Essential Studio for ASP.NET MVC Release Notes

March 11, 2025


Bug Fixes

  • #I693171 - Child group shape is now preserved properly while creating a document from scratch.
  • #I689104 – Table is now preserved properly while converting DOCX document to PDF.
  • #I693508 - Hanging issue will no longer occur while converting a DOC file contains negative cell spacing in table to PDF.
  • #I693482 - Text inside a cell with decimal tab is now aligned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I693066 - Paragraph is now positioned properly when previous paragraph is in frame while converting a Word to PDF.
  • #I695804 - Underline is now preserved properly while converting HTML to DOCX.
  • #I695715 – The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while opening a DOCX document with revisions.
  • #I693441, #I691211 - Inline content control is now preserved properly while resaving a DOCX document.
  • #I696475, #I695950 - List inside the header/footer is now positioned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I695622 – The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown due to measuring element while converting a Word to PDF.
  • #I695131 - Underline is now applied properly to the empty space paragraph with ulTrailSpace tag while converting a Word to PDF.
  • #I693513 - Text inside the textbox is now preserved properly while converting the Word document to PDF.


Bug fixes

  • #F195594 - Resolved a script error that occurred when focusing on hidden cells after clicking the scrollbar.
  • #I679119 - The issue with filtering the Date column by month or day value has been resolved.
  • #I684300 - Fixed an issue where virtual scrolling did not conclude properly when adding a new record at the bottom.
  • #I695471 - The issue where the notEqual filter in menu filtering failed for Date and DateTime columns has been resolved.
  • #I691688 - Resolved the issue where the grid captionTemplate key value conflicted with React key prop.
  • #I693712 - Resolved the issue where customAttributes were not applied when splitting stacked header columns with frozen columns.

PDF Viewer


  • Enhanced text search performance for large PDF documents.
  • Added support for asynchronously extracting and finding text using the extractText and findTextAsync APIs.
  • #I645218 - Optimized memory usage when loading large PDF documents, with further enhancements available through the ExtractTextOptions.
  • #I645354 - Added the resourcesLoaded event in PDF Viewer.

Bug Fixes

  • #I686925 - Now, the text search works correctly when searching for multiple words in Unicode text.


Bug Fixes

  • #I690984 - Layout slide name will now updated properly when cloning and merging a slide in the PowerPoint library.


Bug Fixes

  • #I693062 - The issue where the IRange.Value property incorrectly returned the datetime as 24:00:00 is now resolved.
  • #I685210 - Performance is now improved when saving Excel documents containing a large number of merged cells.
  • #I693179 - Exception is no longer thrown during serialization of threaded comments with an empty person list.
  • #I689757 - The issue where chart series were missing when the input document contained an empty cache entry is now resolved.
  • #I698622 - The datetime calculation issue in Excel to PDF conversion when the decimal count exceeded 10 is now resolved.
  • #I682078 - The missing chart series issue caused by invalid formula values in the referenced chart range is now resolved.
  • #I689228 - Data labels now align correctly during image conversion for stacked column charts with zero values in the series data.
Note : The bug or feature items that do not have a corresponding ID associated with them are internally identified.