Name | Description |
AccumulationChart | Represents the AccumulationChart control. |
AccPoints | The AccPoints class is used to define and manage the data points within a series of accumulation charts. |
AccumulationAnnotationSettings | Configures the annotation settings for an accumulation chart. Annotations are used to highlight or provide additional information about specific points or regions in the accumulation chart. |
AccumulationDataLabelSettings | This class provides options to customize the appearance and behavior of data labels within a series. |
AccumulationSeries | Configures the series in the accumulation chart. |
PieCenter | The PieCenter class provides options to set the center position for the Pie series in a chart. |
FunnelSeries | The FunnelSeries module is used to render the Funnel Series. |
LegendSettings | Configures the appearance and behavior of legends in charts. |
Accessibility | The Accessibility class configures accessibility options for chart controls. |
Animation | Configures the animation behavior for the chart series. |
Border | The Border class provides configuration options for setting the borders in a chart. |
CenterLabel | Options to customize the center label of the Pie and Donut charts. |
ChartArea | The ChartArea class provides properties to customize the appearance and layout of the chart’s display area. |
Connector | The Connector class configures the appearance and properties of connectors in chart controls. |
ContainerPadding | Configures the padding around the chart legend container. |
CornerRadius | The CornerRadius class provides options to customize the rounding of the corners for columns in the column series. |
DragSettings | Configures the drag settings for series in the chart. |
EmptyPointSettings | This class configures the appearance and behavior of points with empty data in the series. |
Font | The Font class provides configuration options for customizing the fonts used in the charts. |
Indexes | Specifies the indexes for the series and data points. |
Location | Configures the location for the legend and tooltip in the chart. |
Margin | The Margin class enables configuration of the space around the chart’s content. |
Offset | The Offset class provides options to adjust the position of the marker relative to its default location. |
PeriodSelectorSettings | Configures the period selector settings. |
Periods | Configures the button settings in period selector. |
SeriesAccessibility | The SeriesAccessibility class configures accessibility options specifically for chart series elements. |
StackLabelsFont | The StackLabelsFont class provides configuration options for customizing the font properties of stack labels in charts. |
TitleStyleSettings | The TitleStyleSettings class provides options to customize the title and subtitle displayed in the accumulation chart. |
titleBorder | Configures the borders of the chart title and subtitle. |
titleSettings | The titleSettings class provides options to customize the title and subtitle displayed in the chart. |
IAccAnimationCompleteEventArgs | Accumulation Chart AnimationComplete event arguments. |
IAccBeforeResizeEventArgs | Accumulation Chart Before Resize event arguments. |
IAccLoadedEventArgs | Accumulation Chart Load or Loaded event arguments. |
IAccPointRenderEventArgs | Accumulation Chart PointRender event arguments. |
IAccResizeEventArgs | Accumulation Chart Resize event arguments. |
IAccSelectionCompleteEventArgs | Accumulation Chart SelectionComplete event arguments. |
IAccSeriesRenderEventArgs | Accumulation Chart SeriesRender event arguments. |
IAccTextRenderEventArgs | Accumulation Chart TextRender event arguments. |
IAccTooltipRenderEventArgs | Accumulation Chart TooltipRender event arguments. |
IExportEventArgs | Provides the event arguments for the chart export functionality. |
Static Functions | Root static functions of AccumulationChart Component |
AccEmptyPointMode | Defines the empty point mode of the chart. * Zero - Used to display empty points as zero. * Drop - Used to ignore the empty point while rendering. * Average - Used to display empty points as previous and next point average. |
AccumulationHighlightMode | Specifies whether a data point should be highlighted. The options are: * None - Disable the Highlight. * Point - To highlight a point. |
AccumulationLabelPosition | Defines the AccumulationLabelPosition. They are: * Inside - Define the data label position for the accumulation series Inside. * Outside - Define the data label position for the accumulation series Outside. |
