Name | Description |
DiagramGradient | Paints the node with linear color transitions |
DiagramShapeStyle | Defines the style of shape/path |
Gradient | Paints the node with a smooth transition from one color to another color |
LinearGradient | Paints the node with linear color transitions |
Margin | Defines the space to be left between an object and its immediate parent |
RadialGradient | A focal point defines the beginning of the gradient, and a circle defines the end point of the gradient |
Shadow | Defines the Shadow appearance of the objects |
ShapeStyle | Defines the style of shape/path |
Stop | Defines the different colors and the region of color transitions |
StrokeStyle | Defines the stroke style of a path |
TextStyle | Defines the appearance of text |
Thickness | Layout Model module defines the styles and types to arrange objects in containers |
Canvas | Canvas module is used to define a plane(canvas) and to arrange the children based on margin |
Container | Container module is used to group related objects |
ColumnDefinition | Defines the behavior of the ColumnDefinition of node |
GridPanel | Grid panel is used to arrange the children in a table like structure |
RowDefinition | Defines the behavior of the RowDefinition of node |
StackPanel | StackPanel module is used to arrange its children in a line |
DiagramElement | DiagramElement module defines the basic unit of diagram |
DiagramHtmlElement | HTMLElement defines the basic html elements |
ImageElement | ImageElement defines a basic image elements |
DiagramNativeElement | NativeElement defines the basic native elements |
PathElement | PathElement takes care of how to align the path based on offsetX and offsetY |
TextElement | TextElement is used to display text/annotations |
Diagram | Represents the Diagram control |
DiagramSettings | Represents the diagram settings |
CustomCursorAction | A collection of JSON objects where each object represents a layer. Layer is a named category of diagram shapes. |
DataMappingItems | A collection of JSON objects where each object represents a layer. Layer is a named category of diagram shapes. |
CrudAction | Configures the data source that is to be bound with diagram |
Gridlines | Provides a visual guidance while dragging or arranging the objects on the Diagram surface |
SnapSettings | Defines the gridlines and defines how and when the objects have to be snapped |
Command | Defines a command and a key gesture to define when the command should be executed |
CommandManager | Defines the collection of commands and the corresponding key gestures |
ContextMenuSettings | Defines the behavior of the context menu items |
KeyGesture | Defines the combination of keys and modifier keys |
Layer | A collection of JSON objects where each object represents a layer. Layer is a named category of diagram shapes. |
LayoutInfo | A collection of JSON objects where each object represents a layer. Layer is a named category of diagram shapes. |
Background | Defines the size and appearance of the diagram page |
PageSettings | Defines the size and appearance of diagram page |
ScrollSettings | Diagram ScrollSettings module handles the scroller properties of the diagram |
DiagramRuler | Defines the properties of both horizontal and vertical guides/rulers to measure the diagram area. |
RulerSettings | Defines the ruler settings of diagram |
SerializationSettings | Defines the serialization settings of diagram |
CommandHandler | Defines the behavior of commands |
ConnectorEditing | Multiple segments editing for Connector |
LineRouting | Line Routing |
UserHandle | A collection of frequently used commands that will be added around the selector |
ConnectTool | Helps to edit the selected connectors |
ConnectorDrawingTool | Draws a connector that is defined by the user |
ExpandTool | Animate the layout during expand and collapse |
FreeHandTool | EJ2-33302 - Freehand drawing support in diagram control. |
LabelTool | Opens the annotation hypeLink at mouse up |
MoveTool | Drags the selected objects |
NodeDrawingTool | Draws a node that is defined by the user |
PolyLineDrawingTool | Draws a PolyLine Connector dynamically using PolyLine Drawing Tool |
PolygonDrawingTool | Draws a Polygon shape node dynamically using polygon Tool |
ResizeTool | Scales the selected objects |
RotateTool | Rotates the selected objects |
SelectTool | Helps to select the objects |
ToolBase | Defines the interactive tools |
ZoomPanTool | Pans the diagram control on drag |
FlowchartLayout | Defines the Flowchart Layout |
HierarchicalTree | Hierarchical Tree and Organizational Chart |
FlowchartLayoutSettings | Defines the configuration settings for flowchart automatic layout |
Layout | Defines the behavior of the automatic layouts |
MindMap | Layout for mind-map tree |
SymmetricLayout | SymmetricalLayout |
Annotation | Defines the textual description of nodes/connectors |
Hyperlink | Defines the hyperlink for the annotations in the nodes/connectors |
PathAnnotation | Defines the connector annotation |
ShapeAnnotation | Defines the textual description of nodes/connectors with respect to bounds |
BpmnDiagrams | BPMN Diagrams contains the BPMN functionalities |
ActivityFlow | Sets the type of the flow in a BPMN Process |
BezierSegment | Defines the behavior of bezier segments |
BezierSettings | Describes the length and angle between the control point and the start point of bezier segment |
BpmnFlow | Sets the type of the flow in a BPMN Process |
ClassifierMultiplicity | Defines the behavior of the UMLActivity Classifier multiplicity connection defaults |
Connector | Connectors are used to create links between nodes |
ConnectorSegment | Defines the behavior of connector segments |
ConnectorShape | Sets the type of the connector |
Decorator | Decorators are used to decorate the end points of the connector with some predefined path geometry |
DiagramConnectorSegment | Defines the behavior of orthogonal segments |
DiagramConnectorShape | Connector shape for blazor |
MultiplicityLabel | Defines the behavior of the UMLActivity Classifier multiplicity connection defaults |
OrthogonalSegment | Defines the behavior of orthogonal segments |
RelationShip | Defines the behavior of the UMLActivity shape |
StraightSegment | Defines the behavior of straight segments |
Vector | Describes the length and angle between the control point and the start point of bezier segment |
ConnectorFixedUserHandle | Defines the connector Fixed User Handle |
NodeFixedUserHandle | Defines the node Fixed User Handle |
IconShape | Defines the behavior of default IconShapes |
LayoutAnimation | Layout Animation function to enable or disable layout animation |
BasicShape | Defines the behavior of the basic shape |
BpmnActivity | Defines the behavior of the bpmn activity shape |
BpmnAnnotation | Defines the behavior of the bpmn annotation |
BpmnDataObject | Defines the behavior of the bpmn data object |
BpmnEvent | Defines the behavior of the bpmn Event shape |
BpmnGateway | Defines the behavior of the bpmn gateway shape |
BpmnShape | Defines the behavior of the bpmn shape |
BpmnSubEvent | Defines the behavior of the bpmn sub event |
BpmnSubProcess | Defines the behavior of the BPMNSubProcess |
BpmnTask | Defines the behavior of the bpmn task shape |
BpmnTransactionSubProcess | Defines the behavior of the BpmnTransactionSubProcess |
