Example of Default Functionalities in Javascript Message Control

Default Functionalities

This sample demonstrates the default functionalities of the JavaScript Message control with different severity types and predefined styles.

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The Message control displays messages with different severity levels, set with icons and colors to denote the importance and context of the message to the end user. The available severity messages are Normal, Success, Info, Warning and Error. Normal - The message is displayed with an icon and color to denote it as a normal message. Success - The message is displayed with an icon and color to denote it as a success message. Info - The message is displayed with an icon and color to denote it as information. Warning - The message is displayed with an icon and color to denote it as a warning message. Error - The message is displayed with an icon and color to denote it as an error message. In this sample, messages are displayed with a distinct icon and a color based on the content and severity properties. More information about Message can be found in this documentation section.