Example of API in Javascript Chips Control


This sample demonstrates most commonly used API functionalities of chip control from the property pane. Select any combination of properties from the property pane to customize the appearance of chip.

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Janet Leverling
Leading icon
Trailing icon

In this sample, default chip is rendered with minimal configuration. This sample can be customized further with the combination of Chip properties from the property pane. For example, Color variant can be changed by selecting the color dropdownlist from property pane. This can be achieved by using the cssClass property. Leading and Trailing icons can be enabled by selecting Leading or Trailing Icon checkbox from property pane. This can be achieved by using the leadingIconCss and trailingIconCss property. Leading icon can be customized with avatar initials, icons and images from property pane. This can be achieved by using the avatarIconCss property. Outline chip type can be enabled by checking outline checkbox from property pane. This can be achieved by using the cssClass property.