ChildContainer | Defines the behavior of container |
DiagramShape | Defines the behavior of the UMLActivity shape |
FlowShape | Defines the behavior of the flow shape |
Header | Defines the behavior of header in swimLane |
Html | Defines the behavior of html shape |
Image | Defines the behavior of image shape |
Lane | Defines the behavior of lane in swimLane |
MethodArguments | Defines the behavior of the uml class method |
Native | Defines the behavior of Native shape |
Node | Defines the behavior of nodes |
Path | Defines the behavior of path shape |
Phase | Defines the behavior of phase in swimLane |
Selector | Defines the size and position of selected items and defines the appearance of selector |
Shape | Defines the behavior of default shape |
SwimLane | Defines the behavior of swimLane shape |
Text | Defines the behavior of the text shape |
UmlActivityShape | Defines the behavior of the UMLActivity shape |
UmlClass | Defines the behavior of the uml class shapes |
UmlClassAttribute | Defines the behavior of the uml class attributes |
UmlClassMethod | Defines the behavior of the uml class method |
UmlClassifierShape | Defines the behavior of the UMLActivity shape |
UmlEnumeration | Defines the behavior of the uml interface shapes |
UmlEnumerationMember | Defines the behavior of the uml interface shapes |
UmlInterface | Defines the behavior of the uml interface shapes |
NodeBase | Defines the common behavior of nodes, connectors and groups |
PathPort | Defines the behavior of a port, that sticks to a point |
PointPort | Defines the behavior of a port, that sticks to a point |
Port | Defines the behavior of connection ports |
SymbolPaletteInfo | Defines the size and description of a symbol |
SymbolSize | customize the size of the individual palette items. |
Snapping | Snapping |
DiagramTooltip | Defines the tooltip that should be shown when the mouse hovers over node. An object that defines the description, appearance and alignments of tooltip |
Point | Defines and processes coordinates |
Rect | Rect defines and processes rectangular regions |
Size | Size defines and processes the size(width/height) of the objects |
PrintAndExport | Print and Export Settings |
AnnotationConstraints | Enables/Disables the annotation constraints ReadOnly - Enables/Disables the ReadOnly Constraints InheritReadOnly - Enables/Disables the InheritReadOnly Constraints Select -Enables/Disable select support for the annotation Drag - Enables/Disable drag support for the annotation Resize - Enables/Disable resize support for the annotation Rotate - Enables/Disable rotate support for the annotation Interaction - Enables annotation to inherit the interaction option None - Disable all annotation constraints |
ChildArrangement | Defines the child nodes need to arranged in linear manner in layout Linear - Child nodes will be arranged in linear manner Nonlinear - Child nodes will be arranged in not linear manner |
ConnectionPointOrigin | Defines the connection point of the connectors in the layout SamePoint - Connectors will connect with same point in the layout DifferentPoint - Connectors will connect with different points in the layout |
ConnectorConstraints | Defines the constraints to enable/disable certain features of connector. * None - Interaction of the connectors cannot be done. * Select - Selects the connector. * Delete - Delete the connector. * Drag - Drag the connector. * DragSourceEnd - Drag the source end of the connector. * DragTargetEnd - Drag the target end of the connector. * DragSegmentThump - Drag the segment thumb of the connector. * AllowDrop - Allow to drop a node. * Bridging - Creates bridge on intersection of two connectors. * BridgeObstacle - * InheritBridging - Creates bridge on intersection of two connectors. * PointerEvents - Sets the pointer events. * Tooltip - Displays a tooltip for the connectors. * InheritToolTip - Displays a tooltip for the connectors. * Interaction - Features of the connector used for interaction. * ReadOnly - Enables ReadOnly * InheritSegmentThumbShape - Enables or disables to inherit the value of segmentThumbShape * InheritSegmentThumbSize - Enables or disables to inherit the value of segmentThumbSize * Default - Default features of the connector. |
ControlPointsVisibility | Defines the visibility of the control points in the Bezier connector |
DiagramAction | Enables/Disables certain actions of diagram * Render - Indicates the diagram is in render state. * PublicMethod - Indicates the diagram public method is in action. * ToolAction - Indicates the diagram Tool is in action. * UndoRedo - Indicates the diagram undo/redo is in action. * TextEdit - Indicates the text editing is in progress. * Group - Indicates the group is in progress. * Clear - Indicates diagram have clear all. * PreventClearSelection - prevents diagram from clear selection |
DiagramConstraints | Enables/Disables certain features of diagram None - Disable DiagramConstraints constraints Bridging - Enables/Disable Bridging support for connector UndoRedo - Enables/Disable the Undo/Redo support Tooltip - Enables/Disable Tooltip support UserInteraction - Enables/Disable UserInteraction support for the diagram ApiUpdate - Enables/Disable ApiUpdate support for the diagram PageEditable - Enables/Disable PageEditable support for the diagram Zoom - Enables/Disable Zoom support for the diagram PanX - Enables/Disable PanX support for the diagram PanY - Enables/Disable PanY support for the diagram Pan - Enables/Disable Pan support the diagram ZoomTextEdit - Enables/Disables zooming the text box while editing the text Virtualization - Enables/Disable Virtualization support the diagram Default - Enables/Disable all constraints |
DiagramTools | Activates the diagram tools None - Enables/Disable single select support for the diagram SingleSelect - Enables/Disable single select support for the diagram MultipleSelect - Enables/Disable MultipleSelect select support for the diagram ZoomPan - Enables/Disable ZoomPan support for the diagram DrawOnce - Enables/Disable continuousDraw support for the diagram ContinuousDraw - Enables/Disable continuousDraw support for the diagram Default - Enables/Disable all constraints |
FlipDirection | Defines how the diagram elements have to be flipped with respect to its immediate parent * FlipHorizontal - Translate the diagram element throughout its immediate parent * FlipVertical - Rotate the diagram element throughout its immediate parent * Both - Rotate and Translate the diagram element throughout its immediate parent * None - Set the flip Direction as None |
KeyModifiers | Sets a combination of key modifiers, on recognition of which the command will be executed.They are * None - no modifiers are pressed * Control - ctrl key * Meta - meta key im mac * Alt - alt key * Shift - shift key |
