Example of Chunk Upload in Javascript File Upload Control

Chunk Upload

This JavaScript File Upload example demonstrates the chunk upload functionalities of the Uploader control. Browse or drag-and-drop a large file to upload with pause, resume, and retry options.

Also, configured property panel to change the chunk size dynamically.

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Chunk size :

When the file size is large or transfer the file with slow network connection, the chunk upload feature slices the files and upload the sliced chunks to server in sequential order using the chunkSize API. The sample is configured with the following options: While uploading, you can pause the upload and resume it later. If the upload fails, retry option will be enabled. The sample is configured with maximum file size as `100 MB` to upload. Automatic pause and resume If the application lost its connection (offline), the upload control pauses the process automatically. After the connection is up (online), the upload control will resume its process. More information on the Uploader instantiation can be found in this documentation section.