Example of Working Time Range in Javascript Gantt Chart Control

Working Time Range

This sample visualizes the support for changing the working hours in a day. The selected start and end hours from the property panel will be applied to each task available in the project.

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Work Start Time
Work End Time
Working Days
Work Start Time
Work End Time

In this example, you can see how to render a Gantt chart with the provided data source and customizable working hours in a day. You can split the working hours in a day to one or more range. So, you can also provide the dayWorkingTime property value as array of object collection. Gantt chart also supports different durationUnit values as follows: day hour minute You can also set different working time range for different working days using weekWorkingTime property. The weekWorkingTime property enables you to specify different working hours for each day of the week in your Gantt chart. By configuring this property, you can ensure that tasks are only scheduled during defined working periods, avoiding non-working hours. Given duration in dataSource will be considered with this unit. In this demo, the hour unit is used to render taskbars in day hour timeline mode. Gantt chart supports only 24hours format as of now. The working hours will differ between organizations. This feature will be helpful to keep track of each task and resource task status based on the working time of company. Injecting Module: Gantt control features are segregated into individual feature-wise modules. To use a selection, inject the Selection module using the Gantt.Inject(Selection) method. To use markers, inject the DayMarkers module using the Gantt.Inject(DayMarkers) method.