Example of Filter Menu in Javascript Data Grid Control

Filter Menu

This sample demonstrates the grid's multiple-type filter functionality and user interface.

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Filter Type

The filtering feature enables the user to view a reduced number of records based on the filter criteria. It can be enabled by setting the allowFiltering property to true. The grid supports the following filter types: FilterBar Menu CheckBox Excel You can change the filter type by setting filterSettings->type. In this demo, the filter menu is enabled by default. You can switch to other filter types using the dropdown. Additionally, we have an on-demand data fetch functionality and UI for the checkbox/Excel filter type. It can be enabled by setting the filterSettings->enableInfiniteScrolling property to true. In this demo, on-demand data fetch is not enabled by default. To enable the on-demand data fetch for the checkbox/Excel filter type, the Enable OnDemand option must be checked after selecting the checkBox/Excel filter type using the dropdown menu. More information on the filter configuration can be found in this documentation section.