MouseEventElement notifies whether it is node or connector or selector model
DiagramMouseEventObject MouseEventElement notifies whether it is node or connector or selector model
DiagramPropertyChangeObject PropertyChangeObject notifies whether it is node or connector
FixedUserHandleClickEventArgs fixedUserHandleClickEventArgs notifies when the fixed user handle gets clicked
IBlazorClickEventArgs IBlazorClickEventArgs notifies while click on the objects or diagram
IBlazorCollectionChangeEventArgs IBlazorCollectionChangeEventArgs notifies while the node/connector are added or removed in the diagram
IBlazorConnectionChangeEventArgs IBlazorConnectionChangeEventArgs notifies when the connector are connect or disconnect
IBlazorCustomHistoryChangeArgs ICustomHistoryChangeArgs notifies when the label of an element under goes editing
IBlazorDoubleClickEventArgs IDoubleClickEventArgs notifies while double click on the diagram or its objects
IBlazorDragEnterEventArgs IBlazorDragEnterEventArgs notifies when the element enter into the diagram from symbol palette
IBlazorDragLeaveEventArgs IBlazorDragLeaveEventArgs notifies when the element leaves from the diagram
IBlazorDraggingEventArgs IBlazorDraggingEventArgs notifies when the node/connector are dragged
IBlazorDropEventArgs IBlazorDropEventArgs notifies when the element is dropped in the diagram in blazor
IBlazorHistoryChangeArgs IBlazorHistoryChangeArgs notifies while the node/connector are added or removed
IBlazorPropertyChangeEventArgs IBlazorPropertyChangeEventArgs notifies when the node/connector property changed
IBlazorScrollChangeEventArgs IBlazorScrollChangeEventArgs notifies when the scroller has changed
IBlazorSegmentCollectionChangeEventArgs IBlazorSegmentCollectionChangeEventArgs notifies while the segment of the connectors changes
IBlazorSelectionChangeEventArgs IBlazorSelectionChangeEventArgs notifies when the node/connector are select in Blazor
IBlazorTextEditEventArgs IBlazorTextEditEventArgs notifies when the label of an element under goes editing
IClickEventArgs IClickEventArgs - IClickEventArgs notifies while click on the objects or diagram.
ICollectionChangeEventArgs ICollectionChangeEventArgs notifies while the node/connector are added or removed.
ICommandExecuteEventArgs Interface for command
ICommandExecuteEventArgs – ICommandExecuteEventArgs notifies when custom command executed in the diagram.
IConnectionChangeEventArgs IConnectionChangeEventArgs notifies when the connector is connected or disconnect from the node.
ICustomHistoryChangeArgs ICustomHistoryChangeArgs - ICustomHistoryChangeArgs notifies when the custom undo/redo operation perform.
IDataLoadedEventArgs IDataLoadedEventArgs notifies after data is loaded.
IDoubleClickEventArgs IDoubleClickEventArgs - IDoubleClickEventArgs notifies while double click on the diagram or its objects
IDragEnterEventArgs IDragEnterEventArgs - IDragEnterEventArgs notifies when the element enters into the diagram from symbol palette
IDragLeaveEventArgs IDragLeaveEventArgs - IDragLeaveEventArgs notifies when the element leaves from the diagram
IDragOverEventArgs IDragOverEventArgs - IDragOverEventArgs notifies when an element drags over another diagram element
IDraggingEventArgs IDraggingEventArgs notifies when the node/connector are dragged
IDropEventArgs IDropEventArgs - IDropEventArgs notifies when the element is dropped in the diagram
IElement IElement interface defines the base of the diagram objects (node/connector)
IElementDrawEventArgs elementDraw triggered when node or connector are drawn with drawing tool
IEndChangeEventArgs IEndChangeEventArgs notifies when the connector end point is resized
IExpandStateChangeEventArgs IExpandStateChangeEventArgs - IExpandStateChangeEventArgs notifies when the node is expanded or collapsed.
IHistoryChangeArgs IHistoryChangeArgs - IHistoryChangeArgs notifies when the undo/redo operation perform.
IImageLoadEventArgs IImageLoadEventArgs - IImageLoadEventArgs notifies while the image node is loaded.
IKeyEventArgs IKeyEventArgs - IKeyEventArgs notifies while perform the key actions in the diagram.
ILoadEventArgs ILoadEventArgs - ILoadEventArgs defines the event arguments when diagram rendering is initialized.
