all files / spreadsheet/common/ constant.js

100% Statements 12/12
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100% Functions 1/1
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define(["require", "exports"], function (require, exports) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
    exports.DISABLED = 'e-disabled';
    exports.WRAPTEXT = 'e-wraptext';
    exports.locale = 'spreadsheetLocale';
    exports.dialog = 'dialog';
    exports.actionEvents = 'actionEvents';
    exports.overlay = 'shape';
    exports.fontColor = {
        'Custom': [
            '#ffffff', '#000000', '#e7e6e6', '#44546a', '#4472c4', '#ed7d31', '#a5a5a5', '#ffc000', '#70ad47', '#ff0000',
            '#f2f2f2', '#808080', '#cfcdcd', '#d5dce4', '#d9e2f3', '#fbe4d5', '#ededed', '#fff2cc', '#e2efd9', '#ffcccc',
            '#d9d9d9', '#595959', '#aeaaaa', '#acb9ca', '#b4c6e7', '#f7caac', '#dbdbdb', '#ffe599', '#c5e0b3', '#ff8080',
            '#bfbfbf', '#404040', '#747070', '#8496b0', '#8eaadb', '#f4b083', '#c9c9c9', '#ffd966', '#a8d08d', '#ff3333',
            '#a6a6a6', '#262626', '#3b3838', '#323e4f', '#2f5496', '#c45911', '#7b7b7b', '#bf8f00', '#538135', '#b30000',
            '#7f7f7f', '#0d0d0d', '#161616', '#212934', '#1f3763', '#823b0b', '#525252', '#7f5f00', '#375623', '#660000'
    exports.fillColor = {
        'Custom': [
            '#ffffff', '#000000', '#ffff00', '#00ff00', '#00ffff', '#0000ff', '#ff0000', '#000080', '#800080', '#996633',
            '#f2f2f2', '#808080', '#ffffcc', '#b3ffb3', '#ccffff', '#ccccff', '#ffcccc', '#ccccff', '#ff80ff', '#f2e6d9',
            '#d9d9d9', '#595959', '#ffff80', '#80ff80', '#b3ffff', '#8080ff', '#ff8080', '#8080ff', '#ff00ff', '#dfbf9f',
            '#bfbfbf', '#404040', '#ffff33', '#33ff33', '#33ffff', '#3333ff', '#ff3333', '#0000b3', '#b300b3', '#c68c53',
            '#a6a6a6', '#262626', '#e6e600', '#00b300', '#009999', '#000099', '#b30000', '#000066', '#660066', '#86592d',
            '#7f7f7f', '#0d0d0d', '#999900', '#006600', '#006666', '#000066', '#660000', '#00004d', '#4d004d', '#734d26'
    exports.keyCodes = {
        UP: 38,
        DOWN: 40,
        LEFT: 37,
        RIGHT: 39,
        FIRSTALPHABET: 65,
        LASTALPHABET: 90,
        SPACE: 32,
        BACKSPACE: 8,
        TAB: 9,
        DELETE: 46,
        ENTER: 13,
        ESC: 27
    exports.defaultLocale = {
        FindValue: 'Find value',
        ReplaceValue: 'Replace value',
        FindReplaceTooltip: 'Find & Replace',
        InsertingEmptyValue: 'Reference value is not valid.',
        ReplaceAllEnd: ' matches replaced with ',
        ByRow: 'By Rows',
        ByColumn: 'By Columns',
        MatchCase: 'Match case',
        MatchExactCellElements: 'Match entire cell contents',
        EnterCellAddress: 'Enter cell address',
        FindAndReplace: 'Find and Replace',
        FindNextBtn: 'Find Next',
        FindPreviousBtn: 'Find Previous',
        ReplaceBtn: 'Replace',
        ReplaceAllBtn: 'Replace All',
        GotoHeader: 'Go To',
        Sheet: 'Sheet',
        Workbook: 'Workbook',
        NoElements: 'We couldn\'t find what you were looking for.',
        FindWhat: 'Find what',
        ReplaceWith: 'Replace with',
        Cut: 'Cut',
        Copy: 'Copy',
        Paste: 'Paste',
        PasteSpecial: 'Paste Special',
        Link: 'Link',
        Spreadsheet: 'Spreadsheet',
        AddNote: 'Add Note',
        EditNote: 'Edit Note',
        DeleteNote: 'Delete Note',
        Hyperlink: 'Hyperlink',
        EditHyperlink: 'Edit Hyperlink',
        OpenHyperlink: 'Open Hyperlink',
        RemoveHyperlink: 'Remove Hyperlink',
        InvalidHyperlinkAlert: 'The address of this site is not valid. Check the address and try again.',
        InsertLink: 'Insert Link',
        EditLink: 'Edit Link',
        All: 'All',
        Values: 'Values',
        Formats: 'Formats',
        Bold: 'Bold',
        Font: 'Font',
        FontSize: 'Font Size',
        Italic: 'Italic',
        Underline: 'Underline',
        Strikethrough: 'Strikethrough',
        TextColor: 'Text Color',
        FillColor: 'Fill Color',
        HorizontalAlignment: 'Horizontal Alignment',
