Migration from Essential® JS 1

8 Dec 202423 minutes to read

This article describes the API migration process of Accordion component from Essential® JS 1 to Essential® JS 2.

Circular gauge dimensions

Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Height Property: height

Property: height

Width Property: width

Property: width

Height(In Percentage) Not Applicable Property: height

Width(In Percentage) Not Applicable Property: width


Axis Line

Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Axisline Width Property: scales.size

.Scales(sc => sc.ShowScaleBar(true)
Property: axes.lineStyle.width

.Axes(axes => axes.LineStyle(new CircularGaugeLine
{ Width = 0 }).Add()).Render()
Axisline Color Property: scales.color

.Scales(sc => sc.ShowScaleBar(true)
Property: axes.lineStyle.color

.Axes(axes => axes.LineStyle(new CircularGaugeLine
{ color = 'red' }).Add()).Render()
Axisline BackgroundColor Not Applicable Property: axes.background

.Axes(axes => axes.Background("red")
Axisline Direction Property: scales.direction

.Scales(sc => sc.Direction('CounterClockwise')
Property: axes.direction

.Axes(axes => axes.Direction(GaugeDirection.AntiClockWise)
Axisline Radius Property: scales.radius

.Scales(sc => sc.Radius('150').color('red').Add())
Property: axes.radius

.Axes(axes => axes.Radius(150)
Axisline Startangle Property: scales.startAngle

.Scales(sc => sc.startAngle('150')
Property: axes.startAngle

.Axes(axes => axes.StartAngle(150)
Axisline Endangle Property: scales.sweepAngle

.Scales(sc => sc.sweepAngle('150').color('red')
Property: axes.endAngle

@Html.EJS().CircularGauge("container").Axes(axes => axes.EndAngle(70).Add()).Render()
Minimum Axisvalue Property: scales.minimum

.Scales(sc => sc.Minimum(20)
Property: axes.minimum

.Axes(axes => axes.Minimum(20)
Maximum Axisvalue Property: scales.maximum

.Scales(sc => sc.maximum(200).Add())
Property: axes.maximum

.Axes(axes => axes.Maximum(200)


Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Type of Ticks Property: scales.ticks.type

.Scales(sc => {Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(CircularTickTypes.Major)
Property: axes.majorTicks

.Axes(axes => axes.MajorTicks.Add())
Height of Major Ticks Property: scales.ticks.height

.Scales(sc => {Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(CircularTickTypes.Major)
Property: axes.majorTicks.height

.Axes(axes => axes.MajorTicks(mi => mi.Height(12))
Width of Major Ticks Property: scales.ticks.width

.Scales(sc => {Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(CircularTickTypes.Major)
Property: axes.majorTicks.width

.Axes(axes => axes.MajorTicks(mi => mi.Width(2))
Color of Major Ticks Property: scales.ticks.color

.Scales(sc => {Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(CircularTickTypes.Major)
Property: axes.majorTicks.color

.Axes(axes => axes.MajorTicks(mi => mi.Color("red"))
Offset of Major Ticks Property: scales.ticks.distanceFromScale

.Scales(sc => {Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(CircularTickTypes.Major)
Property: axes.majorTicks.offset

.Axes(axes => axes.MajorTicks(mi => mi.Offset(5))
Angle of Major Ticks Property: scales.ticks.angle

.Scales(sc => {Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(CircularTickTypes.Major)
Not Applicable
Interval of Major Ticks Property: scales.majorIntervalValue

.Scales(sc => {MajorIntervalValue(10)
Property: axes.majorTicks.interval

.Axes(axes => axes.MajorTicks(mi => mi.Interval(2))
Height of Minor Ticks Property: scales.ticks.height

.Scales(sc => {Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(CircularTickTypes.Minor)
Property: axes.minorTicks.height

.Axes(axes => axes.MinorTicks(mi => mi.Height(12))
Width of Minor Ticks Property: scales.ticks.width

.Scales(sc => {Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(CircularTickTypes.Minor)
Property: axes.minorTicks.width

.Axes(axes => axes.MinorTicks(mi => mi.Width(2))
Color of Minor Ticks Property: scales.ticks.color

.Scales(sc => {Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(CircularTickTypes.Minor)
Property: axes.minorTicks.color

.Axes(axes => axes.MinorTicks(mi => mi.Color("red"))
Offset of Minor Ticks Property: scales.ticks.distanceFromScale

.Scales(sc => {Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(CircularTickTypes.Minor)
Property: axes.minorTicks.offset

