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5 Jun 20243 minutes to read
The MultiSelect allows user to add a new non-present option to the control value when allowCustomValue is enabled. while selecting the new custom value customValueSelection
event will be triggered.
The following sample demonstrates configuration of custom value support with the MultiSelect control.
<div id='local-data'>
<div class='control-wrapper'>
@Html.EJS().MultiSelect("default").Placeholder("Select games").AllowCustomValue(true).DataSource((IEnumerable<object>)ViewBag.data).Fields(new Syncfusion.EJ2.DropDowns.MultiSelectFieldSettings { Text = "Game", Value = "Id" }).Render()
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace WebApplication1.Models
public class GameList
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Game { get; set; }
public List<GameList> GameLists()
List<GameList> game = new List<GameList>();
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game1", Game = "American Football" });
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game2", Game = "Badminton" });
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game3", Game = "Basketball" });
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game3", Game = "Basketball" });
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game4", Game = "Cricket" });
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game5", Game = "Football" });
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game6", Game = "Golf" });
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game7", Game = "Hockey" });
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game8", Game = "Rugby" });
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game9", Game = "Snooker" });
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game10", Game = "Tennis" });
return game;