Migration from Essential JS 1

17 Feb 202224 minutes to read

This article describes the API migration process of Accordion component from Essential JS 1 to Essential JS 2.

Linear gauge dimensions

Behavior API in Essential JS 1 API in Essential JS 2
Height Property: height

Property: height

Width Property: width

Property: width

Height(In Percentage) Not Applicable Property: height

Width(In Percentage) Not Applicable Property: width


Line customization

Behavior API in Essential JS 1 API in Essential JS 2
Height Property: scales.length

.Scales(sc => {sc.Length(300).Add()})
Property: axes.line.height

.Axes(axes => axes.Line(line => line.Height(100)).Add())
Width Property: scales.width

.Scales(sc => {sc.Width(300).Add()})
Property: axes.line.width

.Axes(axes => axes.Line(line => line.Width(50)).Add())
Color Property: scales.backgroundColor

.Scales(sc => {sc.BackgroundColor("blue").Add()})
Property: axes.line.color

.Axes(axes => axes.Line(line => line.Color("Blue")).Add())
Offset Not Applicable Property: axes.line.offset

.Axes(axes => axes.Line(line => line.Offset(2)).Add())
Opacity Property: scales.opacity

.Scales(sc => {sc.Opacity(0.2).Add()})
Not Applicable
DashArray Not Applicable Property: axes.line.dashArray

.Axes(axes => axes.Line(line => line.DashArray(1)).Add())


Behavior API in Essential JS 1 API in Essential JS 2
Type of Ticks Property: scales.ticks.type

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(TickType.MajorInterval)}).Add()
Property: axes.majorTicks.height

.Axes(axes => axes.MajorTicks().Add())
Height of Major Ticks Property: scales.ticks.height

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(TickType.MajorInterval).Height(8).Add()
Property: axes.majorTicks.height

.Axes(axes => axes.MajorTicks(ma => ma.Height(8)).Add())
Width of Major Ticks Property: scales.ticks.width

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(TickType.MajorInterval).Width(5).Add()
Property: axes.majorTicks.width

.Axes(axes => axes.MajorTicks(ma => ma.Width(5)).Add())
Color of Major Ticks Property: scales.ticks.color

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(TickType.MajorInterval).Color("Blue").Add()
Property: axes.majorTicks.color

.Axes(axes => axes.MajorTicks(ma => ma.Color("Blue")).Add())
Offset for Major Ticks Property: scales.ticks.distanceFromScale

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(TickType.MajorInterval)
Property: axes.majorTicks.offset

.Axes(axes => axes.MajorTicks(ma => ma.Offset(2)).Add())
Interval of Major Ticks Property: scales.majorIntervalValue

.Scales(sc => {sc.majorIntervalValue(15).Add()})
Property: axes.majorTicks.interval

.Axes(axes => axes.MajorTicks(ma => ma.Interval(15)).Add())
Angle of Major Ticks Property: scales.ticks.angle

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(TickType.MajorInterval).Angle(30).Add();
Not Applicable
Opacity of Major Ticks Property: scales.ticks.opacity

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(TickType.MajorInterval).Opacity(0.2).Add();
Not Applicable
Height of Minor Ticks Property: scales.ticks.height

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(TickType.MinorInterval).Height(8).Add()
Property: axes.minorTicks.height

.Axes(axes => axes.MinorTicks(mi => mi.Height(8)).Add())
Width of Minor Ticks Property: scales.ticks.width

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(TickType.MinorInterval).Width(5).Add()
Property: axes.minorTicks.width

.Axes(axes => axes.MinorTicks(mi => mi.Width(5)).Add())
Color of Minor Ticks Property: scales.ticks.color

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(TickType.MinorInterval).Color("Blue").Add()
Property: axes.minorTicks.color

.Axes(axes => axes.MinorTicks(mi => mi.Color("Blue")).Add())
Offset for Minor Ticks Property: scales.ticks.distanceFromScale

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(TickType.MinorInterval)
Property: axes.minorTicks.offset

.Axes(axes => axes.MinorTicks(mi => mi.Offset(2)).Add())
Interval of Minor Ticks Property: scales.minorIntervalValue

.Scales(sc => {sc.minorIntervalValue(15).Add()})
Property: axes.minorTicks.interval

.Axes(axes => axes.MinorTicks(mi => mi.Interval(15)).Add())
Angle of Minor Ticks Property: scales.ticks.angle