Keys | Sets the key value, on recognition of which the command will be executed. They are * none - no key * Number0 = The 0 key * Number1 = The 1 key * Number2 = The 2 key * Number3 = The 3 key * Number4 = The 4 key * Number5 = The 5 key * Number6 = The 6 key * Number7 = The 7 key * Number8 = The 8 key * Number9 = The 9 key * Number0 = The 0 key * BackSpace = The BackSpace key * F1 = The f1 key * F2 = The f2 key * F3 = The f3 key * F4 = The f4 key * F5 = The f5 key * F6 = The f6 key * F7 = The f7 key * F8 = The f8 key * F9 = The f9 key * F10 = The f10 key * F11 = The f11 key * F12 = The f12 key * A = The a key * B = The b key * C = The c key * D = The d key * E = The e key * F = The f key * G = The g key * H = The h key * I = The i key * J = The j key * K = The k key * L = The l key * M = The m key * N = The n key * O = The o key * P = The p key * Q = The q key * R = The r key * S = The s key * T = The t key * U = The u key * V = The v key * W = The w key * X = The x key * Y = The y key * Z = The z key * Left = The left key * Right = The right key * Top = The top key * Bottom = The bottom key * Escape = The Escape key * Tab = The tab key * Delete = The delete key * Enter = The enter key * The Space key * The page up key * The page down key * The end key * The home key * The Minus * The Plus * The Star * The Open Square Bracket * The close Square Bracket |
NodeConstraints | Enables/Disables certain features of node None - Disable all node Constraints Select - Enables node to be selected Drag - Enables node to be Dragged Rotate - Enables node to be Rotate Shadow - Enables node to display shadow PointerEvents - Enables node to provide pointer option Delete - Enables node to delete InConnect - Enables node to provide in connect option OutConnect - Enables node to provide out connect option Individual - Enables node to provide individual resize option Expandable - Enables node to provide Expandable option AllowDrop - Enables node to provide allow to drop option Inherit - Enables node to inherit the interaction option ResizeNorthEast - Enable ResizeNorthEast of the node ResizeEast - Enable ResizeEast of the node ResizeSouthEast - Enable ResizeSouthEast of the node ResizeSouth - Enable ResizeSouthWest of the node ResizeSouthWest - Enable ResizeSouthWest of the node ResizeSouth - Enable ResizeSouth of the node ResizeSouthWest - Enable ResizeSouthWest of the node ResizeWest - Enable ResizeWest of the node ResizeNorth - Enable ResizeNorth of the node Resize - Enables the Aspect ratio fo the node AspectRatio - Enables the Aspect ratio fo the node Tooltip - Enables or disables tool tip for the Nodes InheritTooltip - Enables or disables tool tip for the Nodes ReadOnly - Enables the ReadOnly support for Annotation Default - Enables all constraints |
PortConstraints | Enables/Disables certain features of port connection |
PortVisibility | Constraints to define when a port has to be visible Visible - Always shows the port Hidden - Always hides the port Hover - Shows the port when the mouse hovers over a node Connect - Shows the port when a connection end point is dragged over a node Default - By default the ports will be visible when a node is hovered and being tried to connect |
RenderMode | Defines the rendering mode for diagram Canvas - Sets the rendering mode type as Canvas Svg - Sets the rendering mode type as Svg |
RendererAction | Defines the Selector type to be drawn None - Draws Normal selector with resize handles Symbol - Draws only the rectangle for the selector |
SelectorConstraints | Defines the visibility of the selector handles None - Hides all the selector elements ConnectorSourceThumb - Shows/hides the source thumb of the connector ConnectorTargetThumb - Shows/hides the target thumb of the connector ResizeSouthEast - Shows/hides the bottom right resize handle of the selector ResizeSouthWest - Shows/hides the bottom left resize handle of the selector ResizeNorthEast - Shows/hides the top right resize handle of the selector ResizeNorthWest - Shows/hides the top left resize handle of the selector ResizeEast - Shows/hides the middle right resize handle of the selector ResizeWest - Shows/hides the middle left resize handle of the selector ResizeSouth - Shows/hides the bottom center resize handle of the selector ResizeNorth - Shows/hides the top center resize handle of the selector Rotate - Shows/hides the rotate handle of the selector UserHandles - Shows/hides the user handles of the selector Resize - Shows/hides all resize handles of the selector |
SnapConstraints | Defines the constraints to Enables / Disables some features of Snapping. None - Snapping does not happen ShowHorizontalLines - Displays only the horizontal gridlines in diagram. ShowVerticalLines - Displays only the Vertical gridlines in diagram. ShowLines - Display both Horizontal and Vertical gridlines. SnapToHorizontalLines - Enables the object to snap only with horizontal gridlines. SnapToVerticalLines - Enables the object to snap only with horizontal gridlines. SnapToLines - Enables the object to snap with both horizontal and Vertical gridlines. snapToObject - Enables the object to snap with the other objects in the diagram. |
Transform | Defines the container/canvas transform Self - Sets the transform type as Self Parent - Sets the transform type as Parent |
Corners | Interface for a class corners |
HistoryEntry | Interface for a class HistoryEntry |
AssistantsDetails | Defines the assistant details for the layout |
Bounds | Defines the properties of the layout bounds |
ILayout | Contains the properties of the diagram layout |
INode | Interface for the class node |
Animation | Animation - Animation notifies when the animation is taken place. |
BlazorConnectionObject | BlazorConnectionObject interface for the connector object |
ChangedObject | IBlazorChangeArgs |
DiagramClickEventObject | ClickedObject notifies whether it is node or connector |
DiagramEventAnnotation | DiagramObject is the interface for the diagram object |
DiagramEventDropObject | DiagramDropObject notifies when the element is dropped in the diagram in blazor |
DiagramEventObject | DiagramObject is the interface for the diagram object |
DiagramEventObjectCollection | DiagramCollectionObject is the interface for the diagram objects MouseEventElement notifies whether it is node or connector or selector model |
DiagramMouseEventObject | MouseEventElement notifies whether it is node or connector or selector model |
DiagramPropertyChangeObject | PropertyChangeObject notifies whether it is node or connector |
FixedUserHandleClickEventArgs | fixedUserHandleClickEventArgs notifies when the fixed user handle gets clicked |
IBlazorClickEventArgs | IBlazorClickEventArgs notifies while click on the objects or diagram |
IBlazorCollectionChangeEventArgs | IBlazorCollectionChangeEventArgs notifies while the node/connector are added or removed in the diagram |
IBlazorConnectionChangeEventArgs | IBlazorConnectionChangeEventArgs notifies when the connector are connect or disconnect |
IBlazorCustomHistoryChangeArgs | ICustomHistoryChangeArgs notifies when the label of an element under goes editing |
IBlazorDoubleClickEventArgs | IDoubleClickEventArgs notifies while double click on the diagram or its objects |
IBlazorDragEnterEventArgs | IBlazorDragEnterEventArgs notifies when the element enter into the diagram from symbol palette |
IBlazorDragLeaveEventArgs | IBlazorDragLeaveEventArgs notifies when the element leaves from the diagram |
IBlazorDraggingEventArgs | IBlazorDraggingEventArgs notifies when the node/connector are dragged |
IBlazorDropEventArgs | IBlazorDropEventArgs notifies when the element is dropped in the diagram in blazor |
IBlazorHistoryChangeArgs | IBlazorHistoryChangeArgs notifies while the node/connector are added or removed |
IBlazorPropertyChangeEventArgs | IBlazorPropertyChangeEventArgs notifies when the node/connector property changed |
