This sample demonstrates custom aggregate functionality of the Tree Grid. In this sample, the custom aggregate value for the columns “Category” is displayed in column footer with dropdown to display the count of selected category name.
S.No | Shipment Name | Category | Total Units | Unit Price($) | Price($) |
1 | Order 1 | Seafoods | 1395 | $47.00 | $65,565.00 |
1.1 | Mackerel | Frozen seafood | 235 | $12.26 | $2,881.10 |
1.2 | Yellowfin Tuna | Frozen seafood | 324 | $18.45 | $5,977.80 |
1.3 | Herrings | Frozen seafood | 488 | $11.45 | $5,587.60 |
1.4 | Preserved Olives | Edible | 125 | $19.56 | $2,445.00 |
1.5 | Sweet corn Frozen | Edible | 223 | $12.34 | $2,751.82 |
2 | Order 2 | Products | 1944 | $58.45 | $1,245.73 |
2.1 | Tilapias | Frozen seafood | 278 | $15.45 | $4,295.10 |
2.2 | White Shrimp | Frozen seafood | 560 | $17.66 | $9,889.60 |
2.3 | Fresh Cheese | Dairy | 323 | $12.35 | $3,989.00 |
2.4 | Blue Veined Cheese | Dairy | 370 | $15.77 | $5,834.90 |
2.5 | Butter | Dairy | 413 | $19.45 | $8,032.85 |
3 | Order 3 | Crystals | 1120 | $33.45 | $37,464.00 |
3.1 | Lead glassware | Solid crystals | 542 | $19.56 | $10,601.52 |
3.2 | Pharmaceutical Glassware | Solid crystals | 324 | $11.36 | $3,680.64 |
3.3 | Glass beads | Solid crystals | 254 | $16.11 | $4,091.94 |
The Tree Grid supports aggregates which will be displayed at the footer and every hierarchy level. The aggregate configurations can be provided by the aggregates property. The built-in aggregates are, Sum Average Min Max Count TrueCount FalseCount Custom - Requires the customAggregate property to perform aggregation. The custom aggregate value can be accessed inside template using the key ${Custom} In this demo, the footerTemplate property shows the custom aggregate value for the columns “Category” in column footer to display the count of category name. The template expression should be provided inside ${...} the interpolation syntax. Injecting Module: Tree Grid features are segregated into individual feature-wise modules. To use aggregate feature, we need to inject Aggregate module using the TreeGrid.Inject(Aggregate) section. More information about aggregate can be found in this documentation section.