AccumulationSelectionMode | Defines the SelectionMode, They are: * None - Disable the selection. * Point - To select a point. |
AccumulationTheme | Defines the theme of the accumulation chart. They are: * Material - Render a accumulation chart with Material theme. * Fabric - Render a accumulation chart with Fabric theme. * Bootstrap - Render a accumulation chart with Bootstrap theme. * HighContrastLight - Render a accumulation chart with HighcontrastLight theme. * MaterialDark - Render a accumulation chart with MaterialDark theme. * FabricDark - Render a accumulation chart with FabricDark theme. * HighContrast - Render a accumulation chart with HighContrast theme. * BootstrapDark - Render a accumulation chart with BootstrapDark theme. * Bootstrap4 - Render a accumulation chart with Bootstrap4 theme. * Tailwind - Render a accumulation chart with Tailwind theme. * TailwindDark - Render a accumulation chart with TailwindDark theme. * Bootstrap5 - Render a accumulation chart with Bootstrap5 theme. * Bootstrap5Dark - Render a accumulation chart with Bootstrap5Dark theme. * Fluent - Render a accumulation chart with Fluent theme. * FluentDark - Render a accumulation chart with FluentDark theme. * Fluent2 - Render a accumulation chart with Fluent2 theme. * Fluent2Dark - Render a accumulation chart with Fluent2Dark theme. * Material3 - Render a accumulation chart with Material3 theme. * Material3Dark - Render a accumulation chart with Material3Dark theme. |
AccumulationType | Defines the Accumulation Chart series type. * Pie - Accumulation chart Pie series type. * Funnel - Accumulation chart Funnel series type. * Pyramid - Accumulation chart Pyramid series type. |
ConnectorType | Defines the type of connector lines in an accumulation series. The options are: * Line - Accumulation series Connector line type as Straight line. * Curve - Accumulation series Connector line type as Curved line. |
FunnelModes | Specifies the available modes for rendering a funnel chart. |
GroupModes | Defines the mode of the group. * Point - When choosing points, the selected points get grouped. * Value - When choosing values, the points which less then values get grouped. |
PyramidModes | Defines the mode of the pyramid. * Linear - Height of the pyramid segments reflects the values. * Surface - Surface/Area of the pyramid segments reflects the values. |
Alignment | Defines the alignment. They are: * Near - Align the element to the left. * Center - Align the element to the center. * Far - Align the element to the right. |
ChartRangePadding | Defines the range padding of axis. They are: * Auto - Padding Normal is applied for orientation vertical axis and None is applied for orientation horizontal axis. * None - Padding cannot be applied to the axis. * Normal - Padding is applied to the axis based on the range calculation. * Additional - Interval of the axis is added as padding to the minimum and maximum values of the range. * Round - Axis range is rounded to the nearest possible value divided by the interval. |
ChartTheme | Defines theme of the chart. They are: * Material - Render a chart with Material theme. * Fabric - Render a chart with Fabric theme. * Bootstrap - Render a chart with Bootstrap theme. * HighContrastLight - Render a chart with HighcontrastLight theme. * MaterialDark - Render a chart with MaterialDark theme. * FabricDark - Render a chart with FabricDark theme. * HighContrast - Render a chart with HighContrast theme. * BootstrapDark - Render a chart with BootstrapDark theme. * Bootstrap4 - Render a chart with Bootstrap4 theme. * Tailwind - Render a chart with Tailwind theme. * TailwindDark - Render a chart with TailwindDark theme. * Bootstrap5 - Render a chart with Bootstrap5 theme. * Bootstrap5Dark - Render a chart with Bootstrap5Dark theme. * Fluent - Render a chart with Fluent theme. * FluentDark - Render a chart with FluentDark theme. * Fluent2 - Render a chart with Fluent2 theme. * Fluent2Dark - Render a chart with Fluent2Dark theme. * Material3 - Render a chart with Material3 theme. * Material3Dark - Render a chart with Material3Dark theme. |
EdgeLabelPlacement | Defines the edge label placement for an axis. They are: * None - No action will be perform. * Hide - Edge label will be hidden. * Shift - Shift the edge labels. |
EmptyPointMode | Defines the empty point mode of the chart. They are: * Gap - Used to display empty points as space. * Zero - Used to display empty points as zero. * Drop - Used to ignore the empty point while rendering. * Average - Used to display empty points as previous and next point average. |
