Ej1 api migration in EJ2 TypeScript Accumulation chart control

8 May 202315 minutes to read

This article describes the API migration process of Chart component from Essential JS 1 to Essential JS 2.

Accumulation Chart

Behaviour API in Essential JS 1 API in Essential JS 2
annotations Property:annotations </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ annotations: [{}]; }); Property:annotations </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ annotations: [{ }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
background Property:background </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ background: '#DDCCEE' }); Property:background </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ background: 'DDCCEE' }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
border Property:border </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ border: { color: 'red' , width: 2, opacity: 0.5} }); Property:border </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ border: { color: 'red', width: 2} }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
dataSource Not applicable Property:border </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ dataSource: [ ]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Animation after legend click Not applicable Property:enableAnimation </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ enableAnimation: true }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Persisting component's state between page reloads. Not applicable Property:enablePersistance </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ enablePersistance: true }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Enabling smart labels Property:series.enableSmartLabels </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [ { enableSmartLabels: true}] }); Property:enableSmartLabels </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ enableSmartLabels: true }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Height of Chart Property:size.height </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ size: { height: '400' } }); Property:height </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ height: '400' }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Multi selection Property:selectionSettings.type </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ selectionSettings: { type: 'multiple' } }); Property:isMultiSelect </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ isMultiSelect: true }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
legend Settings Property:legend </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ legend: { } }); Property:legendSettings </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ legendSettings: { } }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Margin for the chart Property:margin </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ margin: { top: 20, bottom: 23, right: 15, left: 10 } }); Property:margin </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ margin: { top: 20, bottom: 23, right: 15, left: 10 } }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
SelectedDataIndexes Property:selectedDataPointIndexes </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ selectedDataPointIndexes : [{}] }); Property:selectedDataIndexes </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ selectedDataIndexes : [ { series: 0, point: 1}] }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Selection Mode Property:selectionSettings.mode </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ selectionSettings: { mode: 'Point'} }); Property:selectionMode </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ selectionMode : 'Point' }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Series Property:series </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [] }); Property:series </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [] }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Title text Property:title.text </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ title: { text: 'Pie Chart' } }); Property:title </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ title: 'Pie Chart' }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Title Styles Property:title </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ title: { text: 'Pie Chart' } }); Property:titleStyle </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ titleStyle: { fontFamily: 'SegoeUI'} }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Sub Title text Property:subTitle.text </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ subTitle: { text: 'Pie Chart' } }); Property:subTitle </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ subTitle: 'Pie Chart' }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Sub title Styles Property:title </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ title: { text: 'Pie Chart' } }); Property:subTitleStyle </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ subTitleStyle: { fontFamily: 'SegoeUI'} }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
tooltip Property:series.toolTip </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [ { tooltip: { }}] }); Property:tooltip </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ tooltip: { } }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Width of Chart Property:size.width </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ size: { width: '400' } }); Property:width </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ width: '400' }); pie.appendTo('#chart');


Behaviour API in Essential JS 1 API in Essential JS 2
annotations Property:annotations </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ annotations: [{}]; }); Property:annotations </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ annotations: [{ }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
content Property:annotations </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ annotations: [{content: '
Pie Chart
}]; });
Property:annotations </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ annotations: [{content: '
Pie Chart
'}]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
coordinateUnits Property:annotations </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ annotations: [{coordinateUnit: 'Pixel'}]; }); Property:annotations </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ annotations: [{coordinateUnit: 'Pixel'}]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
description Not Applicable Property:description </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ annotations: [{description: 'Pixel'}]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
horizontalAlignment for annotation Property:annotations.horizontalAlignment </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ annotations :[{ horizontalAlignment :"middle"}] }); Property:annotations.horizontalAlignment </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ annotations: [{ horizontalAlignment: 'Center'}] }); chart.appendTo('#chart');
margin for annotation Property:annotations.margin </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ annotations :[{ margin { right: 5, left: 5, top: 5, bottom: 5}}] }); Not applicable
Opacity for annotation Property:annotations.opacity </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ annotations :[{ opacity: 0.4 }] }); Not applicable
Region for annotation with respect to chart or series Property:annotations.region </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ annotations :[{ region :"chart"}] }); Property:annotations.region </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ annotations: [{ region: 'Chart'}] }); chart.appendTo('#chart');
verticalAlignment for annotation Property:annotations.verticalAlignment </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ annotations :[{ verticalAlignment :"middle"}] }); Property:annotations.verticalAlignment </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ annotations: [{ verticalAlignment: 'Center'}] }); chart.appendTo('#chart');
Visibility of annotations Property:annotations.visible </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ annotations :[{ visible: true }] }); Not applicable
X offset for annotation Property:annotations.x </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ annotations :[{ x :"100"}] }); Property:annotations.x </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ annotations: [{ x: '100'}] }); chart.appendTo('#chart');
Y offset for annotation Property:annotations.y </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ annotations :[{ y :"100"}] }); Property:annotations.y </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ annotations: [{ y: '100'}] }); chart.appendTo('#chart');