ILoadedEventArgs ILoadedEventArgs - ILoadedEventArgs defines the event arguments after the diagram elements finished loading using loadDiagram method.
IMouseWheelEventArgs IMouseWheelEventArgs - Event triggers whenever the user rotates the mouse wheel either upwards or downwards
IPaletteExpandArgs IPaletteExpandArgs - IPaletteExpandArgs notifies when the palette items are expanded or collapsed in the symbol palette
IPaletteSelectionChangeArgs IPaletteSelectionChangeArgs - IPaletteSelectionChangeArgs notifies when the selection objects change in the symbol palette.
IPropertyChangeEventArgs IPropertyChangeEventArgs notifies when the node/connector property changed
IRotationEventArgs IRotationEventArgs notifies when the node/connector are rotated
IScrollChangeEventArgs IScrollChangeEventArgs - IScrollChangeEventArgs notifies when the scroller has changed
ISegmentChangeEventArgs ISegmentChangeEventArgs - ISegmentChangeEventArgs triggered when we drag the segment thumb of Orthogonal/ Straight /Bezier connector
ISegmentCollectionChangeEventArgs ISegmentCollectionChangeEventArgs notifies while the segments are added or removed from the connector.
ISelectionChangeEventArgs ISelectionChangeEventArgs notifies when the node/connector are select.
ISizeChangeEventArgs ISizeChangeEventArgs notifies when the node are resized
ITextEditEventArgs ITextEditEventArgs - ITextEditEventArgs notifies when the label of an element undergoes editing
ScrollValues scrollArgs notifies when the scroller had updated
ColorValue Defines the intensity of the color as an integer between 0 and 255.
DiagramBeforeMenuOpenEventArgs Defines the event before opening the context menu
DiagramMenuEventArgs Interface to cancel the diagram context menu click event
IEditSegmentOptions Defines the options to add / remove the intermediate segment points for straight connector.
IExportOptions Defines the options to export diagrams
IFitOptions Defines how the diagram has to be fit into the viewport
IPrintOptions Defines the options to export diagrams
SubTextElement Defines the properties of sub text element
TextBounds Defines the properties of text bounds
Static Functions Root static functions of Diagram Component
AlignmentMode Defines the mode of the alignment based on which the elements should be aligned
Object - Aligns the objects based on the first object in the selected list
Selector - Aligns the objects based on the the selector bounds
AlignmentOptions Defines the alignment options
Left - Aligns the objects at the left of the selector bounds
Right - Aligns the objects at the right of the selector bounds
Center - Aligns the objects at the horizontal center of the selector bounds
Top - Aligns the objects at the top of the selector bounds
Bottom - Aligns the objects at the bottom of the selector bounds
Middle - Aligns the objects at the vertical center of the selector bounds
AnnotationAlignment Defines how the annotations have to be aligned with respect to its immediate parent
Center - Aligns the annotation at the center of a connector segment
Before - Aligns the annotation before a connector segment
After - Aligns the annotation after a connector segment
AnnotationType Defines the type of annotation template
String - Defines annotation template to be in string
Template - Defines annotation template to be in html content
AnnotationTypes Defines the type of the annotation
Shape - Sets the annotation type as Shape
Path - Sets the annotation type as Path
AssociationFlow Defines the direction the uml connectors
* Default - Indicates the direction is Default.
* Directional - Indicates the direction is single Directional.
* BiDirectional - Indicates the direction is BiDirectional.