        AlignLeft: 'Align Left',
        AlignCenter: 'Center',
        AlignRight: 'Align Right',
        VerticalAlignment: 'Vertical Alignment',
        AlignTop: 'Align Top',
        AlignMiddle: 'Align Middle',
        AlignBottom: 'Align Bottom',
        WrapText: 'Wrap Text',
        MergeCells: 'Merge Cells',
        MergeAll: 'Merge All',
        MergeHorizontally: 'Merge Horizontally',
        MergeVertically: 'Merge Vertically',
        Unmerge: 'Unmerge',
        UnmergeCells: 'Unmerge Cells',
        SelectMergeType: 'Select Merge Type',
        MergeCellsAlert: 'Merging cells will only preserve the top-leftmost(Uppermost) value. Merge anyway?',
        Borders: 'Borders',
        TopBorders: 'Top Borders',
        LeftBorders: 'Left Borders',
        RightBorders: 'Right Borders',
        BottomBorders: 'Bottom Borders',
        AllBorders: 'All Borders',
        HorizontalBorders: 'Horizontal Borders',
        VerticalBorders: 'Vertical Borders',
        OutsideBorders: 'Outside Borders',
        InsideBorders: 'Inside Borders',
        NoBorders: 'No Borders',
        BorderColor: 'Border Color',
        BorderStyle: 'Border Style',
        InsertFunction: 'Insert Function',
        CalcOptions: 'Calculation Options',
        CalcOptionsTip: 'Choose to calculate formulas either automatically or manually',
        CalcActiveSheet: 'Calculate Sheet',
        CalcWorkbook: 'Calculate Workbook',
        Automatic: 'Automatic',
        Manual: 'Manual',
        CalcSheetTip: 'Calculate the active sheet',
        CalcWorkbookTip: 'Calculate the entire workbook',
        Insert: 'Insert',
        Delete: 'Delete',
        DuplicateSheet: 'Duplicate',
        MoveRight: 'Move Right',
        MoveLeft: 'Move Left',
        Rename: 'Rename',
        Hide: 'Hide',
        FileName: 'File Name',
        PROPER: 'Converts a text to proper case; first letter to uppercase and other letters to lowercase.',
        NameBox: 'Name Box',
        ShowHeaders: 'Show Headers',
        HideHeaders: 'Hide Headers',
        ShowGridLines: 'Show Gridlines',
        ExtendValidation: 'The selection contains some cells without data validation. Do you want to extend validation to these cells?',
        Yes: 'Yes',
        No: 'No',
        HideGridLines: 'Hide Gridlines',
        FreezePanes: 'Freeze Panes',
        FreezeRows: 'Freeze Rows',
        FreezeColumns: 'Freeze Columns',
        UnfreezePanes: 'Unfreeze Panes',
        UnfreezeRows: 'Unfreeze Rows',
        UnfreezeColumns: 'Unfreeze Columns',
        AddSheet: 'Add Sheet',
        ListAllSheets: 'List All Sheets',
        CollapseToolbar: 'Collapse Toolbar',
        ExpandToolbar: 'Expand Toolbar',
        CollapseFormulaBar: 'Collapse Formula Bar',
        ExpandFormulaBar: 'Expand Formula Bar',
        File: 'File',
        Home: 'Home',
        Formulas: 'Formulas',
        View: 'View',
        New: 'New',
        Open: 'Open',
        SaveAs: 'Save As',
        Print: 'Print',
        Update: 'Update',
        ExcelXlsx: 'Microsoft Excel',
        ExcelXls: 'Microsoft Excel 97-2003',
        CSV: 'Comma-separated values',
        FormulaBar: 'Formula Bar',
        Sort: 'Sort',
        SortAscending: 'Ascending',
        SortDescending: 'Descending',
        CustomSort: 'Custom Sort',
        AddColumn: 'Add Column',
        ContainsHeader: 'Data contains header',
        CaseSensitive: 'Case sensitive',
        SortBy: 'Sort by',
        ThenBy: 'Then by',
        SelectAColumn: 'Select a column',
        SortEmptyFieldError: 'All sort criteria must have a column specified. Check the selected sort criteria and try again.',
        SortDuplicateFieldError: '  is being sorted by values more than once. Delete the duplicate sort criteria and try again.',
        SortOutOfRangeError: 'Select a cell or range inside the used range and try again.',
        MultiRangeSortError: 'This can\'t be done on a multiple range selection. Select a single range and try again.',
        SortAndFilter: 'Sort & Filter',
        Filter: 'Filter',
        ClearAllFilter: 'Clear',
        ClearFilterFrom: 'Clear Filter From ',