ExportType | Defines the export file format. They are: * PNG - Export the chart in PNG format. * JPEG - Export the chart in JPEG format. * SVG - Export the chart in SVG format. * PDF - Export the chart in PDF format. * XLSX - Export the chart data to XLSX. * CSV - Export the chart to CSV. * Print – Prints the chart. |
FlagType | Flag type for stock events. |
HighlightMode | Defines the selection mode. They are: * None - Disable the selection. * Series - To select a series. * Point - To select a point. * Cluster - To select a cluster of point. |
IntervalType | Defines the interval type of datetime axis. They are: * Auto - Define the interval of the axis based on data. * Years - Define the interval of the axis in years. * Months - Define the interval of the axis in months. * Days - Define the interval of the axis in days. * Hours - Define the interval of the axis in hours. * Minutes - Define the interval of the axis in minutes. * Seconds - Define the interval of the axis in seconds. |
LabelIntersectAction | Defines the alignment. They are: * None - Shows all the labels. * Hide - Hide the label when it intersect. * Trim - Trim the label when it intersect. * Wrap - Wrap the label when it intersect. * MultipleRows - Arrange the label in multiple row when it intersect. * Rotate45 - Rotate the label to 45 degree when it intersect. * Rotate90 - Rotate the label to 90 degree when it intersect. |
LabelOverflow | Specifies text overflow options when the text overflowing the container. They are: * Ellipsis - Specifies an ellipsis (“…”) to the clipped text. * clip - Specifies to break a word once it is too long to fit on a line by itself. |
LabelPlacement | Defines the label placement for category axis. They are: * BetweenTicks - Render the label between the ticks. * OnTicks - Render the label on the ticks. |
LabelPosition | Defines the label position. They are: * Outer - Position the label outside the point. * Top - Position the label on top of the point. * Bottom - Position the label on bottom of the point. * Middle - Position the label to middle of the point. * Auto - Position the label based on series. |
LegendLayout | Defines how the legend items are arranged. The available options are: * Horizontal - The legend items are arranged in a single row.* Vertical - The legend items are arranged in a single column.* Auto - The legend items are arranged automatically based on the legend’s bounds. |
LegendPosition | Defines the position of the legend. They are: * Auto - Places the legend based on the area type. * Top - Displays the legend on the top of the chart. * Left - Displays the legend on the left of the chart. * Bottom - Displays the legend on the bottom of the chart. * Right - Displays the legend on the right of the chart. * Custom - Displays the legend based on the given x and y value. |
LegendShape | Defines the shape of legend. They are: * Circle - Renders a circle. * Rectangle - Renders a rectangle. * Triangle - Renders a triangle. * Diamond - Renders a diamond. * Cross - Renders a cross. * HorizontalLine - Renders a horizontalLine. * VerticalLine - Renders a verticalLine. * Pentagon - Renders a pentagon. * InvertedTriangle - Renders a invertedTriangle. * SeriesType -Render a legend shape based on series type. * Image - Renders a image. |
LegendTitlePosition | Defines the position of the legend title. They are: * Top - Align the title to the top. * Left - Align the title to the left. * Right - Align the title to the right. |
PeriodSelectorPosition | Defines the position of the period selector. They are: * Top: Places the period selector at the top. * Bottom: Places the period selector at the bottom. |
Position | Defines the Position. They are: * Top - Align the element to the top. * Middle - Align the element to the center. * Bottom - Align the element to the bottom. |
RangeIntervalType | Defines the interval type of datetime axis. They are: * Auto - Define the interval of the axis based on data. * Quarter - Define the interval of the axis based on data. * Years - Define the interval of the axis in years. * Months - Define the interval of the axis in months. * Weeks - Define the interval of the axis in weeks * Days - Define the interval of the axis in days. * Hours - Define the interval of the axis in hours. * Minutes - Define the interval of the axis in minutes. |
Regions | Defines regions of an annotation. They are: * Chart - Specifies the chart coordinates. * Series - Specifies the series coordinates. |