Behaviour API in Essential JS 1 API in Essential JS 2
series Property:series </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{}]; }); Property:series </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
animation for series Property:enableAnimation </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ enableAnimation: true}]; }); Property:animation.enable </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ animation: { enable: true }}]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
animation duration for series Property:animationDuration </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ annimationDuration: 1000}]; }); Property:animation.duration </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ animation: { duration: 1000 }}]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
animation delay for series Not Applicable Property:animation.duration </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ animation: { delay: 100 }}]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Border for series Property:border </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ border: { color: 'pink', width: 2, dashArray: '10,4' }}]; }); Property:border </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ border: { color: 'red', width: 2 }}]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
DataLabel for series Property:dataLabel </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ dataLabel: {}}]; }); Property:border </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ dataLabel: { }}]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
DataSource for series Property:dataSource </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ dataSource: [{}] }]; }); Property:dataSource </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ dataSource: [{ }]}]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
enableTooltip for series Property:tooltip.visible </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ tooltip: { visible: true } }]; }); Property:enableTooltip </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ enableTooltip: true }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
start angle Property:startAngle </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ startAngle: 80 }]; }); Property:startAngle </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ startAngle: 90 }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
end angle Property:endAngle </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ endAngle: 80 }]; }); Property:endAngle </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ endAngle: 90 }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
explode Property:explode </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ explode: true }]; }); Property:explode </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ explode: true }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
explodeAll Property:explodeAll </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ explodeAll: true }]; }); Property:explodeAll </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ explodeAll: true }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
explodeIndex Property:explode </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ explodeIndex: 0 }]; }); Property:explodeIndex </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ explodeIndex: 1 }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
explodeOffset Property:explodeOffset </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ explodeOffset: '30%' }]; }); Property:explodeOffset </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ explodeOffset: '30%' }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
gapRatio Property:gapRatio </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ gapRatio: 0.6 }]; }); Property:gapRatio </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ gapRatio: 0.6 }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
gapWidth Property:gapWidth </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ gapWidth: 0.6 }]; }); Not Applicable
inner radius of the accumulation chart Property:innerRadius </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ innerRadius : '30%' }]; }); Property:innerRadius </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ innerRadius : '30%' }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Legend shape of the series Not applicable Property:legendShape </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ legendShape : 'Rectangle' }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
name of the series Property:name </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ name : '30%' }]; }); Property:name </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ name : '30%' }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
neck height for funnel series Property:neckHeight </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ neckHeight : '30%' }]; }); Property:neckHeight </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ neckHeight : '30%' }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
neck width for funnel series Property:neckWidth </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ neckWidth : '30%' }]; }); Property:neckWidth </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ neckWidth : '30%' }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
opacity for series Property:opacity </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ opacity : 0.4 }]; }); Property:opacity </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ opacity : 0.5 }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
palettes for series Property:palette </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ palette : [] }]; }); Property:palettes </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ palettes : [] }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
point color mapping name for series Property:pointColorMappingName </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ pointColorMappingName : 'color' }]; }); Property:pointColorMapping </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ pointColorMappingName : 'color' }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Mode of pyramid series Property:pyramidMode </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ pyramidMode : 'Surface' }]; }); Property:pyramidMode </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ pyramidMode : 'Linear' }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
query for datasource for series Property:pyramidMode </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ query : '' }]; }); Property:query </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ query : '' }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Radius of Pie series Property:pieCoefficient </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ pieCoefficient : 0.5 }]; }); Property:radius </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ radius: '50%' }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Selection Style of Accumulation chart Not applicable Property:selectionStyle </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ selectionStyle: '' }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
tooltip Mapping name Not applicable Property:tooltipMappingName </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ tooltipMappingName: '' }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Type of series Property:type </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ type : 'Pie' }]; }); Property:type </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [{ type: 'Pie' }]; }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Name of the property in the datasource that contains x value for the series. Property:xName </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ xName : 'x' }]; }); Property:xName </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [ { xName: 'x' }]; }); chart.appendTo('#chart);
Name of the property in the datasource that contains x value for the series. Property:yName </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ yName : 'x' }]; }); Property:yName </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [ { yName: 'x' }]; }); chart.appendTo('#chart);
Name of the property in the datasource that contains x value for the series. Property:yName </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ yName : 'x' }]; }); Property:yName </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [ { yName: 'x' }]; }); chart.appendTo('#chart);
Width of funnel series Property:funnelWidth </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ funnelWidth : '100' }]; }); Property:width </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [ { width: '100' }]; }); chart.appendTo('#chart);
Grouping Not Applicable Property:groupTo </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [ { groupTo: '100' }]; }); chart.appendTo('#chart);
GroupMode Not Applicable Property:groupMode </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [ { groupMode: 'Point' }]; }); chart.appendTo('#chart);


