Api accumulationSeries in EJ2 TypeScript Accumulation chart control

8 May 20233 minutes to read

Configures the series in accumulation chart.


accumulationBound Rect

To find the max bounds of the accumulation segment to place smart legend @private

animation AnimationModel

Options for customizing the animation for series.

border BorderModel

Options for customizing the border of the series.

dataLabel AccumulationDataLabelSettingsModel

The data label for the series.

dataSource Object | DataManager

Specifies the dataSource for the series. It can be an array of JSON objects or an instance of DataManager.

<div id='Pie'></div>
let dataManager: DataManager = new DataManager({
        url: 'http://mvc.syncfusion.com/Services/Northwnd.svc/Tasks/'
let query: Query = new Query().take(50).where('Estimate', 'greaterThan', 0, false);
let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({
    series: [{
       dataSource: dataManager,
       xName: 'Id',
       yName: 'Estimate',
       query: query

Defaults to ’’

emptyPointSettings EmptyPointSettingsModel

options to customize the empty points in series

enableTooltip boolean

To enable or disable tooltip for a series.

Defaults to true

endAngle number

End angle for a series.

Defaults to null

explode boolean

If set true, series points will be exploded on mouse click or touch.

Defaults to false

explodeAll boolean

If set true, all the points in the series will get exploded on load.

Defaults to false

explodeIndex number

Index of the point, to be exploded on load.

Defaults to null

explodeOffset string

Distance of the point from the center, which takes values in both pixels and percentage.

Defaults to ‘30%’

gapRatio number

Defines the distance between the segments of a funnel/pyramid series. The range will be from 0 to 1

Defaults to 0

groupMode string

AccumulationSeries y values less than groupMode are combined into single slice named others

Defaults to Value

groupTo string

AccumulationSeries y values less than groupTo are combined into single slice named others

Defaults to null

height string

Defines the height of the funnel/pyramid with respect to the chart area

Defaults to ‘80%’

innerRadius string

When the innerRadius value is greater than 0 percentage, a donut will appear in pie series. It takes values only in percentage.

Defaults to ‘0’

labelBound Rect

To find the max bounds of the data label to place smart legend

legendShape string

The shape of the legend. Each series has its own legend shape. They are

  • Circle - Renders a circle.
  • Rectangle - Renders a rectangle.
  • Triangle - Renders a triangle.
  • Diamond - Renders a diamond.
  • Cross - Renders a cross.
  • HorizontalLine - Renders a horizontalLine.
  • VerticalLine - Renders a verticalLine.
  • Pentagon - Renders a pentagon.
  • InvertedTriangle - Renders a invertedTriangle.
  • SeriesType -Render a legend shape based on series type.

Defaults to ‘SeriesType’

name string

Specifies the series name

Defaults to ’’

neckHeight string

Defines the height of the funnel neck with respect to the chart area

Defaults to ‘20%’

neckWidth string

Defines the width of the funnel neck with respect to the chart area

Defaults to ‘20%’

opacity number

The opacity of the series.

Defaults to 1.

palettes string[]

Palette for series points.

Defaults to []

pointColorMapping string

The DataSource field that contains the color value of point It is applicable for series

Defaults to ’’

pyramidMode string

Defines how the values have to be reflected, whether through height/surface of the segments

Defaults to ‘Linear’

query Query

Specifies Query to select data from dataSource. This property is applicable only when the dataSource is ej.DataManager.

Defaults to null

radius string

Radius of the pie series and its values in percentage.

Defaults to ‘80%’

selectionStyle string

Custom style for the selected series or points.

Defaults to null

startAngle number

Start angle for a series.

Defaults to 0

type string

Specify the type of the series in accumulation chart.

Defaults to ‘Pie’

visible boolean

Specifies the series visibility.

Defaults to true

width string

Defines the width of the funnel/pyramid with respect to the chart area

Defaults to ‘80%’

xName string

The DataSource field which contains the x value.

Defaults to ’’

yName string

The DataSource field which contains the y value.

Defaults to ’’