Example of Multiple Series in Javascript Stock Chart Control

Multiple Series

This sample visualizes the close value of multiple stock. Crosshair show the information about the data and period.

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In this example, you can see how to render and configure stock chart to visualize the data for multiple stock. Stock Chart supports 6 major types of series namely Line, Spline, Hilo, HiloOpenClose, Hollow Candle and Candle. By using the series dropdown button in period selector you can navigate between the above listed series types. The legend is enabled, and you can use it to toggle the visibility of series in the stock chart. To customize the legend in the stock chart, use the legendSettings property. More information about the series type can be found in this documentation section. Injecting Module: The Stock Chart component features are segregated into individual feature-wise modules. To use date-time axis, inject the DateTime module using the StockChart.Inject(DateTime) method. To use legend, inject the StockLegend module using the StockChart.Inject(StockLegend) method. To use SplineSeries, inject the SplineSeries module using the StockChart.Inject(SplineSeries) method.