IBlazorScrollChangeEventArgs | IBlazorScrollChangeEventArgs notifies when the scroller has changed |
IBlazorSegmentCollectionChangeEventArgs | IBlazorSegmentCollectionChangeEventArgs notifies while the segment of the connectors changes |
IBlazorSelectionChangeEventArgs | IBlazorSelectionChangeEventArgs notifies when the node/connector are select in Blazor |
IBlazorTextEditEventArgs | IBlazorTextEditEventArgs notifies when the label of an element under goes editing |
IClickEventArgs | IClickEventArgs - IClickEventArgs notifies while click on the objects or diagram. |
ICollectionChangeEventArgs | ICollectionChangeEventArgs notifies while the node/connector are added or removed. |
ICommandExecuteEventArgs | Interface for command ICommandExecuteEventArgs – ICommandExecuteEventArgs notifies when custom command executed in the diagram. |
IConnectionChangeEventArgs | IConnectionChangeEventArgs notifies when the connector is connected or disconnect from the node. |
ICustomHistoryChangeArgs | ICustomHistoryChangeArgs - ICustomHistoryChangeArgs notifies when the custom undo/redo operation perform. |
IDataLoadedEventArgs | IDataLoadedEventArgs notifies after data is loaded. |
IDoubleClickEventArgs | IDoubleClickEventArgs - IDoubleClickEventArgs notifies while double click on the diagram or its objects |
IDragEnterEventArgs | IDragEnterEventArgs - IDragEnterEventArgs notifies when the element enters into the diagram from symbol palette |
IDragLeaveEventArgs | IDragLeaveEventArgs - IDragLeaveEventArgs notifies when the element leaves from the diagram |
IDragOverEventArgs | IDragOverEventArgs - IDragOverEventArgs notifies when an element drags over another diagram element |
IDraggingEventArgs | IDraggingEventArgs notifies when the node/connector are dragged |
IDropEventArgs | IDropEventArgs - IDropEventArgs notifies when the element is dropped in the diagram |
IElement | IElement interface defines the base of the diagram objects (node/connector) |
IElementDrawEventArgs | elementDraw triggered when node or connector are drawn with drawing tool |
IEndChangeEventArgs | IEndChangeEventArgs notifies when the connector end point is resized |
IExpandStateChangeEventArgs | IExpandStateChangeEventArgs - IExpandStateChangeEventArgs notifies when the node is expanded or collapsed. |
IHistoryChangeArgs | IHistoryChangeArgs - IHistoryChangeArgs notifies when the undo/redo operation perform. |
IImageLoadEventArgs | IImageLoadEventArgs - IImageLoadEventArgs notifies while the image node is loaded. |
IKeyEventArgs | IKeyEventArgs - IKeyEventArgs notifies while perform the key actions in the diagram. |
ILoadEventArgs | ILoadEventArgs - ILoadEventArgs defines the event arguments when diagram rendering is initialized. |
ILoadedEventArgs | ILoadedEventArgs - ILoadedEventArgs defines the event arguments after the diagram elements finished loading using loadDiagram method. |
IMouseWheelEventArgs | IMouseWheelEventArgs - Event triggers whenever the user rotates the mouse wheel either upwards or downwards |
IPaletteExpandArgs | IPaletteExpandArgs - IPaletteExpandArgs notifies when the palette items are expanded or collapsed in the symbol palette |
IPaletteSelectionChangeArgs | IPaletteSelectionChangeArgs - IPaletteSelectionChangeArgs notifies when the selection objects change in the symbol palette. |
IPropertyChangeEventArgs | IPropertyChangeEventArgs notifies when the node/connector property changed |
IRotationEventArgs | IRotationEventArgs notifies when the node/connector are rotated |
IScrollChangeEventArgs | IScrollChangeEventArgs - IScrollChangeEventArgs notifies when the scroller has changed |
ISegmentChangeEventArgs | ISegmentChangeEventArgs - ISegmentChangeEventArgs triggered when we drag the segment thumb of Orthogonal/ Straight /Bezier connector |
ISegmentCollectionChangeEventArgs | ISegmentCollectionChangeEventArgs notifies while the segments are added or removed from the connector. |
ISelectionChangeEventArgs | ISelectionChangeEventArgs notifies when the node/connector are select. |
ISizeChangeEventArgs | ISizeChangeEventArgs notifies when the node are resized |
ITextEditEventArgs | ITextEditEventArgs - ITextEditEventArgs notifies when the label of an element undergoes editing |
ScrollValues | scrollArgs notifies when the scroller had updated |
ColorValue | Defines the intensity of the color as an integer between 0 and 255. |
DiagramBeforeMenuOpenEventArgs | Defines the event before opening the context menu |
DiagramMenuEventArgs | Interface to cancel the diagram context menu click event |
IEditSegmentOptions | Defines the options to add / remove the intermediate segment points for straight connector. |
IExportOptions | Defines the options to export diagrams |
IFitOptions | Defines how the diagram has to be fit into the viewport |
IPrintOptions | Defines the options to export diagrams |
SubTextElement | Defines the properties of sub text element |
TextBounds | Defines the properties of text bounds |
Static Functions | Root static functions of Diagram Component |
AlignmentMode | Defines the mode of the alignment based on which the elements should be aligned Object - Aligns the objects based on the first object in the selected list Selector - Aligns the objects based on the the selector bounds |
AlignmentOptions | Defines the alignment options Left - Aligns the objects at the left of the selector bounds Right - Aligns the objects at the right of the selector bounds Center - Aligns the objects at the horizontal center of the selector bounds Top - Aligns the objects at the top of the selector bounds Bottom - Aligns the objects at the bottom of the selector bounds Middle - Aligns the objects at the vertical center of the selector bounds |
AnnotationAlignment | Defines how the annotations have to be aligned with respect to its immediate parent Center - Aligns the annotation at the center of a connector segment Before - Aligns the annotation before a connector segment After - Aligns the annotation after a connector segment |
AnnotationType | Defines the type of annotation template String - Defines annotation template to be in string Template - Defines annotation template to be in html content |
AnnotationTypes | Defines the type of the annotation Shape - Sets the annotation type as Shape Path - Sets the annotation type as Path |
AssociationFlow | Defines the direction the uml connectors * Default - Indicates the direction is Default. * Directional - Indicates the direction is single Directional. * BiDirectional - Indicates the direction is BiDirectional. |
BasicShapes | Defines the basic shapes Rectangle - Sets the type of the basic shape as Rectangle Ellipse - Sets the type of the basic shape as Ellipse Hexagon - Sets the type of the basic shape as Hexagon Parallelogram - Sets the type of the basic shape as Parallelogram Triangle - Sets the type of the basic shape as Triangle Plus - Sets the type of the basic shape as Plus Star - Sets the type of the basic shape as Star Pentagon - Sets the type of the basic shape as Pentagon Heptagon - Sets the type of the basic shape as Heptagon Octagon - Sets the type of the basic shape as Octagon Trapezoid - Sets the type of the basic shape as Trapezoid Decagon - Sets the type of the basic shape as Decagon RightTriangle - Sets the type of the basic shape as RightTriangle Cylinder - Sets the type of the basic shape as Cylinder Diamond - Sets the type of the basic shape as Diamond |
