Example of Default Filtering in ASP.NET Core Gantt Chart Control

Gantt Chart
Default Filtering

This sample visualizes the manned lunar mission, which landed the first human on the Moon using the Apollo 11 spacecraft in the year 1969. It also demonstrates the filtering feature available in the Gantt chart. You can filter a particular column using the filter menu available in the columns. This sample is also enabled with the toolbar searching option to filter the Gantt content across all the columns.

Launch and flight to lunar orbit
07/16/2024 03:32:0085.82 hours07/19/2024 05:21:00
Apollo 11 blasts off from launch pad
07/16/2024 03:32:000 hours07/16/2024 03:32:00
Entry to earth’s orbit
07/16/2024 03:32:000.2 hours07/16/2024 03:44:002FS
Travelling in earth’s orbit
07/16/2024 03:44:000.64 hours07/16/2024 04:22:133FS
Trajectory change toward the Moon
07/16/2024 04:22:130.5 hours07/16/2024 04:52:004FS
extraction maneuver performed
07/16/2024 04:52:000 hours07/16/2024 04:52:005FS
Travelling toward moon and entering into lunar orbit
07/16/2024 04:52:0011.5 hours07/16/2024 04:21:506FS
Midcourse correction, sharpening the course and testing the engine
07/16/2024 11:22:006 hours07/17/2024 05:21:50
Reached half the distance spanning between earth and moon
07/17/2024 05:22:002.65 hours07/17/2024 08:00:50
Reached 3/4th distance spanning between earth and moon
07/17/2024 08:02:0020.33 hours07/18/2024 04:21:50
Reached distance 45000 miles from moon
07/18/2024 11:20:0018.02 hours07/19/2024 05:21:00
Lunar descent
07/19/2024 05:21:0026.93 hours07/20/2024 08:16:40
Lunar orbiting (30 orbits)
07/19/2024 05:21:0019.5 hours07/20/2024 12:51:1011FS
Landing site identified
07/20/2024 12:51:100 hours07/20/2024 12:51:1013FS
Eagle separated from Columbia
07/20/2024 05:44:000 hours07/20/2024 05:44:00
Eagle’s decent to Moon
07/20/2024 05:44:002.54 hours07/20/2024 08:16:40
07/20/2024 08:17:406.89 hours07/21/2024 03:11:00
Eagle’s touch down
07/20/2024 08:17:400 hours07/20/2024 08:17:40
Radio communication and Performing post landing checklist
07/20/2024 08:17:403.42 hours07/20/2024 11:43:00
Preparations for EVA (Extra Vehicular Activity)
07/20/2024 11:43:002.94 hours07/21/2024 02:39:33
Hatch open and climbing down the moon
07/21/2024 02:39:330.28 hours07/21/2024 02:56:15
Armstrong stepped down on the moon
07/21/2024 02:56:150.25 hours07/21/2024 03:11:00
Lunar surface operations
07/21/2024 02:56:151.9 hours07/21/2024 04:50:00
Soil sample collections
07/21/2024 02:56:150.25 hours07/21/2024 03:11:00
Aldrin joined Armstrong
07/21/2024 03:11:000.5 hours07/21/2024 03:41:00
planted the Lunar Flag Assembly
07/21/2024 03:41:000.08 hours07/21/2024 03:46:00
President Richard Nixon’s telephone-radio transmission
07/21/2024 03:48:000.05 hours07/21/2024 03:51:00
Collect rock samples, photos and other mission controls
07/21/2024 03:52:000.97 hours07/21/2024 04:50:00
Lunar ascent
07/21/2024 04:51:0016.73 hours07/21/2024 09:35:00
Climbing the eagle to ascent
07/21/2024 04:51:000.15 hours07/21/2024 05:00:00
Hatch closing
07/21/2024 05:01:000 hours07/21/2024 05:01:00
Final housekeeping
07/21/2024 05:02:002.97 hours07/21/2024 08:00:00
Resting of astronauts
07/21/2024 08:00:007 hours07/21/2024 03:00:00
Preparation for lift off and Ascent engine started
07/21/2024 03:00:002.9 hours07/21/2024 05:54:00
Eagle lifted off
07/21/2024 05:54:003.48 hours07/21/2024 09:23:00
Eagle’s travel toward Columbia
07/21/2024 09:24:000.18 hours07/21/2024 09:35:00
07/16/2024 09:24:00122.28 hours07/21/2024 11:41:00
Eagle docked with Columbia
07/16/2024 09:24:000.18 hours07/16/2024 09:35:00
Eagle’s ascent stage jettisoned into lunar orbit
