- Customizing the background color of wrapper element
- Customizing the appearance of the delimiter wrapper element
- Customizing the appearance of chips
- Customizing the dropdown icon’s color
- Customizing the focus color
- Customizing the disabled component’s text color
- Customizing the color of the placeholder text
- Customizing the placeholder to add mandatory indicator(*)
- Customizing the float label element’s focusing color
- Customizing the outline theme’s focus color
- Customizing the background color of focus, hover, and active item’s
- Customizing the appearance of pop-up element
- Customizing the color of the checkbox
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CSS structures
17 Feb 20225 minutes to read
The following content provides the exact CSS structure that can be used to modify the control’s appearance based on the user preference.
Customizing the background color of wrapper element
Use the following CSS to customize the background color of wrapper element.
.e-multiselect.e-input-group .e-multi-select-wrapper {
background-color: red;
Customizing the appearance of the delimiter wrapper element
Use the following CSS to customize the appearance of delimiter wrapper element.
.e-multiselect .e-delim-values {
-webkit-text-fill-color: blue;
font-size: 16px;
font-family: cursive;
Customizing the appearance of chips
Use the following CSS to customize the appearance of selected chips.
.e-multiselect .e-multi-select-wrapper .e-chips .e-chipcontent {
font-family: cursive;
font-size: 20px;
-webkit-text-fill-color: blue;
.e-multi-select-wrapper .e-chips {
background-color: aqua;
height: 26px;
Customizing the dropdown icon’s color
Use the following CSS to customize the dropdown icon’s color.
.e-multiselect.e-input-group .e-input-group-icon, .e-multiselect.e-input-group.e-control-wrapper .e-input-group-icon:hover {
color: red;
font-size: 14px;
Customizing the focus color
Use the following CSS to customize the focusing color of input element.
.e-multiselect.e-input-group.e-control-wrapper.e-input-focus::before, .e-multiselect.e-input-group.e-control-wrapper.e-input-focus::after {
background: #c000ff;
Customizing the disabled component’s text color
Use the following CSS to customize the text color when the component is disabled.
.e-multiselect.e-disabled .e-multi-select-wrapper .e-delim-values {
-webkit-text-fill-color: red;
Customizing the color of the placeholder text
Use the following CSS to customize the text color of placeholder.
.e-multiselect input.e-dropdownbase::placeholder {
color: red;
Customizing the placeholder to add mandatory indicator(*)
Use the following CSS to add the mandatory indicator * to the float label element.
.e-input-group.e-control-wrapper.e-float-input .e-float-text::after {
content: "*";
color: red;
Customizing the float label element’s focusing color
Use the following CSS to customize the focusing color of float label element.
.e-float-input.e-input-group:not(.e-float-icon-left) .e-float-line::before,.e-float-input.e-control-wrapper.e-input-group:not(.e-float-icon-left) .e-float-line::before,.e-float-input.e-input-group:not(.e-float-icon-left) .e-float-line::after,.e-float-input.e-control-wrapper.e-input-group:not(.e-float-icon-left) .e-float-line::after {
background-color: #2319b8;
.e-multiselect.e-input-group.e-control-wrapper.e-float-input.e-input-focus .e-float-text.e-label-top, .e-float-input.e-control-wrapper:not(.e-error).e-input-focus input ~ label.e-float-text {
color: #2319b8;
Customizing the outline theme’s focus color
Use the following CSS to customize the focusing color of outline theme.
.e-outline.e-input-group.e-input-focus:hover:not(.e-success):not(.e-warning):not(.e-error):not(.e-disabled):not(.e-float-icon-left),.e-outline.e-input-group.e-input-focus.e-control-wrapper:hover:not(.e-success):not(.e-warning):not(.e-error):not(.e-disabled):not(.e-float-icon-left),.e-outline.e-input-group.e-input-focus:not(.e-success):not(.e-warning):not(.e-error):not(.e-disabled),.e-outline.e-input-group.e-control-wrapper.e-input-focus:not(.e-success):not(.e-warning):not(.e-error):not(.e-disabled) {
border-color: #b1bd15;
box-shadow: inset 1px 1px #b1bd15, inset -1px 0 #b1bd15, inset 0 -1px #b1bd15;
Customizing the background color of focus, hover, and active item’s
Use the following CSS to customize the background color of focus, hover and active item’s.
.e-dropdownbase .e-list-item.e-item-focus, .e-dropdownbase .e-list-item.e-active, .e-dropdownbase .e-list-item.e-active.e-hover, .e-dropdownbase .e-list-item.e-hover {
background-color: #1f9c99;
color: #2319b8;
Customizing the appearance of pop-up element
Use the following CSS to customize the appearance of popup element.
.e-dropdownbase .e-list-item, .e-dropdownbase .e-list-item.e-item-focus {
background-color: #29c2b8;
color: #207cd9;
font-family: emoji;
min-height: 29px
Customizing the color of the checkbox
Use the following CSS to customize the color of checkbox.
.e-popup .e-checkbox-wrapper .e-frame.e-check, .e-popup .e-checkbox-wrapper:hover .e-frame.e-check {
background-color: green;
color: white;