• Material 3
  • Fluent
  • Fluent 2
  • Bootstrap 5
  • Tailwind CSS
  • High Contrast
  • Fluent 2 High Contrast
Mode Selection
Theme Selection
Theme Mode
*Translated by Google Translator.

Example of OLAP in ASP.NET Core Pivot Table Control

This sample demonstrates the rendering of a pivot table bound to an online SSAS OLAP cube as its data source. OLAP cube elements like dimension, hierarchy, measure, and others can be arranged in row, column, value, and slicer axes to create desired views at runtime.


In this example, users can explore all of an OLAP cube and its elements and view the resultant report in a pivot table or pivot chart at runtime. Grouping bar and field list options are included for exploring the data. Along with these, toolbar options are included for switching to the pivot chart, performing report manipulation, and more:

Create new report: Allows user to create new reports at runtime.
Rename report: Allows user to change current report name dynamically through UI.
Remove report: Allows user to remove current report from the report collection at runtime.
Save as option: Allows user to save report locally in browser memory.
Report list: Swap between reports within the report collection.
Pivot Table: Allows user to view data in cross-tabulation format.
Pivot Chart and its types: Allows user to view data in graphical format. The chart types include column, bar, line, area, etc. It also has options for showing and hiding legends and displaying chart series of different measures on single and multiple axes.
Show MDX query: View the MDX query of the current pivot table that is used to fetch the data from the cube.
Export: Provides options to save data in PDF, Excel, and CSV document types.
Hide subtotals and grand totals: Hide grand totals and subtotals based on hierarchies in rows and columns.
Conditional formatting: Allows user to customize cells base on certain conditions.
PivotTable Field List: Provides option to alter the report dynamically through UI.
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