        ReapplyFilter: 'Reapply',
        FilterCellValue: 'Filter by Value of Selected Cell',
        FilterOutOfRangeError: 'Select a cell or range inside the used range and try again.',
        HideRow: 'Hide Row',
        HideRows: 'Hide Rows',
        UnhideRows: 'Unhide Rows',
        HideColumn: 'Hide Column',
        HideColumns: 'Hide Columns',
        UnhideColumns: 'Unhide Columns',
        InsertRow: 'Insert Row',
        InsertRows: 'Insert Rows',
        Above: 'Above',
        Below: 'Below',
        InsertColumn: 'Insert Column',
        InsertColumns: 'Insert Columns',
        Before: 'Before',
        After: 'After',
        DeleteRow: 'Delete Row',
        DeleteRows: 'Delete Rows',
        DeleteColumn: 'Delete Column',
        DeleteColumns: 'Delete Columns',
        Ok: 'OK',
        Close: 'Close',
        MoreOptions: 'More Options',
        Cancel: 'Cancel',
        Apply: 'Apply',
        MoreColors: 'More Colors',
        StandardColors: 'Standard Colors',
        General: 'General',
        Number: 'Number',
        Currency: 'Currency',
        Accounting: 'Accounting',
        ShortDate: 'Short Date',
        LongDate: 'Long Date',
        Time: 'Time',
        Percentage: 'Percentage',
        Fraction: 'Fraction',
        Scientific: 'Scientific',
        Text: 'Text',
        Custom: 'Custom',
        MobileFormulaBarPlaceHolder: 'Enter value or Formula',
        NumberFormat: 'Number Format',
        PasteAlert: 'You can\'t paste this here, because the copy area and paste area aren\'t in the same size. ' +
            'Please try pasting in a different range.',
        DestroyAlert: 'Are you sure you want to destroy the current workbook without saving and create a new workbook?',
        SheetRenameInvalidAlert: 'Sheet name contains invalid character.',
        SheetRenameEmptyAlert: 'Sheet name cannot be empty.',
        SheetRenameAlreadyExistsAlert: 'Sheet name already exists. Please enter another name.',
        DeleteSheetAlert: 'You can\'t undo deleting sheets, and you might be removing some data. If you don\'t need it, click OK to delete.',
        DeleteSingleLastSheetAlert: 'A Workbook must contain at least one visible worksheet.',
        PickACategory: 'Pick a category',
        Description: 'Description',
        UnsupportedFile: 'Unsupported File',
        DataLimitExceeded: 'File data is too large and it takes more time to process, do you want to continue?',
        FileSizeLimitExceeded: 'File size is too large and it takes more time to process, do you want to continue?',
        InvalidUrl: 'Invalid URL',
        SUM: 'Adds a series of numbers and/or cells.',
        SUMIF: 'Adds the cells based on specified condition.',
        SUMIFS: 'Adds the cells based on specified conditions.',
        ABS: 'Returns the value of a number without its sign.',
        RAND: 'Returns a random number between 0 and 1.',
        RANDBETWEEN: 'Returns a random integer based on specified values.',
        FLOOR: 'Rounds a number down to the nearest multiple of a given factor.',
        CEILING: 'Rounds a number up to the nearest multiple of a given factor.',
        PRODUCT: 'Multiplies a series of numbers and/or cells.',
        INT: 'Returns a number to the nearest integer.',
        ROUNDUP: 'Rounds a number away from zero.',
        SUMPRODUCT: 'Returns sum of the product of given ranges of arrays.',
        SORT: 'Sorts a range of an array',
        T: 'Checks whether a value is text or not and returns the text.',
        EXACT: 'Checks whether a two text strings are exactly same and returns TRUE or FALSE.',
        LEN: 'Returns a number of characters in a given string.',
        MOD: 'Returns a remainder after a number is divided by divisor.',
        ODD: 'Rounds a positive number up and negative number down to the nearest odd integer.',
        PI: 'Returns the value of pi.',
        COUNTBLANK: 'Returns the number of empty cells in a specified range of cells.',
        EVEN: 'Rounds a positive number up and negative number down to the nearest even integer.',
        DECIMAL: 'Converts a text representation of a number in a given base into a decimal number.',
