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Overview API in JavaScript Barcode API control

Name Description
BarcodeGenerator Represents the Barcode control
DisplayText Defines the space to be left between an object and its immediate parent
QRCodeLogo Specifies the logo overlay configuration for the QR code.
Margin Defines the space to be left between an object and its immediate parent
Point Defines and processes coordinates
Rect Rect defines and processes rectangular regions
Size Size defines and processes the size(width/height) of the objects
BarcodeEvent Defines the event of the barcode
* BarcodeEvent - Throws when an invalid input was given.
DataMatrixSize Defines the size for the datamatrix code. The defined size are
* Auto
* Size10x10
* Size12x12
* Size14x14
* Size16x16
* Size18x18
* Size20x20
* Size22x22
* Size24x24
* Size26x26
* Size32x32
* Size36x36
* Size40x40
* Size44x44
* Size48x48
* Size52x52
* Size64x64
* Size72x72
* Size80x80
* Size88x88
* Size96x96
* Size104x104
* Size120x120
* Size132x132
* Size144x144
* Size8x18
* Size8x32
* Size12x26
* Size12x36
* Size16x36
* Size16x48
ErrorCorrectionLevel Indicated the recovery capacity of the qrcode. The default capacity levels are
* Low
* Medium
* Quartile
* High
QRCodeVersion Defines the Qrcode QRCodeVersion. They are
* Auto
* Version01
* Version02
* Version03
* Version04
* Version05
* Version06
* Version07
* Version08
* Version09
* Version10
* Version11
* Version12
* Version13
* Version14
* Version15
* Version16
* Version17
* Version18
* Version19
* Version20
* Version21
* Version22
* Version23
* Version24
* Version25
* Version26
* Version27
* Version28
* Version29
* Version30
* Version31
* Version32
* Version33
* Version34
* Version35
* Version36
* Version37
* Version38
* Version39
* Version40
Alignment Defines the text alignment for the text to be rendered in the barcode. The text alignment types are
* Left
* Right
* Center
BarcodeExportType Defines the format of the barcode to be exported
JPG - Barcode will be exported as JPG file.
PNG - Barcode will be exported as PNG file.
BarcodeType Defines the type of the barcode to be generated. The barcode types are
* Code39
* Code128
* Code128A
* Code128B
* Code128C
* Codabar
* Ean8
* Ean13
* UpcA
* UpcE
* Code11
* Code93
* Code93Extension
* Code39Extension
* Code32
DataMatrixEncoding Defines the encoding type for the datamatrix code. They are
* Auto
* ASCIINumeric
* Base256
QRInputMode Defines the Qrcode input mode. The QR input modes are
* NumericMode
* BinaryMode
* AlphaNumericMode
RenderingMode Defines the rendering mode of the barcode. They are
* Canvas
TextPosition Defines the text position for the text to be rendered in the barcode. The text positions are
* Bottom
* Top