BasicShapes Defines the basic shapes
Rectangle - Sets the type of the basic shape as Rectangle
Ellipse - Sets the type of the basic shape as Ellipse
Hexagon - Sets the type of the basic shape as Hexagon
Parallelogram - Sets the type of the basic shape as Parallelogram
Triangle - Sets the type of the basic shape as Triangle
Plus - Sets the type of the basic shape as Plus
Star - Sets the type of the basic shape as Star
Pentagon - Sets the type of the basic shape as Pentagon
Heptagon - Sets the type of the basic shape as Heptagon
Octagon - Sets the type of the basic shape as Octagon
Trapezoid - Sets the type of the basic shape as Trapezoid
Decagon - Sets the type of the basic shape as Decagon
RightTriangle - Sets the type of the basic shape as RightTriangle
Cylinder - Sets the type of the basic shape as Cylinder
Diamond - Sets the type of the basic shape as Diamond
BezierSegmentEditOrientation Defines the editing mode of the intermediate point of two bezier curve
BoundaryConstraints Defines the BoundaryConstraints for the diagram
Infinity - Allow the interactions to take place at the infinite height and width
Diagram - Allow the interactions to take place around the diagram height and width
Page - Allow the interactions to take place around the page height and width
BpmnActivities Defines the type of the Bpmn Activity
None - Sets the type of the Bpmn Activity as None
Task - Sets the type of the Bpmn Activity as Task
SubProcess - Sets the type of the Bpmn Activity as SubProcess
BpmnAssociationFlows Defines the type of the Bpmn Association Flows
Default - Sets the type of Association flow as Default
Directional - Sets the type of Association flow as Directional
BiDirectional - Sets the type of Association flow as BiDirectional
BpmnBoundary Defines the type of the Bpmn boundary
Default - Sets the type of the boundary as Default
Call - Sets the type of the boundary as Call
Event - Sets the type of the boundary as Event
BpmnDataObjects Defines the type of the Bpmn Data Objects
None - Sets the type of the data object as None
Input - Sets the type of the data object as Input
Output - Sets the type of the data object as Output
BpmnEvents Defines the type of the Bpmn Events
Start - Sets the type of the Bpmn Event as Start
Intermediate - Sets the type of the Bpmn Event as Intermediate
End - Sets the type of the Bpmn Event as End
NonInterruptingStart - Sets the type of the Bpmn Event as NonInterruptingStart
NonInterruptingIntermediate - Sets the type of the Bpmn Event as NonInterruptingIntermediate
ThrowingIntermediate - Sets the type of the Bpmn Event as ThrowingIntermediate
BpmnFlows Defines the type of the Bpmn flows
Sequence - Sets the type of the Bpmn Flow as Sequence
Association - Sets the type of the Bpmn Flow as Association
Message - Sets the type of the Bpmn Flow as Message
BpmnGateways Defines the type of the Bpmn gateways
None - Sets the type of the gateway as None
Exclusive - Sets the type of the gateway as Exclusive
Inclusive - Sets the type of the gateway as Inclusive
Parallel - Sets the type of the gateway as Parallel
Complex - Sets the type of the gateway as Complex
EventBased - Sets the type of the gateway as EventBased
ExclusiveEventBased - Sets the type of the gateway as ExclusiveEventBased
ParallelEventBased - Sets the type of the gateway as ParallelEventBased
BpmnLoops Defines the type of the Bpmn Loops
None - Sets the type of the Bpmn loop as None
Standard - Sets the type of the Bpmn loop as Standard
ParallelMultiInstance - Sets the type of the Bpmn loop as ParallelMultiInstance
SequenceMultiInstance - Sets the type of the Bpmn loop as SequenceMultiInstance
BpmnMessageFlows Defines the type of the Bpmn Message Flows
Default - Sets the type of the Message flow as Default
InitiatingMessage - Sets the type of the Message flow as InitiatingMessage
NonInitiatingMessage - Sets the type of the Message flow as NonInitiatingMessage
BpmnSequenceFlows Defines the type of the Bpmn Sequence flows
Default - Sets the type of the sequence flow as Default
Normal - Sets the type of the sequence flow as Normal
Conditional - Sets the type of the sequence flow as Conditional
BpmnShapes Defines the type of the Bpmn Shape
Event - Sets the type of the Bpmn Shape as Event
Gateway - Sets the type of the Bpmn Shape as Gateway
Message - Sets the type of the Bpmn Shape as Message
DataObject - Sets the type of the Bpmn Shape as DataObject
DataSource - Sets the type of the Bpmn Shape as DataSource
Activity - Sets the type of the Bpmn Shape as Activity
Group - Sets the type of the Bpmn Shape as Group
TextAnnotation - Represents the shape as Text Annotation
BpmnSubProcessTypes Defines the type of the Bpmn Subprocess
None - Sets the type of the Sub process as None
Transaction - Sets the type of the Sub process as Transaction
Event - Sets the type of the Sub process as Event
BpmnTasks Defines the type of the Bpmn Tasks
None - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as None
Service - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as Service
Receive - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as Receive
Send - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as Send
InstantiatingReceive - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as InstantiatingReceive
Manual - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as Manual
BusinessRule - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as BusinessRule
User - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as User
Script - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as Script
BpmnTriggers Defines the type of the Bpmn Triggers
None - Sets the type of the trigger as None
Message - Sets the type of the trigger as Message
Timer - Sets the type of the trigger as Timer
Escalation - Sets the type of the trigger as Escalation
Link - Sets the type of the trigger as Link
Error - Sets the type of the trigger as Error
Compensation - Sets the type of the trigger as Compensation
Signal - Sets the type of the trigger as Signal
Multiple - Sets the type of the trigger as Multiple
Parallel - Sets the type of the trigger as Parallel
Cancel - Sets the type of the trigger as Cancel
Conditional - Sets the type of the trigger as Conditional
Terminate - Sets the type of the trigger as Terminate
BranchTypes Alignment position
Left - Sets the branch type as Left
Right - Sets the branch type as Right
SubLeft - Sets the branch type as SubLeft
SubRight - Sets the branch type as SubRight
Root - Sets the branch type as Root
BridgeDirection Defines the bridge direction
Top - Defines the direction of the bridge as Top
Bottom - Defines the direction of the bridge as Bottom
Left - Sets the bridge direction as left
Right - Sets the bridge direction as right
ChangeType Defines whether an object is added/removed from diagram
Addition - Sets the ChangeType as Addition
Removal - Sets the ChangeType as Removal
ClassifierShape Enables/Disables shape of the uml classifier shapes
* Package - Indicates the scope is public.