        DEGREES: 'Converts radians to degrees.',
        ADDRESS: 'Returns a cell reference as text, given specified row and column numbers.',
        TIME: 'Converts hours, minutes, seconds to the time formatted text.',
        CHAR: 'Returns the character from the specified number.',
        CODE: 'Returns the numeric code for the first character in a given string.',
        DOLLAR: 'Converts the number to currency formatted text.',
        SMALL: 'Returns the k-th smallest value in a given array.',
        LARGE: 'Returns the k-th largest value in a given array.',
        FACT: 'Returns the factorial of a number.',
        MEDIAN: 'Returns the median of the given set of numbers.',
        EDATE: 'Returns a date with given number of months before or after the specified date.',
        DATEVALUE: 'Converts a date string into date value.',
        HOUR: 'Returns the number of hours in a specified time string.',
        SECOND: 'Returns the number of seconds in a specified time string.',
        MINUTE: 'Returns the number of minutes in a specified time string.',
        NOW: 'Returns the current date and time.',
        MONTH: 'Returns the number of months in a specified date string.',
        TODAY: 'Returns the current date as date value.',
        WEEKDAY: 'Returns the day of the week corresponding to a date.',
        AVERAGE: 'Calculates average for the series of numbers and/or cells excluding text.',
        AVERAGEIF: 'Calculates average for the cells based on specified criterion.',
        AVERAGEIFS: 'Calculates average for the cells based on specified conditions.',
        AVERAGEA: 'Calculates the average for the cells evaluating TRUE as 1, text and FALSE as 0.',
        COUNT: 'Counts the cells that contain numeric values in a range.',
        COUNTIF: 'Counts the cells based on specified condition.',
        COUNTIFS: 'Counts the cells based on specified conditions.',
        COUNTA: 'Counts the cells that contains values in a range.',
        MIN: 'Returns the smallest number of the given arguments.',
        MAX: 'Returns the largest number of the given arguments.',
        DATE: 'Returns the date based on given year, month, and day.',
        DAY: 'Returns the day from the given date.',
        DAYS: 'Returns the number of days between two dates.',
        IF: 'Returns value based on the given expression.',
        IFS: 'Returns value based on the given multiple expressions.',
        CalculateAND: 'Returns TRUE if all the arguments are TRUE, otherwise returns FALSE.',
        CalculateOR: 'Returns TRUE if any of the arguments are TRUE, otherwise returns FALSE.',
        IFERROR: 'Returns value if no error found else it will return specified value.',
        CHOOSE: 'Returns a value from list of values, based on index number.',
        INDEX: 'Returns a value of the cell in a given range based on row and column number.',
        FIND: 'Returns the position of a string within another string, which is case sensitive.',
        TEXT: 'Converts a value to text in specified number format.',
        CONCATENATE: 'Combines two or more strings together.',
        CONCAT: 'Concatenates a list or a range of text strings.',
        SUBTOTAL: 'Returns subtotal for a range using the given function number.',
        RADIANS: 'Converts degrees into radians.',
        MATCH: 'Returns the relative position of a specified value in given range.',
        LN: 'Returns the natural logarithm of a number.',
        INTERCEPT: 'Calculates the point of the Y-intercept line via linear regression.',
        UNIQUE: 'Returns a unique values from a range or array',
        SLOPE: 'Returns the slope of the line from linear regression of the data points.',
        LOOKUP: 'Looks for a value in a one-row or one-column range, then returns a value from the same position in a second one-row or one-column range.',
        HLOOKUP: 'Looks for a value in the top row of the array of values and then returns a value in the same column from a row in the array that you specify.',
        VLOOKUP: 'Looks for a specific value in the first column of a lookup range and returns a corresponding value from a different column within the same row.',