ScrollbarPosition | Defines the possible positions for the scrollbar in a chart. Available options are: * PlaceNextToAxisLine : Default position, places the scrollbar next to the axis line.* Top : Places the scrollbar at the top of the chart.* Bottom : Places the scrollbar at the bottom of the chart.* Left : Places the scrollbar on the left side of the chart.* Right : Places the scrollbar on the right side of the chart. |
SelectionMode | Defines the selection mode. They are: * None - Disable the selection. * Series - To select a series. * Point - To select a point. * Cluster - To select a cluster of point * DragXY - To select points, by dragging with respect to both horizontal and vertical axis * DragX - To select points, by dragging with respect to horizontal axis. * DragY - To select points, by dragging with respect to vertical axis. * Lasso - To select points, by dragging with respect to free form. |
SelectionPattern | Highlighting or selecting patterns in chart. They are: * None - Sets none as highlighting or selecting pattern. * Chessboard - Sets chess board as highlighting or selecting pattern. * Dots - Set dots as highlighting or selecting pattern. * DiagonalForward - Sets diagonal forward as highlighting or selecting pattern. * Crosshatch -Sets crosshatch as highlighting or selecting pattern. * Pacman - Sets pacman highlighting or selecting pattern. * Diagonalbackward - Set diagonal backward as highlighting or selecting pattern. * Grid - Set grid as highlighting or selecting pattern. * Turquoise - Sets turquoise as highlighting or selecting pattern. * Star - Sets star as highlighting or selecting pattern. * Triangle - Sets triangle as highlighting or selecting pattern. * Circle - Sets circle as highlighting or selecting pattern. * Tile - Sets tile as highlighting or selecting pattern. * Horizontaldash - Sets horizontal dash as highlighting or selecting pattern. * Verticaldash - Sets vertical dash as highlighting or selecting pattern. * Rectangle - Sets rectangle as highlighting or selecting pattern. * Box - Sets box as highlighting or selecting pattern. * Verticalstripe - Sets vertical stripe as highlighting or selecting pattern. * Horizontalstripe - Sets horizontal stripe as highlighting or selecting pattern. * Bubble - Sets bubble as highlighting or selecting pattern. |
ShapeType | Defines the shape of the data in columns and bars. They are: * Rectangle - Displays the data in a column and bar chart in a rectangle shape. * Cylinder - Displays the data in a column and bar chart in a cylinder shape. |
SkeletonType | Defines the skeleton type for the axis. They are: * Date - It formats date only. * DateTime - It formats date and time. * Time - It formats time only. |
TextAlignment | Defines the alignment of the line break axis labels. They are: * Center - Align the label with center. * Left - Align the label with left. * Right - Align the label with right. |
TextOverflow | Defines the Text overflow. They are: * None - Shown the chart title with overlap if exceed. * Wrap - Shown the chart title with wrap if exceed. * Trim - Shown the chart title with trim if exceed. |
TextWrap | Specifies text wrap options when the text overflowing the container. They are: * Normal - Specifies to break words only at allowed break points. * Wrap - Specifies to break a word once it is too long to fit on a line by itself. * AnyWhere - Specifies to break a word at any point if there are no otherwise-acceptable break points in the line. |
TitlePosition | Defines the position of the title. They are: * Top - Displays the title on the top of chart. * Left - Displays the title on the left of chart. * Bottom - Displays the title on the bottom of chart. * Right - Displays the title on the right of chart. * Custom - Displays the title based on given x and y value. |
Units | Defines coordinate units of an annotation. They are: * Pixel - Specifies the pixel value. * Point - Specifies the axis value. |
ValueType | Specifies the data types that the axis can handle. They are: * Double: This type is used for rendering a numeric axis to accommodate numeric data. * DateTime: This type is utilized for rendering a date-time axis to manage date-time data. * Category: This type is employed for rendering a category axis to manage categorical data. * Logarithmic: This type is applied for rendering a logarithmic axis to handle a wide range of values. * DateTimeCategory: This type is used to render a date time category axis for managing business days. |