This sample demonstrates the file restriction feature in the Image Editor component, which allows customization of file extensions, minimum and maximum file sizes, and drag-and-drop functionality.
This sample highlights the enhanced configuration capabilities of the Image Editor component through the uploadSettings property. The following features are included: File Extensions: Use a multi-select dropdown with checkboxes to dynamically choose the allowed file extensions. Supported values include jpeg, jpg, png, svg, and webp. File Size: Two numeric textboxes are provided at the top of the page to set the minimum and maximum file sizes (in bytes). These values dynamically update the uploadSettings property. Dynamic Updates: Changes made to the numeric textboxes or the dropdown options immediately reflect in the component's uploadSettings. Upload Settings: Predefined settings include: Allowed Extensions: .jpeg, .png, .svg, .webp Minimum File Size: 1 KB Maximum File Size: 100 KB More information about the Image Editor and its configuration options can be found in this documentation section .