Example of Sorting API in Javascript Gantt Chart Control

Sorting API

The sorting feature enables you to order data in a particular direction. It can be enabled by setting allowSorting to true.

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The sorting feature enables you to order data in a particular direction. It can be enabled by setting the allowSorting to true. To sort a Gantt column, click the column header. The icons (ascending) and (descending) specify the sort direction of a column. By default, the multi-sorting feature is enabled in Gantt. To sort multiple columns, hold the CTRL key, and then click the column header. To clear sort for a column, hold the SHIFT key, and then click the column header. In this demo, select the column and direction from the properties panel, and then click the Sort button. Use the Clear button to remove sort for the sorted column. Injecting Module: Gantt control features are segregated into individual feature-wise modules. To use a selection, inject the Selection module using the Gantt.Inject(Selection) method.To use sort, inject the Sort module using the Gantt.Inject(Sort) method.To use markers, inject the DayMarkers module using the Gantt.Inject(DayMarkers) method.