* Class - Indicates the scope is protected.
* Interface - Indicates the scope is private.
* Enumeration - Indicates the scope is package.
* CollapsedPackage - Indicates the scope is public.
* Inheritance - Indicates the scope is protected.
* Association - Indicates the scope is private.
* Aggregation - Indicates the scope is package.
* Composition - Indicates the scope is public.
* Realization - Indicates the scope is protected.
* DirectedAssociation - Indicates the scope is private.
* Dependency - Indicates the scope is package.
ConnectionDirection Defines how the first segments have to be defined in a layout
Auto - Defines the first segment direction based on the type of the layout
Orientation - Defines the first segment direction based on the orientation of the layout
Custom - Defines the first segment direction dynamically by the user
ConnectionShapes Defines the connection shapes
Bpmn - Sets the type of the connection shape as Bpmn
ConnectorSegments Defines how the connectors have to be routed in a layout
Default - Routes the connectors like a default diagram
Layout - Routes the connectors based on the type of the layout
ContainerTypes Defines the orientation
Horizontal - Sets the orientation as Horizontal
Vertical - Sets the orientation as Vertical
DecoratorShapes Defines the decorator shape of the connector
None - Sets the decorator shape as None
Arrow - Sets the decorator shape as Arrow
Diamond - Sets the decorator shape as Diamond
Path - Sets the decorator shape as Path
OpenArrow - Sets the decorator shape as OpenArrow
Circle - Sets the decorator shape as Circle
Square - Sets the decorator shape as Square
Fletch - Sets the decorator shape as Fletch
OpenFetch - Sets the decorator shape as OpenFetch
IndentedArrow - Sets the decorator shape as Indented Arrow
OutdentedArrow - Sets the decorator shape as Outdented Arrow
DoubleArrow - Sets the decorator shape as DoubleArrow
DiagramRegions Defines the region that has to be drawn as an image
PageSettings - With the given page settings image has to be exported.
Content - The diagram content is export
CustomBounds - Exported with given bounds.
Direction Defines the objects direction
Left - Sets the direction type as Left
Right - Sets the direction type as Right
Top - Sets the direction type as Top
Bottom - Sets the direction type as Bottom
DistributeOptions Defines the distribution options
RightToLeft - Distributes the objects based on the distance between the right and left sides of the adjacent objects
Left - Distributes the objects based on the distance between the left sides of the adjacent objects
Right - Distributes the objects based on the distance between the right sides of the adjacent objects
Center - Distributes the objects based on the distance between the center of the adjacent objects
BottomToTop - Distributes the objects based on the distance between the bottom and top sides of the adjacent objects
Top - Distributes the objects based on the distance between the top sides of the adjacent objects
Bottom - Distributes the objects based on the distance between the bottom sides of the adjacent objects
Middle - Distributes the objects based on the distance between the vertical center of the adjacent objects
EntryCategory Defines the entry category type
Internal - Sets the entry category type as Internal
External - Sets the entry category type as External
EntryChangeType Defines the entry change type
Insert - Sets the entry change type as Insert
Remove - Sets the entry change type as Remove
EntryType Defines the property change entry type
PositionChanged - Sets the entry type as PositionChanged
Align - Sets the entry type as Align
Distribute - Sets the entry type as Distribute
SizeChanged - Sets the entry type as SizeChanged
Sizing - Sets the entry type as Sizing
RotationChanged - Sets the entry type as RotationChanged
ConnectionChanged - Sets the entry type as ConnectionChanged
PropertyChanged - Sets the entry type as PropertyChanged
CollectionChanged - Sets the entry type as CollectionChanged
StartGroup - Sets the entry type as StartGroup
EndGroup - Sets the entry type as EndGroup
Group - Sets the entry type as Group
UnGroup - Sets the entry type as UnGroup
SegmentChanged - Sets the entry type as SegmentChanged
LabelCollectionChanged - Sets the entry type as LabelCollectionChanged
PortCollectionChanged - Sets the entry type as PortCollectionChanged
EventState Defines the change state
Changing - Sets the event state as Changing
Changed - Sets the event state as Changed
canceled - Sets the event state as canceled
ExportModes Defines whether the diagram has to be exported as an image or it has to be converted as image url
FileFormats File Format type for export.