Behaviour API in Essential JS 1 API in Essential JS 2
dataLabel Property:series.marker.dataLabel </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [ { marker: { dataLabel :{ visible: true }}} ] }); Property:series.dataLabel </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: { dataLabel : { visible: true }} }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
border of dataLabel Property:series.marker.dataLabel.border </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [ { marker: { dataLabel :{ border: { color: 'red', width: 2 }}}} ] }); Property:border </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: { dataLabel : { border: { color: 'red', width: 2}}} }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
connector style for dataLabel connector line Property:connectorLine </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [ { marker: { dataLabel :{ connectorLine: { type: 'Curve', width: 2 }}}} ] }); Property:connectorStyle </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: { dataLabel : { connectorStyle: { type: 'Curve', width: 2 }}} }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Fill for dataLabel Property:fill </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [ { marker: { dataLabel :{ fill: 'red' }}} ] }); Property:fill </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: { dataLabel : { fill: 'pink'}} }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
font for dataLabel Property:font </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [ { marker: { dataLabel :{ font: { } }}} ] }); Property:font </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: { dataLabel : { font: { }}} }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
font for dataLabel Property:font </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [ { marker: { dataLabel :{ font: { } }}} ] }); Property:font </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: { dataLabel : { font: { }}} }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
position Property:position </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [ { marker: { dataLabel :{ position: 'Inside' }}} ] }); Property:font </br> </br> let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: { dataLabel : { position: 'Outside' }} }); pie.appendTo('#chart');
Rounded corner radius X Not Applicable Property:dataLabel.rx </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [ {dataLabel: { rx: 10 } }]; }); chart.appendTo('#chart);
Rounded corner radius Y Not Applicable Property:dataLabel.ry </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [ {dataLabel: { ry: 10 } }]; }); chart.appendTo('#chart);
HTML template in dataLabel Property:dataLabel.template </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ series: [{ marker: {dataLabel: { template: '
' } } }]; });
Property:dataLabel.template </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ series: [ {dataLabel: { template: '
' } }]; }); chart.appendTo('#chart);


