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Modal in ASP.NET MVC SpeedDial Control
14 Nov 20221 minute to read
You can use the Modal property to set the Speed Dial as modal which adds an overlay to prevent the background interaction.
@using Syncfusion.EJ2.Buttons
@Html.EJS().SpeedDial("speeddial").Items(ViewBag.datasource).Modal(true).Position(FabPosition.BottomRight).OpenIconCss("e-icons e-edit").Render()
public ActionResult Modal()
List<SpeedDialItem> items = new List<SpeedDialItem>();
items.Add(new SpeedDialItem
IconCss="e-icons e-cut"
items.Add(new SpeedDialItem
IconCss="e-icons e-copy"
items.Add(new SpeedDialItem
IconCss="e-icons e-paste"
ViewBag.datasource = items;
return View();