JPG - Save the file in JPG Format
PNG - Saves the file in PNG Format
BMP - Save the file in BMP Format
SVG - save the file in SVG format
FitModes Defines how the diagram has to fit into view
Page - Fits the diagram content within the viewport
Width - Fits the width of the diagram content within the viewport
Height - Fits the height of the diagram content within the viewport
FixedUserHandleAlignment Defines how the fixedUserHandle have to be aligned with respect to its immediate parent
Center - Aligns the fixedUserHandle at the center of a connector segment
Before - Aligns the fixedUserHandle before a connector segment
After - Aligns the fixedUserHandle after a connector segment
FlipMode Allows you to flip only the node or along with port, label, labelText
* All - Flips port, label and label text along with the node
* Label - Flips the label along with the node and keeps the text readable
* LabelText – Flips the node and inverts the label without flipping its position
* Port - Flips port along with the node
* None - Flips only the node
* PortAndLabel – Flips the port and label along with the node
* PortAndLabelText – Flips the port and label text along with the node
* LabelAndLabelText – Flips the label and label text along with the node
FlowShapes Defines the type of the flow shape
Process - Sets the type of the flow shape as Process
Decision - Sets the type of the flow shape as Decision
Document - Sets the type of the flow shape as Document
PreDefinedProcess - Sets the type of the flow shape as PreDefinedProcess
Terminator - Sets the type of the flow shape as Terminator
PaperTap - Sets the type of the flow shape as PaperTap
DirectData - Sets the type of the flow shape as DirectData
SequentialData - Sets the type of the flow shape as SequentialData
MultiData - Sets the type of the flow shape as MultiData
Collate - Sets the type of the flow shape as Collate
SummingJunction - Sets the type of the flow shape as SummingJunction
Or - Sets the type of the flow shape as Or
InternalStorage - Sets the type of the flow shape as InternalStorage
Extract - Sets the type of the flow shape as Extract
ManualOperation - Sets the type of the flow shape as ManualOperation
Merge - Sets the type of the flow shape as Merge
OffPageReference - Sets the type of the flow shape as OffPageReference
SequentialAccessStorage - Sets the type of the flow shape as SequentialAccessStorage
Annotation - Sets the type of the flow shape as Annotation
Annotation2 - Sets the type of the flow shape as Annotation2
Data - Sets the type of the flow shape as Data
Card - Sets the type of the flow shape as Card
Delay - Sets the type of the flow shape as Delay
Preparation - Sets the type of the flow shape as Preparation
Display - Sets the type of the flow shape as Display
ManualInput - Sets the type of the flow shape as ManualInput
LoopLimit - Sets the type of the flow shape as LoopLimit
StoredData - Sets the type of the flow shape as StoredData
GradientType Defines the type of the gradient
Linear - Sets the type of the gradient as Linear
Radial - Sets the type of the gradient as Radial
GridType Defines the gird rendering pattern
Lines - Render the line for the grid
Dots - Render the dot for the grid
HorizontalAlignment Defines how the diagram elements have to be aligned with respect to its immediate parent
* Stretch - Stretches the diagram element throughout its immediate parent
* Left - Aligns the diagram element at the left of its immediate parent
* Right - Aligns the diagram element at the right of its immediate parent
* Center - Aligns the diagram element at the center of its immediate parent
* Auto - Aligns the diagram element based on the characteristics of its immediate parent
IconShapes Collections of icon content shapes.