07/21/2024 09:35:002.1 hours07/21/2024 11:41:00
Decent toward earth and splashdown
07/21/2024 11:50:0065.02 hours07/24/2024 04:51:00
Spacecraft reaches 1/4th distance spanning between moon and earth
07/21/2024 11:50:0016.83 hours07/22/2024 04:40:00
Spacecraft travels to midway point of journey
07/22/2024 04:00:0024 hours07/23/2024 04:00:00
Spacecraft travels to 3/4th point of journey
07/23/2024 04:40:0017.33 hours07/24/2024 10:00:00
Crew prepares for splashdown
07/24/2024 11:47:004.55 hours07/24/2024 04:20:00
Command and service modules separates
07/24/2024 04:20:000.25 hours07/24/2024 04:35:00
Command module re-enters the Earth’s atmosphere
07/24/2024 04:35:000.25 hours07/24/2024 04:50:00
Spacecraft splashes near USS hornet
07/24/2024 04:51:000 hours07/24/2024 04:51:00
Launch and flight to lunar orbit
Apollo 11 blasts off from launch pad
Entry to earth’s orbit
Travelling in earth’s orbit
Trajectory change toward the Moon
extraction maneuver performed
Travelling toward moon and entering into lunar orbit
Midcourse correction, sharpening the course and testing the engine
Reached half the distance spanning between earth and moon
Reached 3/4th distance spanning between earth and moon
Reached distance 45000 miles from moon
Lunar descent
Lunar orbiting (30 orbits)
Landing site identified
Eagle separated from Columbia
Eagle’s decent to Moon
Eagle’s touch down
Radio communication and Performing post landing checklist
Preparations for EVA (Extra Vehicular Activity)
Hatch open and climbing down the moon
Armstrong stepped down on the moon
Lunar surface operations
Soil sample collections
Aldrin joined Armstrong
planted the Lunar Flag Assembly
President Richard Nixon’s telephone-radio transmission
Collect rock samples, photos and other mission controls
Lunar ascent
Climbing the eagle to ascent
Hatch closing
Final housekeeping
Resting of astronauts
Preparation for lift off and Ascent engine started
Eagle lifted off
Eagle’s travel toward Columbia
Eagle docked with Columbia
Eagle’s ascent stage jettisoned into lunar orbit
Decent toward earth and splashdown
Spacecraft reaches 1/4th distance spanning between moon and earth
Spacecraft travels to midway point of journey
Spacecraft travels to 3/4th point of journey
Crew prepares for splashdown
Command and service modules separates
Command module re-enters the Earth’s atmosphere
Spacecraft splashes near USS hornet
Filter Type
Hierarchy Mode

The filtering feature enables the user to view reduced amount of records based on filter criteria. The column menu filtering can be enabled by setting the allowFiltering property as true and toolbar search box can be enabled by including the search item in the toolbar property.

Gantt supports the following filter types. They are

  • Menu
  • Excel
Gantt chart also provides support for a set of filtering modes with hierarchyMode property. The filter modes available in the Gantt chart are as follows.
  1. Parent - This is the default filter hierarchy mode in Gantt chart. The filtered records are displayed with their parent records. If the filtered records do not have any parent record, then the filtered record alone will be displayed.
  2. Child - The filtered records are displayed with their child record. If the filtered records do not have any child records, then only the filtered records will be displayed.
  3. Both - The filtered records are displayed with both their parent and child records. If the filtered records do not have any parent and child records, then only the filtered records will be displayed.
  4. None - Only the filtered records will be displayed.

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