.Axes(axes => axes.MinorTicks(mi => mi.Offset(5))
Angle of Major Ticks Property: scales.ticks.angle

.Scales(sc => {Ticks(tic => {tic.Type(CircularTickTypes.Minor)
Not Applicable
Interval of Minor Ticks Property: scales.MinorIntervalValue

.Scales(sc => {MinorIntervalValue(10)
Property: axes.minorTicks.interval

.Axes(axes => axes.MinorTicks(mi => mi.Interval(2))


Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Autoangle Property: scales.labels.autoAngle

.Scales(sc => {Labels(lbl => {lbl.showLabels(true)
Property: axes.labelStyle.autoAngle

.Axes(axes => axes.LabelStyle(ls => ls.AutoAngle(true))
Angle Property: scales.labels.angle

.Scales(sc => sc.showLabels(true).Labels(lbl => {lbl.Angle(20)
Not Applicable
Offset Property: scales.labels.distanceFromScales

.Scales(sc => {Labels(lbl => {lbl.DistanceFromScale(10)
Property: axes.labelStyle.offset

.Axes(axes => axes.LabelStyle(ls => ls.Offset(5))
Format Property: scales.labels.unitText

.Scales(sc => {Labels(lbl => {lbl.UnitText("Front")
Property: axes.labelStyle.format

.Axes(axes => axes.LabelStyle(ls => ls.Format("KMPH"))
UnitText Position Property: scales.labels.placement

.Scales(sc => {Labels(lbl => {lbl.Placement("Near")
Property: axes.labelStyle.position

.Axes(axes => axes.LabelStyle(ls => ls.Position(Position.Inside))
Label Range Color Not Applicable Property: axes.labelStyle.useRangeColor

.Axes(axes => axes.LabelStyle(ls => ls.UseRangeColor(true))
LabelText Color Property: scales.labels.color

.Scales(sc => {Labels(lbl => {lbl.Color("red")
Property: axes.labelStyle.font.color

.Axes(axes => axes.LabelStyle(ls => ls.Font(fo => fo.Color("red"))
Opacity Property: scales.labels.opacity

.Scales(sc => {Labels(lbl => {lbl.Opacity(0.2)
Property: axes.labelStyle.font.opacity

.Axes(axes => axes.LabelStyle(ls => ls.Font(fo => fo.Opacity(0.5)))
Label Font Family Property: scales.labels.font.fontFamily

.Scales(sc => {Labels(lbl => {lbl.font('font').Add()})
var font = new {fontFamily="aerial"}
Property: axes.labelStyle.font.fontFamily

.Axes(axes => axes.LabelStyle(ls => ls.Font(fo => fo.FontFamily("Robato")))
Label Font Style Property: scales.labels.font.fontStyle

.Scales(sc => {Labels(lbl => {lbl.font('font')
var font = new {font-style="bold"}
Property: axes.labelStyle.font.fontStyle

.Axes(axes => axes.LabelStyle(ls => ls.Font(fo => fo.FontStyle("Bold")))
Label Font Size Property: scales.labels.font.size

.Scales(sc => {Labels(lbl => {lbl.font('font').Add()})
var font = new {size="12"}
Property: axes.labelStyle.font.size

.Axes(axes => axes.LabelStyle(ls => ls.Font(fo => fo.Size("12")))
Label Font Weight Not Applicable Property: axes.labelStyle.font.fontWeight

.Axes(axes => axes.LabelStyle(ls => ls.Font(fo => fo


Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Start Value Property: scales.ranges.startValue

.Scales(sc => {Ranges(ran => {ran.StartValue(20)
Property: axes.ranges.start

.Axes(axes => axes.Ranges(ran => ran.Start(20))
End Value Property: scales.ranges.endValue

.Scales(sc => {Ranges(ran => {ran.EndValue(30)
Property: axes.ranges.end

.Axes(axes => axes.Ranges(ran => ran.End(30))
Start Width Property: scales.ranges.startWidth

.Scales(sc => {Ranges(ran => {ran.StartWidth(10)
Property: axes.ranges.startWidth

.Axes(axes => axes.Ranges(ran => ran.StartWidth(10))
End Width Property: scales.ranges.endWidth

.Scales(sc => {Ranges(ran => {ran.EndWidth(10)
Property: axes.ranges.endWidth

.Axes(axes => axes.Ranges(ran => ran.EndWidth(10))
Color Property: scales.ranges.backgroundColor