Minus - sets the icon shape as minus
Plus - sets the icon shape as Plus
ArrowUp - sets the icon shape as ArrowUp
ArrowDown - sets the icon shape as ArrowDown
Template - sets the icon shape based on the given custom template
Path - sets the icon shape based on the given custom Path
ImageAlignment None - Alignment value will be set as none
XMinYMin - smallest X value of the view port and smallest Y value of the view port
XMidYMin - midpoint X value of the view port and smallest Y value of the view port
XMaxYMin - maximum X value of the view port and smallest Y value of the view port
XMinYMid - smallest X value of the view port and midpoint Y value of the view port
XMidYMid - midpoint X value of the view port and midpoint Y value of the view port
XMaxYMid - maximum X value of the view port and midpoint Y value of the view port
XMinYMax - smallest X value of the view port and maximum Y value of the view port
XMidYMax - midpoint X value of the view port and maximum Y value of the view port
XMaxYMax - maximum X value of the view port and maximum Y value of the view port
LayoutOrientation Defines the orientation of the layout
* TopToBottom - Renders the layout from top to bottom
* BottomToTop - Renders the layout from bottom to top
* LeftToRight - Renders the layout from left to right
* RightToLeft - Renders the layout from right to left
LayoutType Defines the types of the automatic layout
* None - None of the layouts is applied
* HierarchicalTree - Defines the type of the layout as Hierarchical Tree
* OrganizationalChart - Defines the type of the layout as Organizational Chart
* ComplexHierarchicalTree - Defines the type of the layout as complex HierarchicalTree
* RadialTree - Defines the type of the layout as Radial tree
LinkTarget Defines how to open the annotation hyperlink in the new tab, current tab or new window
MouseButtons Returns which mouse button is clicked.
Left - Whenever the left button of the mouse is clicked, ‘Left’ is returned.
Progress - Whenever the mouse wheel is clicked, ‘Middle’ is returned.
Completed - Whenever the right button of the mouse is clicked, ‘Right’ is returned.
Multiplicity Define the Multiplicity of uml connector shapes
* OneToOne - Indicates the connector multiplicity is OneToOne.
* OneToMany - Indicates the connector multiplicity is OneToMany.
* ManyToOne - Indicates the connector multiplicity is ManyToOne.
* ManyToMany - Indicates the connector multiplicity is ManyToMany.
NudgeDirection Defines the nudging direction
Left - Nudge the object in the left direction
Right - Nudge the object in the right direction
Up - Nudge the object in the up direction
Down - Nudge the object in the down direction
ObjectTypes Defines the type of the object
Port - Sets the port type as object
Annotations - Sets the annotation type as object
Orientation Defines the orientation
Horizontal - Sets the orientation as Horizontal
Vertical - Sets the orientation as Vertical
PageOrientation Defines the orientation of the Page
Landscape - Display with page Width is more than the page Height.
Portrait - Display with page Height is more than the page width.
Panels Defines the type of the panel
None - Defines that the panel will not rearrange its children. Instead, it will be positioned based on its children.
Canvas - Defines the type of the panel as Canvas
Stack - Defines the type of the panel as Stack
Grid - Defines the type of the panel as Grid
WrapPanel - Defines the type of the panel as WrapPanel
PortAlignment Defines how the ports have to be aligned with respect to its immediate parent
Center - Aligns the ports at the center of a connector segment
Before - Aligns the ports before a connector segment
After - Aligns the ports after a connector segment
PortConnectionDirection Define the allowed direction for connections to the port
Auto - Maintains the default behavior of automatic direction calculation.
Left - Restricts connections to only connect to the left side of the port.
Top - Restricts connections to only connect to the top side of the port.
Right - Restricts connections to only connect to the right side of the port.
Bottom - Restricts connections to only connect to the bottom side of the port.
PortShapes Defines the shape of the ports
X - Sets the decorator shape as X
Circle - Sets the decorator shape as Circle
Square - Sets the decorator shape as Square
Custom - Sets the decorator shape as Custom
PortTypes Defines the type of the port
Point - Sets the type of the port as Point
Path - Sets the type of the port as Path
Dynamic - Sets the type of the port as Dynamic
RelativeMode Defines the reference with respect to which the diagram elements have to be aligned
Point - Diagram elements will be aligned with respect to a point
Object - Diagram elements will be aligned with respect to its immediate parent
RenderingMode Defines the rendering mode of the diagram
SVG - Renders the diagram objects as SVG elements
Canvas - Renders the diagram in a canvas
RotationReference Defines the rotating mode of the annotation.
