Example of Pivot Chart in Javascript Pivot Table Control

Pivot Chart

This sample demonstrates rendering a pivot chart using pivot data. Users can explore the data through drill-up and drill-down operations by clicking the grouping labels. The field list can also be used to change the report at runtime.

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In this sample, the Pivot Table component plots a chart based on the pivot report bound to it. This can be achieved by setting the property displayOption.view to Chart. The built-in options are: Table -> Renders pivot table only, which is the default. Chart -> Renders pivot chart only. Both -> Renders both pivot table and pivot chart. You can change the chart types using the Chart Types dropdown list separately. The chart types can be set using the chartSettings.chartSeries.type property. The built-in chart types are: Column Line Spline Bar Area StepArea SplineArea StackingColumn StackingArea StackingBar StepLine Pareto Bubble Scatter StackingColumn100 StackingBar100 StackingArea100 Polar Radar Pie Doughnut Funnel Pyramid In the sample, the field list option is enabled, through which you can see the result in the chart by altering the report dynamically. Injecting Module: The pivot table features are segregated into individual modules. To take advantage of chart support, we need to inject the PivotChart module using the PivotView.Inject(PivotChart) method. More information on the pivot chart can be found in this documentation section.