• Material 3
  • Fluent
  • Bootstrap v5
  • Tailwind CSS
  • High Contrast
Theme Selection
Theme Modes
Mode Selection
*Translated by Google Translator.

Example of Smart Axis Labels in ASP.NET MVC Chart Control

This example shows the smart label placement for the chart axis labels.

Intersect Action:
Edge Label Placement:
Label Position:
Enable Trim:
Maximum Label Width:

In this example, you can see how the axis labels are smartly arranged when they overlap with each other using the LabelIntersectAction property in the axis.

The following are the LabelIntersectAction property values and their behaviors:

  • Hide - Hide the label when it intersects.
  • Trim - Trim the label when it intersects.
  • Wrap - Wrap the label when it intersects.
  • MultipleRows - Arrange the label in multiple row when it intersect.
  • Rotate45 - Rotate the label to 45 degree when it intersects.
  • Rotate90 - Rotate the label to 90 degree when it intersects.
  • None - Shows all the labels.

Chart handles edge labels placement using the EdgeLabelPlacement property. Its values and their behaviors are:

  • None - No action is performed.
  • Hide - Edge label is hidden.
  • Shift - Shifts the edge labels.

More information on the smart axis labels can be found in this documentation section.

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