Example of Task Scheduling Mode in Javascript Gantt Chart Control

Task Scheduling Mode

The Gantt provides support for automatic and manual task scheduling modes. Scheduling mode of a task is used to indicate whether the start and end dates of a task will be automatically validated or not. Using the property taskMode we can able to change the scheduling mode of a task. The following are the enumeration values that can be set to the property taskMode.

  • Auto
  • Manual
  • Custom
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When the taskMode property is set as Auto scheduling mode, all the tasks in the project will be rendered as automatically scheduled tasks. Thus the start and end dates of the tasks in the project will be automatically validated. When the taskMode property is set as Manual scheduling mode, all the tasks in the project will be rendered as manually scheduled tasks. Thus the dates of the tasks will not get validated automatically by the system. When the taskMode property is set as Custom, the scheduling mode for each tasks will be mapped form the data source field. The property manual is used to map the scheduling mode field from the data source. Gantt component features are segregated into individual feature-wise modules. To use editing feature, inject the Edit module using the Gantt.Inject(Edit) method. To use a selection, inject the Selection module using the Gantt.Inject(Selection) method, and to use toolbar by injecting the Toolbar module using the Gantt.Inject(Toolbar) method.