Behaviour API in Essential JS 1 API in Essential JS 2
Default legend Property:visible </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { visible: true } }); Property:visible </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ legendSettings: { visible: true } });
Legend height Property:size.height </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { size : { height: 50 } } }); Property:height </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ legendSettings: { height: '30' } });
Legend width Property:size.width </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { size: { width: 20 } } }); Property:width </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ legendSettings: { width: '30' } });
Legend location in chart Property:location </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { location: { x: 3, y: 45} } }); Property:height </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ legendSettings: { location: { x: 3, y: 45} } });
Legend position in chart Property:position </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { position: 'top' } }); Property:position </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ legendSettings: { position: 'Top' } });
Legend padding Not applicable Property:padding </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ legendSettings: { padding: 8 } });
Legend alignment Property:position </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { alignment: 'center' } }); Property:position </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ legendSettings: { alignment: 'Center' } });
text style for legend Property:font </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { font: { fontFamily: '', fontWeight: '400', fontStyle: 'italic', size: '12' } } }); Property:textStyle </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ legendSettings: { textStyle: { size: '12' , color: 'red', fontFamily: 'Italic', fontWeight: '400', fontStyle: 'Normal', opacity: 1, textAlignment: 'Center', textOverFlow: 'Trim'} } });
shape height of legend Property:itemStyle.height </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { itemStyle: { height: 20 } } }); Property:shapeHeight </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ legendSettings: { shapeHeight: 20 } });
shape width of legend Property:itemStyle.width </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { itemStyle: { width: 20 } } }); Property:shapeWidth </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ legendSettings: { shapeWidth: 20 } });
shape width of legend Property:itemStyle.width </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { itemStyle: { width: 20 } } }); Property:shapeWidth </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ legendSettings: { shapeWidth: 20 } });
shape border of legend Property:itemStyle.border </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { itemStyle: { border: { width: 2, color: 'red' } } } }); Not Applicable
shape padding of legend Property:itemPadding </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { itemPadding: 10 } }); Property:shapePadding </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ legendSettings: { shapePadding: 20 } });
Background of legend Property:background </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { background: 'transparent' } }); Property:backgorund </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ legendSettings: { background: 'transparent' } });
Opacity of legend Property:opacity </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { opacity: 0.3 } }); Property:opacity </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ legendSettings: { opacity: 0.4 } });
Toggle visibility of series while legend click Property:toggleSeriesVisibility </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { toggleSeriesVisibility: true } }); Property:toggleVisibility </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ legendSettings: { toggleVisibility: true } });
Title for legend Property:title </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { title: { text: 'LegendTitle', font: { }, textAlignment: 'middle' } } }); Not applicable
Text Overflow for legend Property:title </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { textOverFlow: 'trim' } }); Property:textStyle.textOverFlow </br> </br> let chart: new AccumulationChart({ legend: { text: { textOverFlow: 'trim' } } });
Text width for legend while setting text overflow Property:textWidth </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { textWidth: 20 } }); Not applicable
Scroll bar for legend Property:enableScrollBar </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { enableScrollBar: true } }); Not applicable
Row count for legend Property:rowCount </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { rowCount: 2 } }); Not applicable
Column count for legend Property:columnCount </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { columnCount: 2 } }); Not applicable
Color for legend items Property:fill </br> </br> $("#container").ejChart({ legend: { fill: '#EEFFCC' } }); Not applicable


Behaviour API in Essential JS 1 API in Essential JS 2
animation for series Property:chart.animate </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ animate: () { } }); Not applicable
Redraw for chart Property:chart.redraw </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ redraw: () { } }); Property:chart.refresh() </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ }); chart.appendTo('#chart'); chart.width = '400'; chart.refresh();
Export Property:chart.export() </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ export: () { } }); Property:chart.export() </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ }); chart.export('JPEG', 'chart'); chart.appendTo('#chart');
Print Property:chart.print() </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ print: () { } }); Property:chart.print() </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ }); chart.print('chart'); chart.appendTo('#chart');
AddSeries Not Applicable Property:chart.addSeries() </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ }); chart.appendTo('#chart'); chart.addSeries();
RemoveSeries Not Applicable Property:chart.removeSeries() </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ }); chart.appendTo('#chart'); chart.removeSeries();