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(TickType.MinorInterval).Angle(30).Add();
Not Applicable
Opacity of Minor Ticks Property: scales.ticks.opacity

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(TickType.MinorInterval).Opacity(0.2).Add();
Not Applicable


Behavior API in Essential JS 1 API in Essential JS 2
Angle Property: scales.labels.angle

.Scales(sc => {sc.Labels(lab => {lab.Angle(15).Add();
Not Applicable
Offset Property: scales.labels.distanceFromScale

.Scales(sc => {sc.Labels(lab => {lab.distanceFromScale(
dis => {dis.x(15).Add();}).Add();
Property: axes.labelStyle.offset

.Axes(axes => axes.LabelStyle(lab => lab.Offset(2)).Add())
Format Property: scales.labels.unitText

.Scales(sc => {sc.Labels(lab => {lab.UnitText("F").Add();
Property: axes.labelStyle.format

.Axes(axes => axes.LabelStyle(lab => lab.Format("C")).Add())
Unit Text Placement Property: scales.labels.unitTextPlacement

.Scales(sc => {sc.Labels(lab => {lab.UnitTextPlacement("Front").Add();
Not Applicable
Label Range Color Not Applicable Property: axes.labelStyle.useRangeColor

.Axes(axes => axes.LabelStyle(lab => lab.UseRangeColor(true))
Opacity Property: scales.labels.opacity

.Scales(sc => {sc.Labels(lab => {lab.Opacity(0.5)
Property: axes.labelStyle.font.opacity

.Axes(axes => axes.LabelStyle(lab => lab.Font("fontstyle"))
var fontstyle = new { opacity = 0.5 };
Label Text Color Property: scales.labels.textColor

.Scales(sc => {sc.Labels(lab => {lab.TextColor("red")
Property: axes.labelStyle.font.color

.Axes(axes => axes.LabelStyle(lab => lab.Font("fontstyle"))
var fontstyle = new { color= 'red' };
Label Font Family Property: scales.labels.font.fontFamily

.Scales(sc => {sc.Labels(lab => {lab.Font(fon => {fon.FontFamily("SegoeUI").Add();}).Add();
Property: axes.labelStyle.font.fontFamily

.Axes(axes => axes.LabelStyle(lab => lab.Font("fontstyle"))
var fontstyle = new { fontFamily: 'Arial' };
Label Font Style Property: scales.labels.font.fontStyle

.Scales(sc => {sc.Labels(lab => {lab.Font(fon => {fon.FontStyle("Normal").Add();}).Add();
Property: axes.labelStyle.font.fontStyle

.Axes(axes => axes.LabelStyle(lab => lab.Font("fontstyle"))
var fontstyle = new { fontStyle= 'Bold' };
Label Size Property: scales.labels.font.size

.Scales(sc => {sc.Labels(lab => {lab.Font(fon => {fon.Size("20px").Add();}).Add();
Property: axes.labelStyle.font.size

.Axes(axes => axes.LabelStyle(lab => lab.Font("fontstyle"))
var fontstyle = new { size= "15px" };
Label Font Weight Not Applicable Property: axes.labelStyle.font.fontWeight

.Axes(axes => axes.LabelStyle(lab => lab.Font("fontstyle"))
var fontstyle = new { fontWeight= '4' };


Behavior API in Essential JS 1 API in Essential JS 2
Minimum Value Property: scales.minimum

.Scales(sc => {sc.Minimum(20).Add()})
Property: axes.minimum

.Axes(axes => axes.Minimum(20).Add()).Render()
Maximum Value Property: scales.maximum

.Scales(sc => {sc.Maximum(20).Add()})
Property: axes.maximum

.Axes(axes => axes.Maximum(20).Add()).Render()
Inverted Position Not Applicable Property: axes.isInversed

.Axes(axes => axes.IsInversed(true).Add()).Render()
Opposed Position Not Applicable Property: axes.opposedPosition

.Axes(axes => axes.OpposedPosition(true).Add()).Render()


Behavior API in Essential JS 1 API in Essential JS 2
Start Value Property: scales.ranges.startValue

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(ran => {ran.StartValue(20)
Property: axes.ranges.start

.Axes(axes => axes.Ranges(ran => ran.Start(20))
End Value Property: scales.ranges.endValue

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(ran => {ran.EndValue(20)
Property: axes.ranges.end

.Axes(axes => axes.Ranges(ran => ran.End(20))
Start Width Property: scales.ranges.startWidth