BezierSegmentEditOrientation | Defines the editing mode of the intermediate point of two bezier curve |
BoundaryConstraints | Defines the BoundaryConstraints for the diagram Infinity - Allow the interactions to take place at the infinite height and width Diagram - Allow the interactions to take place around the diagram height and width Page - Allow the interactions to take place around the page height and width |
BpmnActivities | Defines the type of the Bpmn Activity None - Sets the type of the Bpmn Activity as None Task - Sets the type of the Bpmn Activity as Task SubProcess - Sets the type of the Bpmn Activity as SubProcess |
BpmnAssociationFlows | Defines the type of the Bpmn Association Flows Default - Sets the type of Association flow as Default Directional - Sets the type of Association flow as Directional BiDirectional - Sets the type of Association flow as BiDirectional |
BpmnBoundary | Defines the type of the Bpmn boundary Default - Sets the type of the boundary as Default Call - Sets the type of the boundary as Call Event - Sets the type of the boundary as Event |
BpmnDataObjects | Defines the type of the Bpmn Data Objects None - Sets the type of the data object as None Input - Sets the type of the data object as Input Output - Sets the type of the data object as Output |
BpmnEvents | Defines the type of the Bpmn Events Start - Sets the type of the Bpmn Event as Start Intermediate - Sets the type of the Bpmn Event as Intermediate End - Sets the type of the Bpmn Event as End NonInterruptingStart - Sets the type of the Bpmn Event as NonInterruptingStart NonInterruptingIntermediate - Sets the type of the Bpmn Event as NonInterruptingIntermediate ThrowingIntermediate - Sets the type of the Bpmn Event as ThrowingIntermediate |
BpmnFlows | Defines the type of the Bpmn flows Sequence - Sets the type of the Bpmn Flow as Sequence Association - Sets the type of the Bpmn Flow as Association Message - Sets the type of the Bpmn Flow as Message |
BpmnGateways | Defines the type of the Bpmn gateways None - Sets the type of the gateway as None Exclusive - Sets the type of the gateway as Exclusive Inclusive - Sets the type of the gateway as Inclusive Parallel - Sets the type of the gateway as Parallel Complex - Sets the type of the gateway as Complex EventBased - Sets the type of the gateway as EventBased ExclusiveEventBased - Sets the type of the gateway as ExclusiveEventBased ParallelEventBased - Sets the type of the gateway as ParallelEventBased |
BpmnLoops | Defines the type of the Bpmn Loops None - Sets the type of the Bpmn loop as None Standard - Sets the type of the Bpmn loop as Standard ParallelMultiInstance - Sets the type of the Bpmn loop as ParallelMultiInstance SequenceMultiInstance - Sets the type of the Bpmn loop as SequenceMultiInstance |
BpmnMessageFlows | Defines the type of the Bpmn Message Flows Default - Sets the type of the Message flow as Default InitiatingMessage - Sets the type of the Message flow as InitiatingMessage NonInitiatingMessage - Sets the type of the Message flow as NonInitiatingMessage |
BpmnSequenceFlows | Defines the type of the Bpmn Sequence flows Default - Sets the type of the sequence flow as Default Normal - Sets the type of the sequence flow as Normal Conditional - Sets the type of the sequence flow as Conditional |
BpmnShapes | Defines the type of the Bpmn Shape Event - Sets the type of the Bpmn Shape as Event Gateway - Sets the type of the Bpmn Shape as Gateway Message - Sets the type of the Bpmn Shape as Message DataObject - Sets the type of the Bpmn Shape as DataObject DataSource - Sets the type of the Bpmn Shape as DataSource Activity - Sets the type of the Bpmn Shape as Activity Group - Sets the type of the Bpmn Shape as Group TextAnnotation - Represents the shape as Text Annotation |
BpmnSubProcessTypes | Defines the type of the Bpmn Subprocess None - Sets the type of the Sub process as None Transaction - Sets the type of the Sub process as Transaction Event - Sets the type of the Sub process as Event |
BpmnTasks | Defines the type of the Bpmn Tasks None - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as None Service - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as Service Receive - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as Receive Send - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as Send InstantiatingReceive - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as InstantiatingReceive Manual - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as Manual BusinessRule - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as BusinessRule User - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as User Script - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as Script |
BpmnTriggers | Defines the type of the Bpmn Triggers None - Sets the type of the trigger as None Message - Sets the type of the trigger as Message Timer - Sets the type of the trigger as Timer Escalation - Sets the type of the trigger as Escalation Link - Sets the type of the trigger as Link Error - Sets the type of the trigger as Error Compensation - Sets the type of the trigger as Compensation Signal - Sets the type of the trigger as Signal Multiple - Sets the type of the trigger as Multiple Parallel - Sets the type of the trigger as Parallel Cancel - Sets the type of the trigger as Cancel Conditional - Sets the type of the trigger as Conditional Terminate - Sets the type of the trigger as Terminate |
BranchTypes | Alignment position Left - Sets the branch type as Left Right - Sets the branch type as Right SubLeft - Sets the branch type as SubLeft SubRight - Sets the branch type as SubRight Root - Sets the branch type as Root |
BridgeDirection | Defines the bridge direction Top - Defines the direction of the bridge as Top Bottom - Defines the direction of the bridge as Bottom Left - Sets the bridge direction as left Right - Sets the bridge direction as right |
ChangeType | Defines whether an object is added/removed from diagram Addition - Sets the ChangeType as Addition Removal - Sets the ChangeType as Removal |
ClassifierShape | Enables/Disables shape of the uml classifier shapes * Package - Indicates the scope is public. * Class - Indicates the scope is protected. * Interface - Indicates the scope is private. * Enumeration - Indicates the scope is package. * CollapsedPackage - Indicates the scope is public. * Inheritance - Indicates the scope is protected. * Association - Indicates the scope is private. * Aggregation - Indicates the scope is package. * Composition - Indicates the scope is public. * Realization - Indicates the scope is protected. * DirectedAssociation - Indicates the scope is private. * Dependency - Indicates the scope is package. |
ConnectionDirection | Defines how the first segments have to be defined in a layout Auto - Defines the first segment direction based on the type of the layout Orientation - Defines the first segment direction based on the orientation of the layout Custom - Defines the first segment direction dynamically by the user |
ConnectionShapes | Defines the connection shapes Bpmn - Sets the type of the connection shape as Bpmn |
ConnectorSegments | Defines how the connectors have to be routed in a layout Default - Routes the connectors like a default diagram Layout - Routes the connectors based on the type of the layout |
