This sample demonstrates the way of data binding Grid component with remote service. The Grid data source is bound to remote data using DataManager.
The Grid supports data binding. The dataSource property can be assigned with the instance of DataManager to bind remote data. The DataManager, which will act as an interface between the service endpoint and the Grid, will require the below minimal information to interact with service endpoint properly. DataManager->url - Defines the service endpoint to fetch data DataManager->adaptor - Defines the adaptor option. By default, ODataAdaptor is used for remote binding. Adaptor is responsible for processing response and request from/to the service endpoint. @syncfusion/ej2-data package provides some predefined adaptors which are designed to interact with particular service endpoints. They are, UrlAdaptor - Use this to interact any remote services. This is the base adaptor for all remote based adaptors. ODataAdaptor - Use this to interact with OData endpoints. ODataV4Adaptor - Use this to interact with OData V4 endpoints. WebApiAdaptor - Use this to interact with Web API created under OData standards. WebMethodAdaptor - Use this to interact with web methods. In this demo, remote data is bound by assigning service data as an instance of DataManager to the dataSource property. More information on the data binding can be found in this documentation section.