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(ran => {ran.StartWidth(20)
Property: axes.ranges.startWidth

.Axes(axes => axes.Ranges(ran => ran.StartWidth(20))
End Width Property: scales.ranges.endWidth

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(ran => {ran.EndWidth(20)
Property: axes.ranges.endWidth

.Axes(axes => axes.Ranges(ran => ran.EndWidth(20))
Color Property: scales.ranges.backgroundColor

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(ran => {ran.BackgroundColor("Red")
Property: axes.ranges.color

.Axes(axes => axes.Ranges(ran => ran.Color("red"))
Offset Property: scales.ranges.distanceFromScale

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(ran => {ran.DistanceFromScale(10)
Property: axes.ranges.offset

.Axes(axes => axes.Ranges(ran => ran.Offset(5))
Range Position Property: scales.ranges.placement

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(ran => {ran.Placement("Near")
Property: axes.ranges.position

.Axes(axes => axes.Ranges(ran => ran.Position("Inside"))
Opacity Property: scales.ranges.opacity

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(ran => {ran.Opacity(0.5)
Not Applicable
Border Customization Property: scales.ranges.border

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(ran => {ran.Border(bor => {bor.Color("green")
Property: axes.ranges.border

.Axes(axes => axes.Ranges(ran => ran.Border(border))
var border = new { color='green', width="2"};

Bar Pointer

Behavior API in Essential JS 1 API in Essential JS 2
Bar Pointer Property: scales.ranges.barPointers.value

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(BarPointers => {br.Value(20).Add();}).Add()})
Property: axes.pointers.value

.Axes(axes => axes.pointers(po => po.Value(20)
Color of Bar Pointer Property: scales.ranges.barPointers.backgroundColor

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(BarPointers => {br.Value(20)
Property: axes.pointers.color

.Axes(axes => axes.pointers(po => po.Value(20)
Offset of Bar Pointer Property: scales.ranges.barPointers.distanceFromScale

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(BarPointers => {br.distanceFromScale(20)
Property: axes.pointers.offset

.Axes(axes => axes.pointers(po => po.Value(20)
Opacity of Bar Pointer Property: scales.ranges.barPointers.opacity

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(BarPointers => {br.Opacity(0.5)
Property: axes.pointers.opacity

.Axes(axes => axes.pointers(po => po.Value(20)
Width of Bar Pointer Property: scales.ranges.barPointers.width

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(BarPointers => {br.Width(2)
Property: axes.pointers.width

.Axes(axes => axes.pointers(po => po.Value(20)
Gradients of Bar Pointer Property: scales.ranges.barPointers.gradients

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(BarPointers => {
br.gradients(gra => {gra.ColorStop(0).Color("#FFFFFF").Add();})
Not Applicable
Border of Bar Pointer Property: scales.ranges.barPointers.border

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(BarPointers => {br.Border(bor => {bor.Color("red").Width(2).Add();})
Property: axes.pointers.border

.Axes(axes => axes.pointers(po => po.Value(20)
var border = new { color="red" width="2" };
Animation of Bar Pointer Property: enableAnimation

Property: axes.pointers.animationDuration

.Axes(axes => axes.pointers(po => po.Value(20)
Rounded Corner of Bar Pointer Not Applicable Property: axes.pointers.roundedCornerRadius

.Axes(axes => axes.pointers(po => po.Value(20)

Marker Pointer

Behavior API in Essential JS 1 API in Essential JS 2
Marker Pointer Property: scales.ranges.markerPointers.value

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(MarkerPointers => {mr.Value(20).Add();}).Add()})
Property: axes.pointers.value

.Axes(axes => axes.pointers(po => po.Value(20)
Color of Marker Pointer Property: scales.ranges.markerPointers.backgroundColor

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(MarkerPointers => {mr.Value(20).Color("Red").Add();}).Add()})
Property: axes.pointers.color

.Axes(axes => axes.pointers(po => po.Value(20)
Offset of Marker Pointer Property: scales.ranges.markerPointers

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(MarkerPointers => {mr.Value(20).distanceFromScale(10).Add();})
Property: axes.pointers.offset

.Axes(axes => axes.pointers(po => po.Value(20)
Opacity of Marker Pointer Property: scales.ranges.markerPointers.opacity

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(MarkerPointers => {mr.Opacity(0.5)
Property: axes.pointers.opacity