ContainerTypes | Defines the orientation Horizontal - Sets the orientation as Horizontal Vertical - Sets the orientation as Vertical |
DecoratorShapes | Defines the decorator shape of the connector None - Sets the decorator shape as None Arrow - Sets the decorator shape as Arrow Diamond - Sets the decorator shape as Diamond Path - Sets the decorator shape as Path OpenArrow - Sets the decorator shape as OpenArrow Circle - Sets the decorator shape as Circle Square - Sets the decorator shape as Square Fletch - Sets the decorator shape as Fletch OpenFetch - Sets the decorator shape as OpenFetch IndentedArrow - Sets the decorator shape as Indented Arrow OutdentedArrow - Sets the decorator shape as Outdented Arrow DoubleArrow - Sets the decorator shape as DoubleArrow |
DiagramRegions | Defines the region that has to be drawn as an image PageSettings - With the given page settings image has to be exported. Content - The diagram content is export CustomBounds - Exported with given bounds. |
Direction | Defines the objects direction Left - Sets the direction type as Left Right - Sets the direction type as Right Top - Sets the direction type as Top Bottom - Sets the direction type as Bottom |
DistributeOptions | Defines the distribution options RightToLeft - Distributes the objects based on the distance between the right and left sides of the adjacent objects Left - Distributes the objects based on the distance between the left sides of the adjacent objects Right - Distributes the objects based on the distance between the right sides of the adjacent objects Center - Distributes the objects based on the distance between the center of the adjacent objects BottomToTop - Distributes the objects based on the distance between the bottom and top sides of the adjacent objects Top - Distributes the objects based on the distance between the top sides of the adjacent objects Bottom - Distributes the objects based on the distance between the bottom sides of the adjacent objects Middle - Distributes the objects based on the distance between the vertical center of the adjacent objects |
EntryCategory | Defines the entry category type Internal - Sets the entry category type as Internal External - Sets the entry category type as External |
EntryChangeType | Defines the entry change type Insert - Sets the entry change type as Insert Remove - Sets the entry change type as Remove |
EntryType | Defines the property change entry type PositionChanged - Sets the entry type as PositionChanged Align - Sets the entry type as Align Distribute - Sets the entry type as Distribute SizeChanged - Sets the entry type as SizeChanged Sizing - Sets the entry type as Sizing RotationChanged - Sets the entry type as RotationChanged ConnectionChanged - Sets the entry type as ConnectionChanged PropertyChanged - Sets the entry type as PropertyChanged CollectionChanged - Sets the entry type as CollectionChanged StartGroup - Sets the entry type as StartGroup EndGroup - Sets the entry type as EndGroup Group - Sets the entry type as Group UnGroup - Sets the entry type as UnGroup SegmentChanged - Sets the entry type as SegmentChanged LabelCollectionChanged - Sets the entry type as LabelCollectionChanged PortCollectionChanged - Sets the entry type as PortCollectionChanged |
EventState | Defines the change state Changing - Sets the event state as Changing Changed - Sets the event state as Changed canceled - Sets the event state as canceled |
ExportModes | Defines whether the diagram has to be exported as an image or it has to be converted as image url Download Data |
FileFormats | File Format type for export. JPG - Save the file in JPG Format PNG - Saves the file in PNG Format BMP - Save the file in BMP Format SVG - save the file in SVG format |
FitModes | Defines how the diagram has to fit into view Page - Fits the diagram content within the viewport Width - Fits the width of the diagram content within the viewport Height - Fits the height of the diagram content within the viewport |
FixedUserHandleAlignment | Defines how the fixedUserHandle have to be aligned with respect to its immediate parent Center - Aligns the fixedUserHandle at the center of a connector segment Before - Aligns the fixedUserHandle before a connector segment After - Aligns the fixedUserHandle after a connector segment |
FlipMode | Allows you to flip only the node or along with port, label, labelText * All - Flips port, label and label text along with the node * Label - Flips the label along with the node and keeps the text readable * LabelText – Flips the node and inverts the label without flipping its position * Port - Flips port along with the node * None - Flips only the node * PortAndLabel – Flips the port and label along with the node * PortAndLabelText – Flips the port and label text along with the node * LabelAndLabelText – Flips the label and label text along with the node |
FlowShapes | Defines the type of the flow shape Process - Sets the type of the flow shape as Process Decision - Sets the type of the flow shape as Decision Document - Sets the type of the flow shape as Document PreDefinedProcess - Sets the type of the flow shape as PreDefinedProcess Terminator - Sets the type of the flow shape as Terminator PaperTap - Sets the type of the flow shape as PaperTap DirectData - Sets the type of the flow shape as DirectData SequentialData - Sets the type of the flow shape as SequentialData MultiData - Sets the type of the flow shape as MultiData Collate - Sets the type of the flow shape as Collate SummingJunction - Sets the type of the flow shape as SummingJunction Or - Sets the type of the flow shape as Or InternalStorage - Sets the type of the flow shape as InternalStorage Extract - Sets the type of the flow shape as Extract ManualOperation - Sets the type of the flow shape as ManualOperation Merge - Sets the type of the flow shape as Merge OffPageReference - Sets the type of the flow shape as OffPageReference SequentialAccessStorage - Sets the type of the flow shape as SequentialAccessStorage Annotation - Sets the type of the flow shape as Annotation Annotation2 - Sets the type of the flow shape as Annotation2 Data - Sets the type of the flow shape as Data Card - Sets the type of the flow shape as Card Delay - Sets the type of the flow shape as Delay Preparation - Sets the type of the flow shape as Preparation Display - Sets the type of the flow shape as Display ManualInput - Sets the type of the flow shape as ManualInput LoopLimit - Sets the type of the flow shape as LoopLimit StoredData - Sets the type of the flow shape as StoredData |
GradientType | Defines the type of the gradient Linear - Sets the type of the gradient as Linear Radial - Sets the type of the gradient as Radial |
GridType | Defines the gird rendering pattern Lines - Render the line for the grid Dots - Render the dot for the grid |
HorizontalAlignment | Defines how the diagram elements have to be aligned with respect to its immediate parent * Stretch - Stretches the diagram element throughout its immediate parent * Left - Aligns the diagram element at the left of its immediate parent * Right - Aligns the diagram element at the right of its immediate parent * Center - Aligns the diagram element at the center of its immediate parent * Auto - Aligns the diagram element based on the characteristics of its immediate parent |