* Page - Annotation remains fixed relative to the entire page, regardless of parent node rotation.
* Parent - Annotation maintains its relative angle to the parent node during rotation.
RubberBandSelectionMode Defines how to handle the rubber band selection
CompleteIntersect - Selects the objects that are contained within the selected region
PartialIntersect - Selects the objects that are partially intersected with the selected region
Scale None - Scale value will be set as None for the image
Meet - Scale value Meet will be set for the image
Slice - Scale value Slice will be set for the image
ScrollLimit Defines the scrollable region of diagram
Diagram - Enables scrolling to view the diagram content
Infinity - Diagram will be extended, when we try to scroll the diagram
SegmentEditing Specifies to add or remove intermediate segment.
Add - Specifies to add the intermediate segment at the specified point.
Remove - Specifies to remove the intermediate segment at the specified point.
Toggle - New segment will be added at the tapped point if there is no segment at that point or existing segment will be deleted
SegmentThumbShapes Defines the segmentThumb shape of the connector
Rhombus - Sets the segmentThumb shape as Rhombus
Square - Sets the segmentThumb shape as Square
Rectangle - Sets the segmentThumb shape as Rectangle
Ellipse - Sets the segmentThumb shape as Ellipse
Arrow - Sets the segmentThumb shape as Arrow
Diamond - Sets the segmentThumb shape as Diamond
OpenArrow - Sets the segmentThumb shape as OpenArrow
Circle - Sets the segmentThumb shape as Circle
Fletch - Sets the segmentThumb shape as Fletch
OpenFetch - Sets the segmentThumb shape as OpenFetch
IndentedArrow - Sets the segmentThumb shape as Indented Arrow
OutdentedArrow - Sets the segmentThumb shape as Outdented Arrow
DoubleArrow - Sets the segmentThumb shape as DoubleArrow
Segments Defines the segment type of the connector
Straight - Sets the segment type as Straight
Orthogonal - Sets the segment type as Orthogonal
Polyline - Sets the segment type as Polyline
Bezier - Sets the segment type as Bezier
SelectionChangeCause Defines the selection change state
Interaction - Sets the selection change state as Interaction
Commands - Sets the selection change state as Commands
Keyboard - Sets the selection change state as Keyboard
Unknown - Sets the selection change state as Unknown
Shapes Defines the shape of a node
Path - Sets the type of the node as Path
Text - Sets the type of the node as Text
Image - Sets the type of the node as Image
Basic - Sets the type of the node as Basic
Flow - Sets the type of the node as Flow
Bpmn - Sets the type of the node as Bpmn
Native - Sets the type of the node as Native
HTML - Sets the type of the node as HTML
Side Defines where the user handles have to be aligned
Top - Aligns the user handles at the top of an object
Bottom - Aligns the user handles at the bottom of an object
Left - Aligns the user handles at the left of an object
Right - Aligns the user handles at the right of an object
SizingOptions Defines the sizing options
Width - Scales the width of the selected objects
Height - Scales the height of the selected objects
Size - Scales the selected objects both vertically and horizontally
State Defines the state of the interactions such as drag, resize and rotate
Start - Sets the interaction state as Start
Progress - Sets the interaction state as Progress
Completed - Sets the interaction state as Completed
Status Detect the status of Crud operation performed in the diagram
Stretch Defines the diagrams stretch
None - Sets the stretch type for diagram as None
Stretch - Sets the stretch type for diagram as Stretch
Meet - Sets the stretch type for diagram as Meet
Slice - Sets the stretch type for diagram as Slice
SubTreeAlignments Defines the collection of sub tree alignments in an organizational chart
Left - Aligns the child nodes at the left of the parent in a horizontal/vertical sub tree
Right - Aligns the child nodes at the right of the parent in a horizontal/vertical sub tree
Center - Aligns the child nodes at the center of the parent in a horizontal sub tree
Alternate - Aligns the child nodes at both left and right sides of the parent in a vertical sub tree
Balanced - Aligns the child nodes in multiple rows to balance the width and height of the horizontal sub tree
SubTreeOrientation Defines the collection of sub tree orientations in an organizational chart
Vertical - Aligns the child nodes in vertical manner
Horizontal - Aligns the child nodes in horizontal manner
TextAlign Defines how the text has to be aligned
Left - Aligns the text at the left of the text bounds
Right - Aligns the text at the right of the text bounds
Center - Aligns the text at the center of the text bounds
Justify - Aligns the text in a justified manner
TextAnnotationDirection Specifies the direction for text annotation.
