ClassifierShape API in JavaScript Diagram API control
Enables/Disables shape of the uml classifier shapes
- Package - Indicates the scope is public.
- Class - Indicates the scope is protected.
- Interface - Indicates the scope is private.
- Enumeration - Indicates the scope is package.
- CollapsedPackage - Indicates the scope is public.
- Inheritance - Indicates the scope is protected.
- Association - Indicates the scope is private.
- Aggregation - Indicates the scope is package.
- Composition - Indicates the scope is public.
- Realization - Indicates the scope is protected.
- DirectedAssociation - Indicates the scope is private.
- Dependency - Indicates the scope is package.
- Aggregation
- Class
- Interface
- Enumeration
- Inheritance
- Association
- Composition
- Realization
- Dependency