IconShapes | Collections of icon content shapes. None Minus - sets the icon shape as minus Plus - sets the icon shape as Plus ArrowUp - sets the icon shape as ArrowUp ArrowDown - sets the icon shape as ArrowDown Template - sets the icon shape based on the given custom template Path - sets the icon shape based on the given custom Path |
ImageAlignment | None - Alignment value will be set as none XMinYMin - smallest X value of the view port and smallest Y value of the view port XMidYMin - midpoint X value of the view port and smallest Y value of the view port XMaxYMin - maximum X value of the view port and smallest Y value of the view port XMinYMid - smallest X value of the view port and midpoint Y value of the view port XMidYMid - midpoint X value of the view port and midpoint Y value of the view port XMaxYMid - maximum X value of the view port and midpoint Y value of the view port XMinYMax - smallest X value of the view port and maximum Y value of the view port XMidYMax - midpoint X value of the view port and maximum Y value of the view port XMaxYMax - maximum X value of the view port and maximum Y value of the view port |
LayoutOrientation | Defines the orientation of the layout * TopToBottom - Renders the layout from top to bottom * BottomToTop - Renders the layout from bottom to top * LeftToRight - Renders the layout from left to right * RightToLeft - Renders the layout from right to left |
LayoutType | Defines the types of the automatic layout * None - None of the layouts is applied * HierarchicalTree - Defines the type of the layout as Hierarchical Tree * OrganizationalChart - Defines the type of the layout as Organizational Chart * ComplexHierarchicalTree - Defines the type of the layout as complex HierarchicalTree * RadialTree - Defines the type of the layout as Radial tree |
LinkTarget | Defines how to open the annotation hyperlink in the new tab, current tab or new window |
MouseButtons | Returns which mouse button is clicked. Left - Whenever the left button of the mouse is clicked, ‘Left’ is returned. Progress - Whenever the mouse wheel is clicked, ‘Middle’ is returned. Completed - Whenever the right button of the mouse is clicked, ‘Right’ is returned. |
Multiplicity | Define the Multiplicity of uml connector shapes * OneToOne - Indicates the connector multiplicity is OneToOne. * OneToMany - Indicates the connector multiplicity is OneToMany. * ManyToOne - Indicates the connector multiplicity is ManyToOne. * ManyToMany - Indicates the connector multiplicity is ManyToMany. |
NudgeDirection | Defines the nudging direction Left - Nudge the object in the left direction Right - Nudge the object in the right direction Up - Nudge the object in the up direction Down - Nudge the object in the down direction |
ObjectTypes | Defines the type of the object Port - Sets the port type as object Annotations - Sets the annotation type as object |
Orientation | Defines the orientation Horizontal - Sets the orientation as Horizontal Vertical - Sets the orientation as Vertical |
PageOrientation | Defines the orientation of the Page Landscape - Display with page Width is more than the page Height. Portrait - Display with page Height is more than the page width. |
Panels | Defines the type of the panel None - Defines that the panel will not rearrange its children. Instead, it will be positioned based on its children. Canvas - Defines the type of the panel as Canvas Stack - Defines the type of the panel as Stack Grid - Defines the type of the panel as Grid WrapPanel - Defines the type of the panel as WrapPanel |
PortAlignment | Defines how the ports have to be aligned with respect to its immediate parent Center - Aligns the ports at the center of a connector segment Before - Aligns the ports before a connector segment After - Aligns the ports after a connector segment |
PortConnectionDirection | Define the allowed direction for connections to the port Auto - Maintains the default behavior of automatic direction calculation. Left - Restricts connections to only connect to the left side of the port. Top - Restricts connections to only connect to the top side of the port. Right - Restricts connections to only connect to the right side of the port. Bottom - Restricts connections to only connect to the bottom side of the port. |
PortShapes | Defines the shape of the ports X - Sets the decorator shape as X Circle - Sets the decorator shape as Circle Square - Sets the decorator shape as Square Custom - Sets the decorator shape as Custom |
PortTypes | Defines the type of the port Point - Sets the type of the port as Point Path - Sets the type of the port as Path Dynamic - Sets the type of the port as Dynamic |
RelativeMode | Defines the reference with respect to which the diagram elements have to be aligned Point - Diagram elements will be aligned with respect to a point Object - Diagram elements will be aligned with respect to its immediate parent |
RenderingMode | Defines the rendering mode of the diagram SVG - Renders the diagram objects as SVG elements Canvas - Renders the diagram in a canvas |
RotationReference | Defines the rotating mode of the annotation. * Page - Annotation remains fixed relative to the entire page, regardless of parent node rotation. * Parent - Annotation maintains its relative angle to the parent node during rotation. |
RubberBandSelectionMode | Defines how to handle the rubber band selection CompleteIntersect - Selects the objects that are contained within the selected region PartialIntersect - Selects the objects that are partially intersected with the selected region |
Scale | None - Scale value will be set as None for the image Meet - Scale value Meet will be set for the image Slice - Scale value Slice will be set for the image |
ScrollLimit | Defines the scrollable region of diagram Diagram - Enables scrolling to view the diagram content Infinity - Diagram will be extended, when we try to scroll the diagram |
SegmentEditing | Specifies to add or remove intermediate segment. Add - Specifies to add the intermediate segment at the specified point. Remove - Specifies to remove the intermediate segment at the specified point. Toggle - New segment will be added at the tapped point if there is no segment at that point or existing segment will be deleted |
SegmentThumbShapes | Defines the segmentThumb shape of the connector Rhombus - Sets the segmentThumb shape as Rhombus Square - Sets the segmentThumb shape as Square Rectangle - Sets the segmentThumb shape as Rectangle Ellipse - Sets the segmentThumb shape as Ellipse Arrow - Sets the segmentThumb shape as Arrow Diamond - Sets the segmentThumb shape as Diamond OpenArrow - Sets the segmentThumb shape as OpenArrow Circle - Sets the segmentThumb shape as Circle Fletch - Sets the segmentThumb shape as Fletch OpenFetch - Sets the segmentThumb shape as OpenFetch IndentedArrow - Sets the segmentThumb shape as Indented Arrow OutdentedArrow - Sets the segmentThumb shape as Outdented Arrow DoubleArrow - Sets the segmentThumb shape as DoubleArrow |
Segments | Defines the segment type of the connector Straight - Sets the segment type as Straight Orthogonal - Sets the segment type as Orthogonal Polyline - Sets the segment type as Polyline Bezier - Sets the segment type as Bezier |
