• Material 3
  • Fluent
  • Fluent 2
  • Bootstrap 5
  • Tailwind CSS
  • High Contrast
  • Fluent 2 High Contrast
Mode Selection
Theme Selection
Theme Mode
*Translated by Google Translator.

Example of Format Painter in ASP.NET Core Rich Text Editor Control

This demo demonstrates the Format Painter feature of the Rich Text Editor control. With Format Painter, copy and apply styles from one content to another.

Allowed Formats
Denied Formats

The Format Painter feature allows you to copy the formats and apply them to content without formatting thus saving time to reformat the content.

  • Format painter can be accessed via the toolbar or the keyboard shortcuts.
  • The sticky mode can be enabled by double-clicking the toolbar button, and it can be utilized to apply a format to multiple locations.

Keyboard Shortcut

  • ALT + SHIFT + C - Copy the selection format or current range.
  • ALT + SHIFT + V - Paint the copied format.
  • ESC - Remove the previously copied format and disable the sticky mode.

The following settings are available to customize the format painter in the formatPainterSettings property.

  • Fill the Allowed Formats input with selectors only whose format styles will be allowed. For example:

    • span; strong; em; as the input allows only the span, strong, and em format styles to be copied.
  • Fill the Denied Formats input with selectors only whose format styles will be explicitly prohibited. For example:

    • span(important)[title]{{background-color,color} as the input will remove only the important class, title attribute, color and background-color of the span element. All other format styles will be copied.
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