Defines the constraints to enable/disable certain features of connector.
- Enables AllowDrop constraints to the connector.BridgeObstacle
- Enables or Disables Bridge Obstacles with overlapping of connectors.Bridging
- Enables bridging to the connector.ConnectToNearByElement
- Enables or disables Enables or disables near port and node padding to the connector.ConnectToNearByNode
- Enables or disables near node padding to the connector.ConnectToNearByPort
- Enables or disables near port padding to the connector.Default
- Enables all constraints.Delete
- Enables connector to be Deleted.Drag
- Enables connector to be Dragged.DragSegmentThumb
- Enables control point and end point of every segment in a connector for editing.DragSourceEnd
- Enables connectors source end to be selected.DragTargetEnd
- Enables connectors target end to be selected.InheritBridging
- Enables bridging to the connector.InheritLineRouting
- Enables or disables routing to the connector.InheritSegmentThumbShape
- Enables or disables to inherit the value of segmentThumbShapeInheritSegmentThumbSize
- Enables or disables to inherit the value of segmentThumbSizeInheritTooltip
- Enables or disables tool tip for the connectorsInteraction
- Enables Interaction.LineRouting
- Enables or disables routing to the connector.None
- Disable all connector Constraints.PointerEvents
- Used to set the pointer events.ReadOnly
- Enables ReadOnlySelect
- Enables connector to be selected.Tooltip
- Enables or disables tool tip for the connectors