Essential Studio for ASP.NET CORE Release Notes
February 25, 2025
Bug Fixes
- Page break before is now applied properly to the paragraph while converting a Word to PDF. -
- Image is now preserved properly while converting a Word to PDF with frame. -
- Textbox within group shape is now preserved properly while converting DOCX to PDF. -
- RTL text is now reordered properly in Word to PDF conversion based on the bidirectional tag. -
- Nested table border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF. -
- Table height is now preserved properly while converting HTML to DOCX. -
- The paragraph in the table cell with a first-line indent is now preserved properly while converting a Word to PDF. -
- Paragraph with first line indent is now wrapped properly while converting a Word to PDF. -
- Image with lowered position is now properly aligned while converting a Word to PDF. -
- Hyperlink text color is now preserved properly while resaving the DOCX document. -
- Hanging issues will no longer occur while disposing documents. -
– The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown while comparing DOCX documents containing fields inside Inline content control. -
- TextFormField is now preserved properly while moving from InlineContentControl to paragraph. -
– TIFF format image is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF. - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document with cropped TIFF image to PDF.
- WMF Image records is now preserved properly while converting WMF file to SKBitmap Image.
Bug fixes
- Inon-demand filtering
, filter dialog in a grouped grid with existing filters did not show all distinct values issue has been resolved. -
- The issue where theon-demand filtering
feature did not function correctly when using aforeign key
column has been resolved. -
- Resolved an issue where the row was selected while editing a cell in batch mode, even whencheckboxOnly
was enabled. -
- Fixed an issue where a duplicateAPI
call occurred during virtual scrolling. -
- Resolved an issue where bottom whitespace appeared after fully scrolling down on the initial virtual grid load.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where an exception occurred when retrieving the destination from the PdfLoadedDocumentLinkAnnotation. -
- Fixed the issue where the TextMarkupAnnotation was not exported properly when exporting to JSON format. -
- Fixed the issue where a NullReferenceException occurred while merging the PDF document.
Bug Fixes
- Access violation exception no longer be thrown while converting a Emf to image.
Bug Fixes
- Exception will no longer be thrown when applying sorting to existing filtered data. -
- The YearToDate and LastWeek operators in the dynamic filter are now functioning correctly. -
- The Range.Number and IMigrantRange.Number properties now return NaN for blank cells in XLS files. -
- Exact formulas are now returned without the addition of the “_xlws” prefix for Excel functions like FILTER and SORT. -
- Hyperlinks are now properly cleared from the specified range when using the Clear method. -
- The DisplayText and Value properties now return correct values for invalid dates.
Note : The bug or feature items that do not have a corresponding ID associated with them are internally identified.