        NOT: 'Returns the inverse of a given logical expression.',
        EOMONTH: 'Returns the last day of the month that is a specified number of months before or after an initially supplied start date.',
        SQRT: 'Returns the square root of a positive number.',
        ROUNDDOWN: 'Rounds a number down, toward zero.',
        RSQ: 'Returns the square of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient based on data points in known_y\'s and known_x\'s.',
        DefineNameExists: 'This name already exists, try different name.',
        DefineNameInValid: 'The name that you entered is not valid.',
        CircularReference: 'When a formula refers to one or more circular references, this may result in an incorrect calculation.',
        OR: 'OR',
        AND: 'AND',
        CustomFilterDatePlaceHolder: 'Choose a date',
        CustomFilterPlaceHolder: 'Enter the value',
        CustomFilter: 'Custom Filter',
        Between: 'Between',
        DateTimeFilter: 'DateTime Filters',
        Undo: 'Undo',
        Redo: 'Redo',
        DateFilter: 'Date Filters',
        TextFilter: 'Text Filters',
        NumberFilter: 'Number Filters',
        ClearFilter: 'Clear Filter',
        NoResult: 'No Matches Found',
        FilterFalse: 'False',
        FilterTrue: 'True',
        Blanks: 'Blanks',
        SelectAll: 'Select All',
        GreaterThanOrEqual: 'Greater Than Or Equal',
        GreaterThan: 'Greater Than',
        LessThanOrEqual: 'Less Than Or Equal',
        LessThan: 'Less Than',
        NotEqual: 'Not Equal',
        Equal: 'Equal',
        Contains: 'Contains',
        NotContains: 'Does Not Contains',
        EndsWith: 'Ends With',
        NotEndsWith: 'Does Not End With',
        StartsWith: 'Starts With',
        NotStartsWith: 'Does Not Start With',
        IsEmpty: 'Empty',
        IsNotEmpty: 'Not Empty',
        ClearButton: 'Clear',
        FilterButton: 'Filter',
        CancelButton: 'Cancel',
        OKButton: 'OK',
        Search: 'Search',
        ProtectSheet: 'Protect Sheet',
        UnprotectSheet: 'Unprotect Sheet',
        SelectCells: 'Select locked cells',
        SelectUnlockedCells: 'Select unlocked cells',
        FormatCells: 'Format cells',
        FormatRows: 'Format rows',
        FormatColumns: 'Format columns',
        InsertLinks: 'Insert links',
        ProtectContent: 'Protect the contents of locked cells',
        ProtectAllowUser: ' Allow all users of this worksheet to:',
        EditAlert: 'The cell you\'re trying to change is protected. To make change, unprotect the sheet.',
        ReadonlyAlert: 'You are trying to modify a cell that is in read-only mode. To make changes, please disable the read-only status.',
        SearchWithin: 'Search within',
        SearchBy: 'Search by',
        Reference: 'Reference',
        DataValidation: 'Data Validation',
        CellRange: 'Cell Range',
        Allow: 'Allow',
        Data: 'Data',
        Minimum: 'Minimum',
        Maximum: 'Maximum',
        IgnoreBlank: 'Ignore blank',
        WholeNumber: 'Whole Number',
        Decimal: 'Decimal',
        Date: 'Date',
        TextLength: 'Text Length',
        List: 'List',
        NotBetween: 'Not Between',
        EqualTo: 'Equal To',
        NotEqualTo: 'Not Equal To',
        GreaterThanOrEqualTo: 'Greater Than Or Equal To',
        LessThanOrEqualTo: 'Less Than Or Equal To',
        InCellDropDown: 'In-cell-dropdown',
        Sources: 'Sources',
        Value: 'Value',
        Formula: 'Formula',
        Retry: 'Retry',
        DialogError: 'The list source must be a reference to single row or column.',
        MinMaxError: 'The Maximum must be greater than or equal to the Minimum.',
        InvalidNumberError: 'Please enter a valid number.',
        InvalidFormula: 'Please enter a valid formula.',
        MoreValidation: 'This selection contains more than one validation. \n Erase current settings and continue?',
        FileNameError: 'A file name can\'t contain characters like \\ / : * ? " < > [ ] |',
        ListLengthError: 'The list values allows only upto 256 characters',
