How to troubleshoot compile-time and run-time errors

13 Mar 20241 minute to read

Compile-time error

Cannot find name ‘Map’ in ej2.d.ts: Need to change your target library. Try changing the ‘lib’ compiler option to es2015 or later.

You may see the below error while running the application.


Build:Cannot find name ‘Map’. Do you need to change your target library? Try changing the ‘lib’ compiler option to es2015 or later.


This error is thrown due to not including the required target library for the TypeScript compiler option and it can be resolved by any one of the below solutions.


  1. Using MS build

    By adding the required target dom,es2015 library in TypeScriptLib MSBuild property in your .csproj file as like below, following the TypeScriptToolsVersion tag.



    If tsconfig.json exists in your project, the compiler will prioritize using the specified configuration options from tsconfig.json file. Otherwise, it’ll use the specified configuration options from the project file (.csproj).

    Refer KB Link for more details.

  2. Using tsconfig.json

    By adding the required target library in "compilerOptions" property as like below.

         "compilerOptions": {  
         "target": "ES2015"  