Behaviour API in Essential JS 1 API in Essential JS 2
Fires on annotation click Property:annotationClick </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ annotationClick: () { } }); Not applicable
Fires after animation Property:animationComplete </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ animationComplete: () { } }); Property:animationComplete() </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ animationComplete: () => { } }); chart.appendTo('#chart');
Fires on after chart resize Property:afterResize </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ afterResize: () { } }); Not applicable
Fires on before chart resize Property:beforeResize </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ beforeResize: () { } }); Property:resized </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ resized: () => { } }); chart.appendTo('#chart');
Fires on chart click Property:chartClick </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ chartClick: () { } }); Property:chartMouseClick </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ chartMouseClick: () => { } }); chart.appendTo('#chart');
Fires on chart mouse move Property:chartMouseMove </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ chartMouseMove: () { } }); Property:chartMouseMove </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ chartMouseMove: () => { } }); chart.appendTo('#chart');
Fires on chart mouse leave Property:chartMouseLeave </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ chartMouseLeave: () { } }); Property:chartMouseLeave </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ chartMouseLeave: () => { } }); chart.appendTo('#chart');
Fires on before chart double click Property:chartDoubleClick </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ chartDoubleClick: () { } }); Not applicable
Fires on chart mouse up Not Applicable Property:chartmouseUp </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ chartmouseUp: () => { } }); chart.appendTo('#chart');
Fires on chart mouse down Not Applicable Property:chartmouseDown </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ chartmouseDown: () => { } }); chart.appendTo('#chart');
Fires during the calculation of chart area bounds. You can use this event to customize the bounds of chart area Property:chartAreaBoundsCalculate </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ chartAreaBoundsCalculate: () { } }); Not applicable
Fires when chart is destroyed completely. Property:destroy </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ destroy: () { } }); Not applicable
Fires after chart is created. Property:create </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ create: () { } }); Property:loaded </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ loaded: () => { } }); chart.appendTo('#chart');
Fires before rendering the data labels. Property:displayTextRendering </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ displayTextRendering: () { } }); Property:textRender </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ textRender: () => { } }); chart.appendTo('#chart');
Fires on clicking the legend item. Property:legendItemClick </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ legendItemClick: () { } }); Not applicable
Fires when moving mouse over legend item Property:legendItemMouseMove </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ legendItemMouseMove: () { } }); Not applicable
Fires before rendering the legend item. Property:legendItemRendering </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ legendItemRendering: () { } }); Property:legendRender </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ legendRender: () => { } }); chart.appendTo('#chart');
Fires before loading the chart. Property:load </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ load: () { } }); Property:load </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ load: () => { } }); chart.appendTo('#chart');
Fires on clicking a point in chart. Property:pointRegionClick </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ pointRegionClick: () { } }); Property:pointClick </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ pointClick : () => { } }); chart.appendTo('#chart');
Fires when mouse is moved over a point. Property:pointRegionMouseMove </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ pointRegionMouseMove: () { } }); Property:pointMove </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ pointMove : () => { } }); chart.appendTo('#chart');
Fires before rendering chart. Property:preRender </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ preRender: () { } }); Not applicable
Fires when point render. Not Applicable Property:pointRender </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ pointRender : () => { } }); chart.appendTo('#chart');
Fires before rendering a series. Property:seriesRendering </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ seriesRendering: () { } }); Property:seriesRender </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ seriesRender : () => { } }); chart.appendTo('#chart');
Fires before rendering the Chart title. Property:titleRendering </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ titleRendering: () { } }); Not applicable
Fires before rendering the Chart sub title. Property:subTitleRendering </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ subTitleRendering: () { } }); Not applicable
Fires before rendering the tooltip. Property:toolTipInitialize </br> </br> $("#chart").ejChart({ toolTipInitialize: () { } }); Property:tooltipRender </br> </br> let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({ tooltipRender : () => { } }); chart.appendTo('#chart');