        ValidationError: 'This value doesn' + '\'' + 't match the data validation restrictions defined for the cell.',
        EmptyError: 'You must enter a value',
        ClearHighlight: 'Clear Highlight',
        HighlightInvalidData: 'Highlight Invalid Data',
        ClearValidation: 'Clear Validation',
        HighlightCellsRules: 'Highlight Cells Rules',
        CFEqualTo: 'Equal To',
        TextThatContains: 'Text that Contains',
        Save: 'Save',
        EmptyFileName: 'File name cannot be empty.',
        LargeName: 'The name is too long.',
        ADateOccuring: 'A Date Occuring',
        DuplicateValues: 'Duplicate Values',
        TopBottomRules: 'Top/Bottom Rules',
        Directional: 'Directional',
        Shapes: 'Shapes',
        Indicators: 'Indicators',
        Ratings: 'Ratings',
        Top10Items: 'Top 10 Items',
        Top10: 'Top 10',
        Bottom10Items: 'Bottom 10 Items',
        Bottom10: 'Bottom 10',
        AboveAverage: 'Above Average',
        BelowAverage: 'Below Average',
        FormatCellsGreaterThan: 'Format cells that are GREATER THAN:',
        FormatCellsLessThan: 'Format cells that are LESS THAN:',
        FormatCellsBetween: 'Format cells that are BETWEEN:',
        FormatCellsEqualTo: 'Format cells that are EQUAL TO:',
        FormatCellsThatContainTheText: 'Format cells that contain the text:',
        FormatCellsThatContainADateOccurring: 'Format cells that contain a date occurring:',
        FormatCellsDuplicate: 'Format cells that contain:',
        FormatCellsTop: 'Format cells that rank in the TOP:',
        FormatCellsBottom: 'Format cells that rank in the BOTTOM:',
        FormatCellsAbove: 'Format cells that are ABOVE AVERAGE:',
        FormatCellsBelow: 'Format cells that are BELOW AVERAGE:',
        With: 'with',
        DataBars: 'Data Bars',
        ColorScales: 'Color Scales',
        IconSets: 'Icon Sets',
        ClearRules: 'Clear Rules',
        SelectedCells: 'Clear Rules from Selected Cells',
        EntireSheet: 'Clear Rules from Entire Sheet',
        ISNUMBER: 'Returns true when the value parses as a numeric value.',
        ROUND: 'Rounds a number to a specified number of digits.',
        GEOMEAN: 'Returns the geometric mean of an array or range of positive data.',
        POWER: 'Returns the result of a number raised to power',
        LOG: 'Returns the logarithm of a number to the base that you specify.',
        TRUNC: 'Returns the truncated value of a number to a specified number of decimal places.',
        EXP: 'Returns e raised to the power of the given number.',
        Clear: 'Clear',
        ClearContents: 'Clear Contents',
        ClearAll: 'Clear All',
        ClearFormats: 'Clear Formats',
        ClearHyperlinks: 'Clear Hyperlinks',
        LightRedFillWithDarkRedText: 'Light Red Fill with Dark Red Text',
        YellowFillWithDarkYellowText: 'Yellow Fill with Dark Yellow Text',
        GreenFillWithDarkGreenText: 'Green Fill with Dark Green Text',
        RedFill: 'Red Fill',
        RedText: 'Red Text',
        Duplicate: 'Duplicate',
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        ThisDocument: 'This Document',
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        EnterTheUrl: 'Enter the URL',
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        WGColorScale: 'White - Green Color Scale',
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        YGColorScale: 'Yellow - Green Color Scale',
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        FourArrowsGray: '4 Arrows (Colored)',
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        FiveArrowsGray: '5 Arrows (Colored)',
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        ThreeTrafficLights2: '3 Traffic Lights (Rimmed)',
        ThreeSigns: '3 Signs',
        FourTrafficLights: '4 Traffic Lights',
        RedToBlack: 'Red To Black',
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        ThreeSymbols2: '3 Symbols (Uncircled)',
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        FiveRatings: '5 Ratings',
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        ChartDesign: 'Chart Design',