.Scales(sc => {Ranges(ran => {ran.BackgroundColor('red')
Property: axes.ranges.color

.Axes(axes => axes.Ranges(ran => ran.Color("red"))
Offset Property: scales.ranges.distanceFromScale

.Scales(sc => {Ranges(ran => {ran.DistanceFromScale(10))
Not Applicable
Placement Property: scales.ranges.placement

.Scales(sc => {Ranges(ran => {ran.Placement('Far'))
Not Applicable
Opacity Property: scales.ranges.opacity

.Scales(sc => {Ranges(ran => {ran.Opacity(0.5)
Not Applicable
Radius Not Applicable Property: axes.ranges.radius

.Axes(axes => axes.Ranges(ran => ran.Radius("30"))
Rounded Corner Radius Not Applicable Property: axes.ranges.roundedCornerRadius

.Axes(axes => axes.Ranges(ran => ran.RoundedCornerRadius(10)).Add())
Border Property: scales.ranges.border

.Scales(sc => {Ranges(ran => {ran.Border.Color('blue')
Not Applicable

Needle Pointer

Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Needle Pointer Property: scales.pointers.type

.Scales(sc => {Pointers(po => {po.Type(PointerType.Needle)
Property: axes.pointers.type

.Axes(axes => axes.Pointers(pt => pt.Type(PointerType.Needle)
Needle Pointer Color Property: scales.pointers.backgroundColor

.Scales(sc => {Pointers(po => {po.BackgroundColor('red')
Property: axes.pointers.color

.Axes(axes => axes.Pointers(pt => pt.Color("red"))
Animation Property: enableAnimation

Property: axes.pointers.animation

.Axes(axes => axes.Pointers(pt => pt.Animation(true))
Pointer Width Property: scales.pointers.width

.Scales(sc => {Pointers(po => {po.Width(10)
Property: axes.pointers.pointerWidth

.Axes(axes => axes.Pointers(pt => pt.PointerWidth(10))
Pointer Radius Property: scales.pointers.distanceFromScale

.Scales(sc => {Pointers(po => {po.DistanceFromScale(10)
Property: axes.pointers.radius

.Axes(axes => axes.Pointers(pt => pt.Radius("10"))
Opacity Property: scales.pointers.opacity

.Scales(sc => {Pointers(po => {po.Opacity(0.5)
Not Applicable
Needle Type Property: scales.pointers.needleType

.Scales(sc => {Pointers(po => {po.NeedleType("Triangle")
Not Applicable
Back Needle Length Property: scales.pointers.backNeedleLength

.Scales(sc => {Pointers(po => {po.BackNeedleLength(10)
Property: axes.pointers.needleTail.length

.Axes(axes => axes.Pointers(pt => pt.NeedleTail(nd => nd.Length("10")))

Marker Pointer

Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Marker Pointer Property: scales.pointers.type

.Scales(sc => {Pointers(po => {po.Type(PointerType.Marker)
Property: axes.pointers.type

.Axes(axes => axes.Pointers(pt => pt.Type(PointerType.Marker)
Marker Type Property: scales.pointers.markerType

.Scales(sc => {Pointers(po => {po.MarkerType(MarkerType.Diamond)
Property: axes.pointers.markerShape

.Axes(axes => axes.Pointers(pt => pt.Type(PointerType.Marker)
Marker Width Property: scales.pointers.width

.Scales(sc => {Pointers(po => {po.Width(10)
Property: axes.pointers.markerWidth

.Axes(axes => axes.Pointers(pt => pt.Type(PointerType.Marker)
Marker Height Property: scales.pointers.length

.Scales(sc => {Pointers(po => {po.Length(20)
Property: axes.pointers.markerHeight

.Axes(axes => axes.Pointers(pt => pt.Type(PointerType.Marker)
Marker Image Property: scales.pointers.imageUrl

.Scales(sc => {Pointers(po => {po.ImageUrl('a.png')
Property: axes.pointers.imageUrl

.Axes(axes => axes.Pointers(pt => pt.Type(PointerType.Marker)
Border Customization Property: scales.pointers.border

.Scales(sc => {Pointers(po => {po.Border.Color('red')
Property: axes.pointers.border

.Axes(axes => axes.Pointers(pt => pt.Type(PointerType.Marker).Border(bo => bo.Color("red")

Rangebar Pointer

Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Rangebar Not Applicable Property: axes.pointers.type

