Api accumulationChart in EJ2 TypeScript Accumulation chart control
8 May 20234 minutes to read
Represents the AccumulationChart control.
<div id="accumulation"/>
var accObj = new AccumulationChart({ });
accumulationDataLabelModule AccumulationDataLabel
is used to manipulate and add dataLabel in accumulation chart.
accumulationLegendModule AccumulationLegend
is used to manipulate and add legend in accumulation chart.
accumulationSelectionModule AccumulationSelection
is used to manipulate and add selection in accumulation chart.
accumulationTooltipModule AccumulationTooltip
is used to manipulate and add tooltip in accumulation chart.
annotationModule AccumulationAnnotation
is used to manipulate and add annotation in chart.
annotations AccumulationAnnotationSettingsModel[]
The configuration for annotation in chart.
background string
The background color of the chart, which accepts value in hex, rgba as a valid CSS color string.
Defaults to null
border BorderModel
Options for customizing the color and width of the chart border.
dataSource Object
| DataManager
Specifies the dataSource for the AccumulationChart. It can be an array of JSON objects or an instance of DataManager.
<div id='Pie'></div>
let dataManager: DataManager = new DataManager({
url: 'http://mvc.syncfusion.com/Services/Northwnd.svc/Tasks/'
let query: Query = new Query().take(50).where('Estimate', 'greaterThan', 0, false);
let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({
dataSource: dataManager,
series: [{
xName: 'Id',
yName: 'Estimate',
query: query
Defaults to ’’
enablePersistence boolean
Enable or disable persisting component’s state between page reloads.
Defaults to false
enableRtl boolean
Enable or disable rendering component in right to left direction.
Defaults to false
enableSmartLabels boolean
If set true, labels for the point will be placed smartly without overlapping.
Defaults to true
height string
The height of the chart as a string in order to provide input as both like ‘100px’ or ‘100%’.
If specified as ‘100%, chart will render to the full height of its parent element.
Defaults to null
isMultiSelect boolean
If set true, enables the multi selection in accumulation chart. It requires selectionMode
to be Point
Defaults to false
legendSettings LegendSettingsModel
Options for customizing the legend of accumulation chart.
locale string
Overrides the global culture and localization value for this component. Default global culture is ‘en-US’.
Defaults to undefined
margin MarginModel
Options to customize the left, right, top and bottom margins of accumulation chart.
selectedDataIndexes IndexesModel[]
Specifies the point indexes to be selected while loading a accumulation chart.
It requires selectionMode
to be Point
<div id='Pie'></div>
let pie: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({
selectionMode: 'Point',
selectedDataIndexes: [ { series: 0, point: 1},
{ series: 2, point: 3} ],
Defaults to []
selectionMode string
Specifies whether point has to get selected or not. Takes value either ‘None ‘or ‘Point’
Defaults to None
series AccumulationSeriesModel[]
The configuration for series in accumulation chart.
theme string
Specifies the theme for accumulation chart.
Defaults to ‘Material’
title string
Title for accumulation chart
Defaults to null
titleStyle FontModel
Options for customizing the title
of accumulation chart.
tooltip TooltipSettingsModel
Options for customizing the tooltip of accumulation chart.
width string
The width of the chart as a string in order to provide input as both like ‘100px’ or ‘100%’.
If specified as ‘100%, chart will render to the full width of its parent element.
Defaults to null
Adds the handler to the given event listener.
Returns void
Appends the control within the given HTML element
Parameter | Type | Description |
selector (optional) |
string | HTMLElement
Target element where control needs to be appended |
Returns void
When invoked, applies the pending property changes immediately to the component.
Returns void
Handles the export method for accumulation control.
Returns void
To get Module name
Returns string
Handles the print method for accumulation chart control.
Returns void
Applies all the pending property changes and render the component again.
Returns void
Removes the handler from the given event listener.
Returns void
Method to set the annotation content dynamically for accumulation.
Returns void
Dynamically injects the required modules to the component.
Returns void
animationComplete EmitType<IAccAnimationCompleteEventArgs>
Triggers after animation gets completed for series.
annotationRender EmitType<IAnnotationRenderEventArgs>
Triggers before the annotation gets rendered.
beforePrint EmitType<IPrintEventArgs>
Triggers before the prints gets started.
chartMouseClick EmitType<IMouseEventArgs>
Triggers on clicking the accumulation chart.
chartMouseDown EmitType<IMouseEventArgs>
Triggers on mouse down.
chartMouseLeave EmitType<IMouseEventArgs>
Triggers while cursor leaves the accumulation chart.
chartMouseMove EmitType<IMouseEventArgs>
Triggers on hovering the accumulation chart.
chartMouseUp EmitType<IMouseEventArgs>
Triggers on mouse up.
legendRender EmitType<ILegendRenderEventArgs>
Triggers before the legend gets rendered.
load EmitType<IAccLoadedEventArgs>
Triggers before accumulation chart load.
loaded EmitType<IAccLoadedEventArgs>
Triggers after accumulation chart loaded.
pointClick EmitType<IPointEventArgs>
Triggers on point click.
pointMove EmitType<IPointEventArgs>
Triggers on point move.
pointRender EmitType<IAccPointRenderEventArgs>
Triggers before each points for series gets rendered.
resized EmitType<IAccResizeEventArgs>
Triggers after window resize.
seriesRender EmitType<IAccSeriesRenderEventArgs>
Triggers before the series gets rendered.
textRender EmitType<IAccTextRenderEventArgs>
Triggers before the data label for series gets rendered.
tooltipRender EmitType<IAccTooltipRenderEventArgs>
Triggers before the tooltip for series gets rendered.