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        StackedColumn100: '100% Stacked Column',
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        StackedBar: 'Stacked Bar',
        StackedBar100: '100% Stacked Bar',
        StackedArea: 'Stacked Area',
        StackedArea100: '100% Stacked Area',
        StackedLine: 'Stacked Line',
        StackedLineMarker: 'Stacked Line with Markers',
        StackedLine100: '100% Stacked Line',
        StackedLine100Marker: '100% Stacked Line with Markers',
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        PrimaryMajorVertical: 'Primary Major Vertical',
        PrimaryMinorHorizontal: 'Primary Minor Horizontal',
        PrimaryMinorVertical: 'Primary Minor Vertical',
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        Left: 'Left',
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        FabricDark: 'Fabric Dark',
        HighContrast: 'HighContrast',
        BootstrapDark: 'Bootstrap Dark',
        Bootstrap4: 'Bootstrap4',
        Bootstrap5Dark: 'Bootstrap5 Dark',
        Bootstrap5: 'Bootstrap5',
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        TailwindDark: 'Tailwind Dark',
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        Tailwind3Dark: 'Tailwind 3 Dark',
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        HorizontalAxisTitle: 'Horizontal Axis Title',
        EnterTitle: 'Enter Title',
        ProtectWorkbook: 'Protect Workbook',
        Password: 'Password (optional):',
        EnterThePassword: 'Enter the password',
        ConfirmPassword: 'Confirm Password',
        EnterTheConfirmPassword: 'Re-enter your password',
        PasswordAlert: 'Confirmation password is not identical',
        UnprotectWorkbook: 'Unprotect Workbook',
        UnprotectPasswordAlert: 'The password you supplied is not correct.',
        IncorrectPassword: 'Unable to open the file or worksheet with the given password',
        PasswordAlertMsg: 'Please enter the password',
        ConfirmPasswordAlertMsg: 'Please enter the confirm password',
        IsProtected: 'is protected',
        PDF: 'PDF Document',
        AutoFillMergeAlertMsg: 'To do this, all the merged cells need to be the same size.',
        FillSeries: 'Fill Series',
        CopyCells: 'Copy Cells',
        FillFormattingOnly: 'Fill Formatting Only',
        FillWithoutFormatting: 'Fill Without Formatting',
        CustomFormat: 'Custom Number Formats',
        CustomFormatPlaceholder: 'Type or Select a custom format',
        CustomFormatTypeList: 'Type',
        UnprotectWorksheet: 'Unprotect Sheet',
        ReEnterPassword: 'Re-enter password to proceed',
        SheetPassword: 'Password to unprotect sheet:',
        Fluent: 'Fluent',
        FluentDark: 'Fluent Dark',
        Fluent2: 'Fluent 2',
        Fluent2Dark: 'Fluent 2 Dark',
        Fluent2HighContrast: 'Fluent 2 HighContrast',
        Material3: 'Material 3',
        Material3Dark: 'Material 3 Dark',
        CellReferenceTypoError: 'We found a typo in your cell reference. Do you want to correct this reference as follows?',
        InvalidFormulaError: 'We found that you typed a formula which is invalid.',
        InvalidArguments: 'We found that you typed a formula with an invalid arguments.',
        EmptyExpression: 'We found that you typed a formula with an empty expression.',
        MismatchedParenthesis: 'We found that you typed a formula with one or more missing opening or closing parenthesis.',
        ImproperFormula: 'We found that you typed a formula which is improper.',
        WrongNumberOfArguments: 'We found that you typed a formula with a wrong number of arguments.',
        Requires3Arguments: 'We found that you typed a formula which requires 3 arguments.',
        MismatchedStringQuotes: 'We found that you typed a formula with a mismatched quotes.',
        FormulaCircularRef: 'We found that you typed a formula with a circular reference.',
        AddCurrentSelection: 'Add current selection to filter',
        ExternalWorkbook: 'An imported excel file contains an external workbook reference. Do you want to import that file?'