Dialog Editing in ASP.NET CORE Tree Grid Component

21 Dec 20221 minute to read

In Dialog edit mode, when you start editing the currently selected row, data will be shown on a dialog. You can change the cell values and save edited data to the data source.

To enable Dialog edit, set the mode property of e-treegrid-editsettings tag helper as Dialog.

<ejs-treegrid id="TreeGrid" dataSource="@ViewBag.datasource" height="400" childMapping="Children" treeColumnIndex="1" toolbar="@(new List<string>() { "Add", "Edit", "Delete", "Update", "Cancel" })">
    <e-treegrid-editsettings allowAdding="true" allowEditing="true" allowDeleting="true" mode="Dialog"></e-treegrid-editsettings>
        <e-treegrid-column field="TaskId" headerText="Task ID" isPrimaryKey="true" textAlign="Right" width="100"></e-treegrid-column>
        <e-treegrid-column field="TaskName" headerText="Task Name" editType="stringedit" width="190"></e-treegrid-column>
        <e-treegrid-column field="StartDate" headerText="Start Date" editType="datepickeredit" textAlign="Right" format="yMd" type="date" width="130"></e-treegrid-column>
        <e-treegrid-column field="Duration" headerText="Duration" editType="numericedit" textAlign="Right" width="120"></e-treegrid-column>
public IActionResult Index()
    var tree = TreeData.GetDefaultData();
    ViewBag.datasource = tree;
    return View();


You can refer to our ASP.NET Core Tree Grid feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our ASP.NET Core Tree Grid example ASP.NET Core Tree Grid example to knows how to present and manipulate data.