* Auto - Specifies the direction as auto to switch the direction based on the connector position.
* Left - Specifies the direction as left when the absolute angle as 180 degree.
* Right - Specifies the direction as right when the absolute angle as 0 degree.
* Top - Specifies the direction as top when the absolute angle as 270 degree or -90 degree.
* Bottom - Specifies the direction as bottom when the absolute angle as 90 degree.
TextDecoration Defines how to decorate the text
Overline - Decorates the text with a line above the text
Underline - Decorates the text with an underline
LineThrough - Decorates the text by striking it with a line
None - Text will not have any specific decoration
TextOverflow Defines how to handle the text when it exceeds the element bounds
Wrap - Wraps the text to next line, when it exceeds its bounds
Ellipsis - It truncates the overflown text and represents the clipping with an ellipsis
Clip - It clips the overflow text
TextWrap Defines how to wrap the text when it exceeds the element bounds
WrapWithOverflow - Wraps the text so that no word is broken
Wrap - Wraps the text and breaks the word, if necessary
NoWrap - Text will no be wrapped
TooltipMode Defines how to show tooltip
Auto - Shows the tooltip on drag, scale, and rotate the object
Custom - Shows the tooltip for the diagram element
TooltipRelativeMode Defines the relative mode of the tooltip
Object - sets the tooltip position relative to the node
Mouse - sets the tooltip position relative to the mouse
UmlActivityFlows Defines the type of the UMLActivity flows
Object - Sets the type of the UMLActivity Flow as Object
Control - Sets the type of the UMLActivity Flow as Control
Exception - Sets the type of the UMLActivity Flow as Exception
UmlActivityShapes Defines the type of the UMLActivity Shape
Action - Sets the type of the UMLActivity Shape as Action
Decision - Sets the type of the UMLActivity Shape as Decision
MergeNode - Sets the type of the UMLActivity Shape as MergeNode
InitialNode - Sets the type of the UMLActivity Shape as InitialNode
FinalNode - Sets the type of the UMLActivity Shape as FinalNode
ForkNode - Sets the type of the UMLActivity Shape as ForkNode
JoinNode - Sets the type of the UMLActivity Shape as JoinNode
TimeEvent - Represents the UMLActivity shape as TimeEvent
UmlClassChildType Defines the child type to be added in the UmlClassifierShape.
UmlScope Enables/Disables scope of the uml shapes
* Public - Indicates the scope is public.
* Protected - Indicates the scope is protected.
* Private - Indicates the scope is private.
* Package - Indicates the scope is package.
UnitMode Defines the unit mode
Absolute - Sets the unit mode type as Absolute
Fraction - Sets the unit mode type as Fraction
VerticalAlignment Defines how the diagram elements have to be aligned with respect to its immediate parent
* Stretch - Stretches the diagram element throughout its immediate parent
* Top - Aligns the diagram element at the top of its immediate parent
* Bottom - Aligns the diagram element at the bottom of its immediate parent
* Center - Aligns the diagram element at the center of its immediate parent
* Auto - Aligns the diagram element based on the characteristics of its immediate parent
WhiteSpace Defines how to handle the empty space and empty lines of a text
PreserveAll - Preserves all empty spaces and empty lines
CollapseSpace - Collapses the consequent spaces into one
CollapseAll - Collapses all consequent empty spaces and empty lines
ZoomTypes Defines the zoom type
ZoomIn - Zooms in the diagram control
ZoomOut - Zooms out the diagram control
accessibilityElement Defines the accessibility element
NodeModel - Sets the accessibility element as NodeModel
ConnectorModel - Sets the accessibility element as ConnectorModel
PortModel - Sets the accessibility element as PortModel
TextElement - Sets the accessibility element as TextElement
IconShapeModel - Sets the accessibility element as IconShapeModel
DecoratorModel - Sets the accessibility element as DecoratorModel
EJ1VerticalAlignment Defines how the diagram elements have to be aligned with respect to its immediate parent
* Stretch - Stretches the diagram element throughout its immediate parent
* Top - Aligns the diagram element at the top of its immediate parent
* Bottom - Aligns the diagram element at the bottom of its immediate parent
* Center - Aligns the diagram element at the center of its immediate parent
* Auto - Aligns the diagram element based on the characteristics of its immediate parent