Example of undefined in Javascript Tabs Control

Keyboard Interaction

This demo showcases the keyboard shortcuts applicable on Tab.

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Below key combinations can be used in Tabs to initiate various actions. Alt + J - Focuses on the first component of the demo. Home - Moves focus to the first Tab. End - Moves focus to the last Tab. Down arrow or Up arrow - When the popup is open and focused, it will move to previous/next Tab items of the popup in the vertical direction. Left arrow - Moves focus to the previous Tab. If focus is on the first Tab, the focus will not move to any Tab. Right arrow - Moves focus to the next Tab. If focus is on the last Tab element, the focus will not move to any Tab. Enter or Space - Selects the Tab if it is not selected. Opens the popup dropdown icon if it is focussed. Select the Tab item as active when popup item is focussed. Esc - Closes the popup if popup is in opened state. Delete - Deletes the Tab, if close button is enabled in Tab header. Shift + F10 - If popup mode is enabled, it opens the popup when the Tab is focused.