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BpmnTaskModel API in JavaScript Diagram API control

Interface for a class BpmnTask




Sets whether the task is global or not



Sets whether the task is triggered as a compensation of another specific activity

<div id='diagram'></div>
let nodes: NodeModel[] = [{
 id: 'node', width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 100,
 shape: {
  type: 'Bpmn', shape: 'Activity', activity: {
      activity: 'Task',
      task: { call: true, compensation: false, type: 'Service', loop: 'ParallelMultiInstance' }
  }} as BpmnShapeModel,
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
nodes : nodes,



Defines the type of the BPMN loops

  • None - Sets the type of the Bpmn loop as None
  • Standard - Sets the type of the Bpmn loop as Standard
  • ParallelMultiInstance - Sets the type of the Bpmn loop as ParallelMultiInstance
  • SequenceMultiInstance - Sets the type of the Bpmn loop as SequenceMultiInstance



Defines the type of the task

  • None - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as None
  • Service - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as Service
  • Receive - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as Receive
  • Send - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as Send
  • InstantiatingReceive - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as InstantiatingReceive
  • Manual - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as Manual
  • BusinessRule - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as BusinessRule
  • User - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as User
  • Script - Sets the type of the Bpmn Tasks as Script