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ExecuteCommand in Rich Text Editor
21 Mar 20256 minutes to read
In Rich Text Editor, executeCommand used to perform commands for the modification of content in editable area.
The executeCommand will perform the following commands.
Commands | Description | Code snippets |
bold | Bold the selected content in the Rich Text Editor. | rteObj.executeCommand('bold'); |
italic | The selected text will be italics. | rteObj.executeCommand('italic'); |
underline | Underline the selected text in the Rich Text Editor. | rteObj.executeCommand('underline'); |
strikeThrough | Apply single line strike through formatting for the selected text. | rteObj.executeCommand('strikeThrough'); |
superscript | Makes the selected text as superscript (higher). | rteObj.executeCommand('superscript'); |
subscript | Makes the selected text as subscript (lower). | rteObj.executeCommand('subscript'); |
uppercase | Change the case of selected text to upper in the content. | rteObj.executeCommand('uppercase'); |
lowercase | Change the case of selected text to lower in the content. | rteObj.executeCommand('uppercase'); |
fontColor | Apply the specified font color for the selected text. | rteObj.executeCommand('fontColor', 'yellow'); |
fontName | Apply the specified font name for the selected text. | rteObj.executeCommand('fontName', 'Arial'); |
fontSize | Apply the specified font size for the selected text. | rteObj.executeCommand('fontSize', '10pt'); |
formatBlock | Apply the specified format styles for the selected text. | rteObj.executeCommand('formatBlock', 'H1'); |
backColor | Apply the specified background color the selected text. | rteObj.executeCommand('backColor', 'red'); |
justifyCenter | Align the content with center margin. | rteObj.executeCommand('justifyCenter'); |
justifyFull | Align the content with justify margin. | rteObj.executeCommand('justifyFull'); |
justifyLeft | Align the content with left margin. | rteObj.executeCommand('justifyLeft'); |
justifyRight | Align the content with right margin. | rteObj.executeCommand('justifyLeft'); |
undo | Allows to undo the actions. | rteObj.executeCommand('undo'); |
createLink | Creates a hyperlink to a text or image to a specific location in the content. | rteObj.executeCommand('createLink',{ text: 'Links', url: 'http://', title : 'Link' }); |
indent | Allows to increase the indent level of the content. | rteObj.executeCommand('indent'); |
insertHTML | Insert the html content to the current cursor position. | rteObj.executeCommand('insertHTML', 'inserted an html'); |
insertOrderedList | Create a new list item(numbered). | rteObj.executeCommand('insertOrderedList'); |
insertUnorderedList | Create a new list item(bulleted). | rteObj.executeCommand('insertUnorderedList'); |
outdent | Allows to decrease the indent level of the content. | rteObj.executeCommand('outdent'); |
redo | Allows to redo the actions | rteObj.executeCommand('redo'); |
removeFormat | remove all formatting styles (such as bold, italic, underline, color, superscript, subscript, and more) from currently selected text. | rteObj.executeCommand('removeFormat'); |
insertText | Insert text to the current cursor position. | rteObj.executeCommand('insertText', 'inserted a text'); |
insertImage | Insert an image to the current cursor position. | rteObj.executeCommand('insertImage', { url: 'https://ej2.syncfusion.com/javascript/demos/src/rich-text-editor/images/RTEImage-Feather.png', cssClass: 'rte-img'}); |
copyFormatPainter | Copy the format of selected text and apply it to another text. | rteObj.executeCommand('copyFormatPainter', formatPainterSettings); |
applyFormatPainter | Apply the copied format to the selected text. | rteObj.executeCommand('applyFormatPainter'); |
escapeFormatPainter | Remove the previously copied format and disable the sticky mode | rteObj.executeCommand('escapeFormatPainter'); |
insertVideo | Insert a video to the current cursor position. | rteObj.executeCommand('insertVideo', { url: 'https://cdn.syncfusion.com/ej2/richtexteditor-resources/RTE-Ocean-Waves.mp4', cssClass: 'e-rte-video'}); |
insertAudio | Insert a audio to the current cursor position. | rteObj.executeCommand('insertAudio', { url: 'https://cdn.syncfusion.com/ej2/richtexteditor-resources/RTE-Audio.wav', cssClass: 'e-rte-audio'}); |
The ‘ExecuteCommand’ public method is not supported in Syncfusion® Markdown Editor