SelectionChangeCause | Defines the selection change state Interaction - Sets the selection change state as Interaction Commands - Sets the selection change state as Commands Keyboard - Sets the selection change state as Keyboard Unknown - Sets the selection change state as Unknown |
Shapes | Defines the shape of a node Path - Sets the type of the node as Path Text - Sets the type of the node as Text Image - Sets the type of the node as Image Basic - Sets the type of the node as Basic Flow - Sets the type of the node as Flow Bpmn - Sets the type of the node as Bpmn Native - Sets the type of the node as Native HTML - Sets the type of the node as HTML |
Side | Defines where the user handles have to be aligned Top - Aligns the user handles at the top of an object Bottom - Aligns the user handles at the bottom of an object Left - Aligns the user handles at the left of an object Right - Aligns the user handles at the right of an object |
SizingOptions | Defines the sizing options Width - Scales the width of the selected objects Height - Scales the height of the selected objects Size - Scales the selected objects both vertically and horizontally |
State | Defines the state of the interactions such as drag, resize and rotate Start - Sets the interaction state as Start Progress - Sets the interaction state as Progress Completed - Sets the interaction state as Completed |
Status | Detect the status of Crud operation performed in the diagram |
Stretch | Defines the diagrams stretch None - Sets the stretch type for diagram as None Stretch - Sets the stretch type for diagram as Stretch Meet - Sets the stretch type for diagram as Meet Slice - Sets the stretch type for diagram as Slice |
SubTreeAlignments | Defines the collection of sub tree alignments in an organizational chart Left - Aligns the child nodes at the left of the parent in a horizontal/vertical sub tree Right - Aligns the child nodes at the right of the parent in a horizontal/vertical sub tree Center - Aligns the child nodes at the center of the parent in a horizontal sub tree Alternate - Aligns the child nodes at both left and right sides of the parent in a vertical sub tree Balanced - Aligns the child nodes in multiple rows to balance the width and height of the horizontal sub tree |
SubTreeOrientation | Defines the collection of sub tree orientations in an organizational chart Vertical - Aligns the child nodes in vertical manner Horizontal - Aligns the child nodes in horizontal manner |
TextAlign | Defines how the text has to be aligned Left - Aligns the text at the left of the text bounds Right - Aligns the text at the right of the text bounds Center - Aligns the text at the center of the text bounds Justify - Aligns the text in a justified manner |
TextAnnotationDirection | Specifies the direction for text annotation. * Auto - Specifies the direction as auto to switch the direction based on the connector position. * Left - Specifies the direction as left when the absolute angle as 180 degree. * Right - Specifies the direction as right when the absolute angle as 0 degree. * Top - Specifies the direction as top when the absolute angle as 270 degree or -90 degree. * Bottom - Specifies the direction as bottom when the absolute angle as 90 degree. |
TextDecoration | Defines how to decorate the text Overline - Decorates the text with a line above the text Underline - Decorates the text with an underline LineThrough - Decorates the text by striking it with a line None - Text will not have any specific decoration |
TextOverflow | Defines how to handle the text when it exceeds the element bounds Wrap - Wraps the text to next line, when it exceeds its bounds Ellipsis - It truncates the overflown text and represents the clipping with an ellipsis Clip - It clips the overflow text |
TextWrap | Defines how to wrap the text when it exceeds the element bounds WrapWithOverflow - Wraps the text so that no word is broken Wrap - Wraps the text and breaks the word, if necessary NoWrap - Text will no be wrapped |
TooltipMode | Defines how to show tooltip Auto - Shows the tooltip on drag, scale, and rotate the object Custom - Shows the tooltip for the diagram element |
TooltipRelativeMode | Defines the relative mode of the tooltip Object - sets the tooltip position relative to the node Mouse - sets the tooltip position relative to the mouse |
UmlActivityFlows | Defines the type of the UMLActivity flows Object - Sets the type of the UMLActivity Flow as Object Control - Sets the type of the UMLActivity Flow as Control Exception - Sets the type of the UMLActivity Flow as Exception |
UmlActivityShapes | Defines the type of the UMLActivity Shape Action - Sets the type of the UMLActivity Shape as Action Decision - Sets the type of the UMLActivity Shape as Decision MergeNode - Sets the type of the UMLActivity Shape as MergeNode InitialNode - Sets the type of the UMLActivity Shape as InitialNode FinalNode - Sets the type of the UMLActivity Shape as FinalNode ForkNode - Sets the type of the UMLActivity Shape as ForkNode JoinNode - Sets the type of the UMLActivity Shape as JoinNode TimeEvent - Represents the UMLActivity shape as TimeEvent |
UmlClassChildType | Defines the child type to be added in the UmlClassifierShape. Methods Attributes Members |
UmlScope | Enables/Disables scope of the uml shapes * Public - Indicates the scope is public. * Protected - Indicates the scope is protected. * Private - Indicates the scope is private. * Package - Indicates the scope is package. |
UnitMode | Defines the unit mode Absolute - Sets the unit mode type as Absolute Fraction - Sets the unit mode type as Fraction |
VerticalAlignment | Defines how the diagram elements have to be aligned with respect to its immediate parent * Stretch - Stretches the diagram element throughout its immediate parent * Top - Aligns the diagram element at the top of its immediate parent * Bottom - Aligns the diagram element at the bottom of its immediate parent * Center - Aligns the diagram element at the center of its immediate parent * Auto - Aligns the diagram element based on the characteristics of its immediate parent |
WhiteSpace | Defines how to handle the empty space and empty lines of a text PreserveAll - Preserves all empty spaces and empty lines CollapseSpace - Collapses the consequent spaces into one CollapseAll - Collapses all consequent empty spaces and empty lines |
ZoomTypes | Defines the zoom type ZoomIn - Zooms in the diagram control ZoomOut - Zooms out the diagram control |
accessibilityElement | Defines the accessibility element NodeModel - Sets the accessibility element as NodeModel ConnectorModel - Sets the accessibility element as ConnectorModel PortModel - Sets the accessibility element as PortModel TextElement - Sets the accessibility element as TextElement IconShapeModel - Sets the accessibility element as IconShapeModel DecoratorModel - Sets the accessibility element as DecoratorModel |
EJ1VerticalAlignment | Defines how the diagram elements have to be aligned with respect to its immediate parent * Stretch - Stretches the diagram element throughout its immediate parent * Top - Aligns the diagram element at the top of its immediate parent * Bottom - Aligns the diagram element at the bottom of its immediate parent * Center - Aligns the diagram element at the center of its immediate parent * Auto - Aligns the diagram element based on the characteristics of its immediate parent |