Api accumulationDataLabelSettingsModel in EJ2 TypeScript Accumulation chart control

8 May 20231 minute to read

Interface for a class AccumulationDataLabelSettings


border BorderModel

Option for customizing the border lines.

connectorStyle ConnectorModel

Options for customize the connector line in series. This property is applicable for Pie, Funnel and Pyramid series. The default connector length for Pie series is ‘4%’. For other series, it is null.

fill string

The background color of the data label, which accepts value in hex, rgba as a valid CSS color string.

font FontModel

Option for customizing the data label text.

name string

The DataSource field which contains the data label value.

position string

Specifies the position of data label. They are.

  • Outside - Places label outside the point.
  • Inside - Places label inside the point.

rx number

The roundedCornerX for the data label. It requires border values not to be null.

ry number

The roundedCornerY for the data label. It requires border values not to be null.

template string

Custom template to format the data label content. Use ${point.x} and ${point.y} as a placeholder text to display the corresponding data point.

visible boolean

If set true, data label for series gets render.