.Axes(axes => axes.Pointers(pt => pt.Type(PointerType.RangeBar)
Rounded Corner Radius Not Applicable Property: axes.pointers.roundedCornerRadius

.Axes(axes => axes.Pointers(pt => pt.Type(PointerType.RangeBar)


Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Content Property: scales.customLabels.value

.Scales(sc => {CustomLabels(c1 =>
{c1.Value("Circular Gauge")
Property: axes.annotations.content

.Axes(axes => axes.Annotations(an => an.Content("Circular Gauge"))
Angle Property: scales.customLabels.textAngle

.Scales(sc => {CustomLabels(c1 =>
Property: axes.annotations.angle

.Axes(axes => axes.Annotations(an => an.Angle(90))
Font Family Property: scales.customLabels.font.fontFamily

.Scales(sc => {CustomLabels(c1 =>
{c1.Font(fon => fon.
Property: axes.annotations.textStyle.fontFamily

.Axes(axes => axes.Annotations(an => an.TextStyle(text => text.FontFamily("Roboto")))
Font Color Property: scales.customLabels.color

.Scales(sc => {CustomLabels(c1 => {c1.Color('red')
Property: axes.annotations.textStyle.color

.Axes(axes => axes.Annotations(an => an.TextStyle(text => text.Color("Red"))
Auto Angle Not Applicable Property: axes.annotations.autoAngle

.Axes(axes => axes.Annotations(an => an.AutoAngle(true))
Radius Not Applicable Property: axes.annotations.radius

.Axes(axes => axes.Annotations(an => an.Radius("10"))
Annotation Position Property: scales.customLabels.position

.Scales(sc => {CustomLabels(c1 =>
{c1.Position(pos => pos.X(5)
Not Applicable
Annotation Position Type Property: scales.customLabels.positionType

.Scales(sc => {CustomLabels(c1 =>
Not Applicable
ZIndex Not Applicable Property: axes.annotations.zIndex

.Axes(axes => axes.Annotations(an => an.ZIndex("1"))


Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Title Not Applicable Property: title

.Title("Circular Gauge").Render()
Background Color Property: backgroundColor

Property: background

Localization Property: locale

Property: locale

Border Not Applicable Property: border

.Border(bo => bo.Color("red").Width(2)).Render()
Center of X Not Applicable Property: centerX

Center of Y Not Applicable Property: centerY

Theme Property: theme

Property: theme

Margin Not Applicable Property: margin

.Margin(mar => mar.Left(10).Right(10)).Render()


Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Annotation Event Event: drawCustomLabel

function customLabel(args) {}
Event: annotationRender

<script>function annotationRender(args) {}</script>
Label Event Event: drawLabels

function drawLabels(args) {}
Event: axisLabelRender

<script>function axisLabelRender(args) {}</script>
Load Event Event: load

function load(args) {}
Event: load

<script>function load(args) {}</script>
Loaded Event Event: loaded

function loaded(args) {}
Event: loaded

<script>function loaded(args) {}</script>
Tooltip Rendered Event Not Applicable Event: tooltipRender

<script>function tooltipRender(args) {}</script>
Resized Rendered Event Not Applicable Event: resized

function resized(args) {}
Animation Event Not Applicable Event: animationComplete

<script>function animationComplete(args) {}</script>
Mousedown Event Event: mouseClick

function mouseClick(args) {}
Event: gaugeMouseDown

<script>function gaugeMouseDown(args) {}</script>
Mousemove Event Event: mouseClickMove

function mouseClickMove(args) {}
Event: gaugeMouseLeave

<script>function gaugeMouseLeave(args) {}</script>
Mouseup Event Event: mouseClickUp

function mouseClickUp(args) {}
Event: gaugeMouseUp

<script>function gaugeMouseUp(args) {}</script>
Pointerdrag Move Event Event: drawPointers

function drawPointers(args) {}
Event: dragMove

<script>function dragMove(args) {}</script>
Draw Range Event Event: drawRange

function drawRange(args) {}
Not Applicable
Draw Ticks Event Event: drawTicks

function drawTicks(args) {}
Not Applicable
Legend Render Event Event: legendItemRender

function legendItemRender(args) {}
Not Applicable
Animation Complete Event Not Applicable Event: animationComplete

<script>function animationComplete(args) {}</script>
Right Click Event Event: rightClick

function rightClick(args) {}
Not Applicable
Double Click Event Event: doubleClick

function doubleClick(args) {}
Not Applicable