.Axes(axes => axes.pointers(po => po.Value(20)
Width of Marker Pointer Property: scales.ranges.markerPointers.width

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(MarkerPointers => {mr.Width(2)
Property: axes.pointers.width

.Axes(axes => axes.pointers(po => po.Value(20)
Gradients of Marker Pointer Property: scales.ranges.markerPointers

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(MarkerPointers => {
mr.gradients(gra => {gra.ColorStop(0).Color("#FFFFFF").Add();})
Not Applicable
Border of Marker Pointer Property: scales.ranges.markerPointers.border

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(MarkerPointers => {mr.Border(bor => {bor.Color("red").Width(2).Add();})
Property: axes.pointers.border

.Axes(axes => axes.pointers(po => po.Value(20)
var border = new { color="red" width="2" };
Animation of Marker Pointer Property: enableMarkerPointerAnimation

Property: axes.pointers.animationDuration

.Axes(axes => axes.pointers(po => po.Value(20)
Type of Marker Pointer Property: scales.ranges.markerPointers.type

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(MarkerPointers => {mr.Type("Diamond")
Property: axes.pointers.markerType

.Axes(axes => axes.pointers(po => po.Value(20)
Placement of Marker Pointer Property: scales.ranges.markerPointers

.Scales(sc => {sc.Ranges(MarkerPointers => {mr.Placement("Near")
Property: axes.pointers.placement

.Axes(axes => axes.pointers(po => po.Value(20)
Drag of Marker Pointer Property: readOnly

Property: axes.pointers.enableDrag

.Axes(axes => axes.pointers(po => po.Value(20)
Image Marker Pointer Not Applicable Property: axes.pointers.imageUrl

.Axes(axes => axes.pointers(po => po.Value(20)


Behavior API in Essential JS 1 API in Essential JS 2
Content Property: scales.customLabels.value

.Scales(sc => {sc.customLabels(cus => {cus.Value("Linear Gauge")
Property: annotations.content

.Annotations(ann => ann.Content("Linear Gauge").Add()).Render()
Horizontal Alignment Not Applicable Property: annotations.horizontalAlignment

.Annotations(ann => ann.HorizontalAlignment("Center").Add()).Render()
Vertical Alignment Not Applicable Property: annotations.verticalAlignment

.Annotations(ann => ann.VerticalAlignment("Center").Add()).Render()
Position of X Property: scales.customLabels.position.x

.Scales(sc => {sc.customLabels(cus => {cus.Position(po => {po.X(20).Add();})
Property: annotations.x

.Annotations(ann => ann.X(35).Add()).Render()
Position of Y Property: scales.customLabels.position.y

.Scales(sc => {sc.customLabels(cus => {cus.Position(po => {po.Y(20).Add();})
Property: annotations.y

.Annotations(ann => ann.Y(35).Add()).Render()
Z Index Not Applicable Property: annotations.zIndex

.Annotations(ann => ann.ZIndex("1").Add()).Render()
Axis Index Not Applicable Property: annotations.axisIndex

.Annotations(ann => ann.AxisIndex("0").Add()).Render()
Axis Value Not Applicable Property: annotations.axisValue

.Annotations(ann => ann.AxisValue("35").Add()).Render()
Font customization Property: scales.customLabels.font

.Scales(sc => {sc.customLabels(cus => {cus.Font(fo => {fo.Size("20px").Add();})
Property: annotations.font

.Annotations(ann => ann.Font(font).Add()).Render()
var font =new {size='12px'}
Annotation Color Property: scales.customLabels.color

.Scales(sc => {sc.customLabels(cus => {cus.Color("Red")
Property: annotations.font.color

.Annotations(ann => ann.Font(font).Add()).Render()
var font =new {color ="red"}
Opacity of Annotation Property: scales.customLabels.opacity

.Scales(sc => {sc.customLabels(cus => {cus.Opacity(0.4)
Property: annotations.font.opacity

.Annotations(ann => ann.Font(font).Add()).Render()
var font =new {opacity ="0.4"}
Position Type Property: scales.customLabels.positionType

.Scales(sc => {sc.customLabels(cus => {cus.PositionType("Outer")
Not applicable
TextAngle of Annotation Property: scales.customLabels.textAngle

.Scales(sc => {sc.customLabels(cus => {cus.TextAngle(25)
Not applicable


Behavior API in Essential JS 1 API in Essential JS 2
Tooltip for Pointer Not Applicable Property: tooltip.enable

