
17 Apr 20232 minutes to read


We can divide a progress bar into multiple segments using a SegmentCount to visualize the progress of multiple sequential tasks.



Customize the thickness of the track using TrackThickness, progress using ProgressThickness and secondary progress using SecondaryProgressThickness to render the progress bar with different appearances.

            .LabelStyle(ls => ls.Color("#FFFFFF"))
            .Animation(an => an.Enable(true).Delay(0).Duration(2000))


The radius of the progress bar can be customized using Radius property and corner can be customized by CornerRadius property.



The inner radius of the progress bar can be customized using InnerRadius property.


Progress color and track color

Customize the color of progress, secondary progress, and track by using the ProgressColor, SecondaryProgressColor and TrackColor properties.

            .Animation(an => an.Enable(true).Delay(0).Duration(2000))
            .LabelStyle(ls => ls.Color("#FFFFFF"))

var textRender = function (args) {
    args.text = '50';