.Tooltip(tool => tool.Enable(true).Add()).Render()
Tooltip for Label Property: tooltip.showLabelTooltip

.Scales(sc => {sc.tooltip(tool => {tool.ShowLabelTooltip(true)
Not Applicable
Tooltip Format Not Applicable Property: tooltip.format

.Tooltip(tool => tool.Format(${pointers.value}).Add()).Render()
Tooltip Color Not Applicable Property: tooltip.fill

.Tooltip(tool => tool.Fill("Gray").Add()).Render()
Tooltip Template Property: tooltip.templateID

.Scales(sc => {sc.tooltip(tool => {tool.TemplateId(true)
Property: tooltip.template

.Tooltip(tool => tool.Template("Temaplate").Add()).Render()
Tooltip Animation Not Applicable Property: tooltip.enableAnimation

.Tooltip(tool => tool.EnableAnimation(true).Add()).Render()
Tooltip Border Not Applicable Property: tooltip.border

.Tooltip(tool => tool.Border(border).Add()).Render()
var border = new {width: 2, color: 'red'}
Tooltip TextStyle Not Applicable Property: tooltip.textStyle

.Tooltip(tool => tool.TextStyle("Bold").Add()).Render()

Appearance of Linear Gauge

Behavior API in Essential JS 1 API in Essential JS 2
Background Color Property: backgroundColor

Property: background

Border Color Property: borderColor

Property: border.color

var border= new {color="red"}
Margin Not Applicable Property: margin

var margin= new {left: 40, right: 40, top: 40, bottom: 40}
Orientation Property: orientation

Property: orientation

Locale Property: locale

Property: locale

Theme Property: theme

Property: theme

Gauge Title Not Applicable Property: title


Gauge Container type

Behavior API in Essential JS 1 API in Essential JS 2
Container Type Property: scales.type

.Scales(sc => {sc.Type("Thermometer").Add()})
Property: container.type

.Container(con => con.Type("Thermometer").Add())
Container Height Not Applicable Property: container.height

.Container(con => con.Type("Thermometer").Height(20).Add())
Container Width Not Applicable Property: container.width

.Container(con => con.Type("Thermometer").Width(10).Add())
Container Offset Not Applicable Property: container.offset

.Container(con => con.Type("Thermometer").Offset(5).Add())


Behavior API in Essential JS 1 API in Essential JS 2
Animation Complete Event Not Applicable Event: animationComplete

function animationComplete(args) {}
Annotation Render Event Event: drawCustomLabel

function customLabel(args) {}
Event: annotationRender

function annotationRender(args) {}
AxisLabel Render Event Event: drawLabels

function drawLabels(args) {}
Event: axisLabelRender

function axisLabelRender(args) {}
Load Event Event: load

function load(args) {}
Event: load

function load(args) {}
Loaded Event Not Applicable Event: loaded

function loaded(args) {}
Resize Event Not Applicable Event: resized

function resized(args) {}
Tooltip Render Event Not Applicable Event: tooltipRender

function tooltipRender(args) {}
Value Change Event Not Applicable Event: valueChange

function valueChange(args) {}
Mouse Move Event Event: mouseClickMove

function mouseClickMove(args) {}
Event: gaugeMouseMove

function gaugeMouseMove(args) {}
Mouse Up Event Event: mouseClickUp

function mouseClickUp(args) {}
Event: gaugeMouseUp

function gaugeMouseUp(args) {}
Mouse Down Event Not Applicable Event: gaugeMouseDown

function gaugeMouseDown(args) {}
Mouse Leave Event Not Applicable Event: gaugeMouseLeave

function gaugeMouseLeave(args) {}
Mouse Click Event Event: mouseClick

function mouseClick(args) {}
Not Applicable
Render Complete Event Event: renderComplete

function renderComplete(args) {}
Not Applicable
Double Click Event Event: doubleClick

function doubleClick(args) {}
Not Applicable
Right Click Event Event: rightClick

function rightClick(args) {}
Not Applicable
BarPointers Event Event: drawBarPointers

function drawBarPointers(args) {}
Not Applicable
Indicators Event Event: drawIndicators

function drawIndicators(args) {}
Not Applicable
MarkerPointer Event Event: drawMarkerPointers

function drawMarkerPointers(args) {}
Not Applicable
Ranges Event Event: drawRange

function drawRange(args) {}
Not Applicable
Gauge Initialized Event Event: init

function init(args) {}
Not Applicable